Bergamo Film Meeting (0)

Fechas Límite

20 jul 2015

04 dic 2015
Festival Cerrado

11 ene 2016
Fecha de notificación

05 mar 2016
13 mar 2016


Via Pignolo 123,  24121, Bergamo, BG, Italia

Descripción del festival
Festival de cortometrajes >10'
Festival de largometrajes >60'

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Cualquier género
 Cualquier tema
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Ubicación física
 enero 2014
 Países de producción: Requerido
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cortometrajes  >10'
 Largometrajes  >60'
 Cualquier idioma
Inglés Italiano
Compartir en Redes Sociales


Inicio Festival: 05 marzo 2016      Fin Festival: 13 marzo 2016

The 2016 edition will offer many different sections, including a feature‐film competition, a retrospective exhibition, many premieres and tributes to great directors of the past, a documentary section, recently produced films and rediscovered classics, art exhibitions and installations, special screening sessions for schools, animation films, workshops, lectures, Q&As with the authors... and much more.
Among the most eagerly awaited cultural events in Bergamo, BFM is a major event in the Italian Festival calendar and a great opportunity not only to meet film professionals, but also for research and study, as well as for genuine, passion‐driven fun.

Premios en Metálico: 5,000€

International feature film competition: BERGAMO FILM MEETING prize (worth € 5.000) will be awarded to the best film's production company.
CLOSE UP is documentary and research film exhibition, not competitive.


1.1 Bergamo Film Meeting - International Film Festival is promoted and organized by Bergamo Film Meeting Onlus Association, via Pignolo, 123 – Bergamo, Italy, tel. +39 035 363087, fax +39 035 341255, website, e-mail

1.2 The Association’s main purpose is to promote the knowledge and diffusion of films of distinguished artistic and cultural qualities, which ought to have a wider public but have some difficulties in finding distribution in Italy.

1.3 The 34th Bergamo Film Meeting will take place from 5th to 13th March, 2016.

1.4 The Festival will be composed of the following sections:
• Competition-Exhibition Section: an international competitive section reserved for fiction feature films;
• Close-Up Section: an international exhibition reserved for creative documentary;
• A Monographic Section, devoted to an emerging author or an emerging cinematography;
• A Retrospective Section;
• Special Programmes and events, tribute sections, previews, and/or other events approved by the Association.


2.1 The Festival’s Programme Committee selects the films for every section. The Committee’s selection is final and binding.


a The Competition-Exhibition Section is reserved for fiction feature films (min. 60 minutes) completed after 1st January, 2014. The following formats and video systems are admitted: 16mm, 35mm, video DCP, File, Blu-ray and HDCam.

b Films selected for the Competition Section must not have been distributed or presented in Italy yet, with exceptions that might be permitted on a case-by-case basis by the Selection Committee. Entering a film for Bergamo Film Meeting implies stating under personal responsibility which manifestations it has already been presented at.

c If a film is selected for Bergamo Film Meeting, it cannot in any way or form be presented in Italy prior to its screening at Bergamo Film Meeting.


a No entry fee is required. To submit a film for selection, a preview DVD or link (protected by password, valid until the end of the Festival) accompanied by informative documentation (a synopsis of the film, a bio-filmography of the director, at least 2 photographs/stills of film scenes) and by an entry form duly filled in and signed, must be sent no later than 4th December, 2015 to the following address:
BERGAMO FILM MEETING • Via Pignolo, 123 • I-24121 Bergamo • Italy •

If sending a parcel express, please use the following customs declaration: “Without commercial value, for cultural purposes only”.

b DVD and informative documentation must be sent at senders’ own expense. DVDs and documentation will not be returned and will become part of the BFM Fund at the Alasca Foundation Archives (Bergamo).


a The Close Up Section is of non-competitive character. Selection is reserved for creative documentary (min. 10 minutes) completed after 1st January, 2014. The following formats and video systems are admitted: 16mm, 35mm, video DCP, File, Blu-ray and HDCam.

b Works of the following character are not eligible for selection in the Close Up Section: tourist promotion, making-of, current affairs report, television news, docu-soaps, video art, music videos, theatre and dance videos.

c The films presented in the Close Up Section must not have been distributed in Italy.


a No entry fee is required. To submit a film for selection, a preview DVD or link (protected by password, valid until the end of the Festival), accompanied by informative documentation (a synopsis of the film, a bio-filmography of the director, at least 2 photographs/stills of film scenes) and by an entry form duly filled in and signed, must be sent no later than 4th December, 2015 to the following address:
BERGAMO FILM MEETING • Via Pignolo, 123 • I-24121 Bergamo • Italy •

If sending a parcel express, please use the following customs declaration: “Without commercial value, for cultural purposes only”.

b DVD and informative documentation must be sent at senders’ own expense. DVDs and documentation will not be returned and will become part of the BFM Fund at the Alasca Foundation Archives (Bergamo).


The best three films of the Competition-Exhibition selection will be awarded prizes according to Bergamo Film Meeting’s audience preferences. Prizes will be given to the directors during a special event at the conclusion of the Festival. Bergamo Film Meeting will award the production company of the best movie of the Competition-Exhibition with the BERGAMO FILM MEETING prize (5000 euro pre-tax).
Other prizes and/or awards sponsored by public institutions or private funds will follow special regulations approved by the same institutions and/or funds.


3.1 Screening programmes and screening times are decided by the Festival’s organizers.

3.2 Foreign films will be screened in the original version with Italian subtitles. A print with English subtitles is required for films that are not in English.


4.1 All prints must be forwarded no later than 25th February, 2016, and must remain available to the Festival until 18th March, 2016. Delivery delays may be authorised by the organizers in allegedly exceptional cases only.

4.2 Shipment expenses will be charged to Bergamo Film Meeting. Senders are requested to follow the Festival’s shipping instructions and to inform the Festival about their shipping method and date, shipping code or flight and Airway bill number. Senders should also fax a copy of proper forwarding papers and pro-forma invoice (for customs clearance purposes only).

4.3 Bergamo Film Meeting will take charge of return shipment costs unless the film must be returned to another festival or a different destination entailing additional costs to the outward shipment cost.

4.4 All prints will be returned within two weeks after the Festival ends. If the film is to be returned to a different address, this has to be marked on the entry form (or sent by fax or email) along with the desired return delivery date.

4.5 The Festival is responsible for the prints from the moment of their arrival at the Festival’s office to the moment of their return shipment. In any case of damage or loss during the festival, the liability of the Festival is only limited to the reimbursement of a new print, or the replacement of damaged reel(s), based on current Italian laboratory standard-print prices.


5.1 In order to be included in the official catalogue and to allow film promotion, each company presenting a film must supply Bergamo Film Meeting no later than 4th February, 2016 with the following documentation (in case they have not sent it yet):
• full cast and technical credits
• synopsis of the film
• brief synopsis in English (max 500 characters)
• complete dialogue list in English or French
• director’s biography and full filmography
• interviews and/or statements by the director concerning the film and its shooting
• press clips and international reviews
• a full range of stills – the publication of which must be authorised and free of charge – to be used in the catalogue and made available to the press
• at least one photograph of the director
• posters, film-scene stills or any other kind of promotional material.

The above must be sent to: e-mail: BERGAMO FILM MEETING • Via Pignolo, 123 • I-24121 Bergamo • Italy •

5.2 Bergamo Film Meeting reserves the right to distribute trailers (max 5 min.) of the selected films, in relation to promotion of the Festival and at the discretion of the same, on television (including satellite) and on the Internet (on the official website of Festival and on sites linked to it, as Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Alasca Foundation, Bfm Media Box...).

5.3 The directors of the competition selection’s films will be invited as guests of Bergamo Film Meeting for 4 days (3 nights). Bergamo Film Meeting will cover their travelling expenses within bounds and conditions established by the Festival Organizers.

The directors of the Close Up selection’s films will be invited as guests of Bergamo Film Meeting for 3 days (2 nights). Bergamo Film Meeting will cover their travelling expenses within bounds and conditions established by the Festival Organizers.

The invitation is personal and not transferable.

5.4 Unless otherwise agreed upon, Bergamo Film Meeting office may arrange further presentations of subtitled works in other Italian locations. Such presentations are meant exclusively as a promotional vehicle for the film(s).

5.5 The Festival thanks in advance directors, producers and distributors of the films selected and awarded in Bergamo Film Meeting, that will put the official logo of the Festival in the opening credits and in all film’s promotional materials.


The above regulations are printed in Italian and English. Should any controversy arise, the Italian version will be trusted. Participation to Bergamo Film Meeting entails unconditional acceptance of all articles of the above regulations. Any matter not considered by the above regulations will be dealt with by the Consiglio Direttivo of Bergamo Film Meeting.
Any legal dispute will fall within the Jurisdiction of the Court of Bergamo.



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