ChildrenKinoFest (0)

Fechas Límite

15 oct 2016

30 abr 2017
Festival Cerrado

10 may 2017
Fecha de notificación

27 may 2017
05 jun 2017


shekavitska,  04071, Kiev, Kiev, Ucrania

Descripción del festival
Festival de largometrajes >60'

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Ubicación física
 enero 2014
 Países de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Largometrajes  >60'
Ruso Ucraniano
Inglés Ruso Ucraniano
Compartir en Redes Sociales


Inicio Festival: 27 mayo 2017      Fin Festival: 05 junio 2017

Children KinoFest is an annual international festival of films aimed at children and teenagers, founded in Kyiv, Ukraine in 2017.

The festival takes place at the end of May, and is held in various Ukrainian cities.

Awards for the best film of our competitive program


I. Children Kinofest (further – Festival) – International film festival for children and
adolescents that was established to bring up a new generation of moviegoers in Ukraine,
develop of cultural leisure and promote the art of cinema.

II. The founder of the festival is Arthouse Traffic film company.

III. The festival is held in more than 10 cities of Ukraine, festival Center is located in Kyiv.

IV. 4th Children Kinofest festival will take place on May 26 – June 4, 2017.

V. Festival program consists of the following sections: Competition program, out of
competition screenings and special events.


A. In the international competition program includes selected feature films (> 60 min.) High
artistic quality, targeted at children older than 4 years, production of which is completed
after 1 January 2014.

B. Applications for participation in the international competition program are accepted free of charge up to 30 April 2016. To apply you must fill out a form on the official festival website. Films submitted to participation in the international competition program may also be invited to be screened out of competition.

C. 7 full-length feature films are selected to participate in the international competition
program. Selection of the contestant's films is led by a program director of the festival.

D. Information on the final list of films participating in the International competition program is published on the official website of the festival two weeks before the festival.

E. The best film of International competition program is chosen by direct audience voting.

The winner is a film that got the highest score.

F. The winning film representatives are awarded a diploma and a memorial sign at the
closing ceremony of the festival.


A. Retrospective screenings – a film for children and youth dedicated to the authors,
studios or schools that have earned international recognition.



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