Inicio Festival: 02 octubre 2018
Fin Festival: 06 octubre 2018
From 2nd to 6th October 2018, the cultural association Etranger, is proud to present the third edition of Etranger Film Festival. The aim of the event is to exploit the culture of diversity, encouraging global integration in respect of ethnical, cultural, social, religious, sexual and gender peculiarities, by means of cinematic expression. The festival's main goal is that of encouraging emerging authors who manage to distinguish themselves formally and stylistically
Premios en Metálico: 1,200€
- “L’ètranger” Award to the best short film, given by a technical, qualified jury composed by at least three members, nominated by the Festival Curators, worth 800,00 Euro
- “Le Barisien” award to the best short movie, given by a popular jury, worth 400,00 Euro
1.The “Etranger” cultural association presents the third edition of the “Etranger Film Festival” , the international festival about short and full length movies. It will take place in Gioia del Colle (Bari, Italy), from the 2nd to the 6 th of October 2018.
2. The main aim of the event is to promote the cultural differences through all forms of visual art, facilitating global integration as well as respect all the ethnic, cultural, social, religious, gender features. This festival wants to encourage emerging talents with original styles and forms of creation of movies.
3.The festival consists of an international competition and a series of events which are connected to topics, authors and tendencies aiming to develope the mission of the association.
The international competition is opened to movies of whichever duration, genre (fiction and animated films, documentaries) completed after the 1st of January 2017 (referring to the date of the first public screening). Any national and international movie will be admitted.
The artistic directors will nominate a qualified jury, composed at least by three people, whose duty will be to assign the following awards:
- “L’ètranger”awarded to the best movie, given by a technical, qualified jury composed by at least three members (journalists, directors, critics, actors), nominated by the Festival Curators composed by experts, worth 800,00Euro
-“Le Barisien” awarded to the best short movie, given by a popular jury, worth 400,00 Euro
4.CRITERIA OF ADMISSION The movies presented to the competition must respect, under penalty of exclusion, the relevance to the topic: the diversity, discussed in all its form: ethnic, cultural, social, religious, genre. Max 2 movies per author, but only one will be selected for the competition. The inscription film is worth 10 euro per movie. The artistic directors of the festival will have unquestionable judgment about the relevance to the topic of the author’s movie.
5.REGISTRATION AND DEADLINE The registration to the Festival must be done through the portal “Click for festival” and “Festhome”
THE DEADLINE is established as of 01 september 2018. MOVIES OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE DIFFERENT FROM ENGLISH must partecipate with english subtitles.
6. The movies selected to take part to the competition will be informed within the 15th of September 2018. The owner of the non-italian movies must strictly agree to provide the movie in original language with a list of the dialogues in english with timecode.
The selected movies must be sent to the legal office of the association Etranger provided with all of their technical and information material within the 22 th of September 2018 to the address “Associazione Culturale Etranger” via Ugo Bassi 2/B, 70023 Gioia del Colle (BA) ITALY.
7.The organizers of the event reserve the right to use for promotional purpose all the material sent to the legal office. The participation to the festival implies the full agreement to this rules. Whichever irregularity or breach will eliminate the movie from the second edition of “Etranger Film Festival”. Every author empowers the organizers of the festival to use the data in their participation form only for the purposes of the event. The organizers will also unquestionably select the movies. The authors of the selected movies will be invited to Gioia del Colle to participate to the festival and put into contact with accredited structures that will host them at promotional prices. All the works that will be sent will make part of the archives of Etranger Film Festival. Every author is responsible about the content of his movie.
All the delivery costs of the selected movies will be charged by the organizers of the festival, unless otherwise specified by indicating it to the Programming Office. This Regulation has been drawn up in italian and english. For misunderstanding problems refer to the italian version. The artistic directors of the festival can solve the issues that are not present in this Regulation. Any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation or execution of this contract the territorial jurisdiction is of the Court of Bari (BA).
9. Ètranger Film Festival does not fit into the category of competitions and award operations, according to D.P.R. 26/10/01 n. 430 (rules for competitions and award operations), art.6(exclusions):“Competitions for literary, artistic and scientific works for which the award given to the chosen work represents the acknowledgement of personal merit or a title of encouragement in the interest of the community. Both prizes will be awarded to the director of the winning work. ”Those who take part in the competition, according to D.Lgs 196/2003, declare to be fully informed of the goals and methods of data treatment, given with awareness in the submission form, and authorizes their archiving in the database of Etranger Film Festival. Those who take part in the competition declare to have full ownership of the asset exploitation rights of law 633/1941, on the film work submitted to the hereby Festival.
short movie
Cortometrajes >5' 25'<
Tasa Estándar10€ -8% 9.2€
Fecha límite de inscripción
01 sep 18
full length movie
Corto y Largometrajes >50' 120'<
Tasa Estándar10€ -8% 9.2€
Fecha límite de inscripción
01 sep 18
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