Inicio Festival: 13 noviembre 2018
Fin Festival: 17 noviembre 2018
"LFF - Lamezia Film Fest " is a cinematographic festival that has come to the fifth edition, in the suggestive setting of Chiostro San Domenico in the center of Lamezia Terme, at middle of Calabria. Inside the Festival there's a competitive section, "COLPO D'OCCHIO", reserved for short films of any kind and nationality of the maximum duration of 30''. The section is divided in two part: an international competition, in wich the winner will receive a cash prize, a winning plate and will enter the official React Film Fest Official Selection; and an calabrian competition, in wich the first wins a free distribution from Calabria Film Commission.
In addition, the jury award given by the UNA association will be awarded.
Premios en Metálico: 300€
1-International short film (ann. A). For this section, will be awarded the following
- Best Short Film Award:
Winner plate + free registration at ReactFilmFest 2019 + € 300,oo
-second best short film Award:
Winner plate + free registration at Pentadattilo Film Fest 2019
- Special Jury Prize: Winner Plate
- Best Director Award: Winner Plate
- Best Actor Prize: Winner Plate
- Best Actress Award: Winner Plate
- People's Jury Award Association UNA
2-Calabrian short film (ann. B). For this section, will be awarded the following
- Best Short Film Award:
Winner plate + free distribution on territory by Film Commission Calabria
Within the 4th edition of the Lamezia Terme Film Festival (LFF4), the Cultural Association "Strade Perdute" launches the competition for short films called "COLPO D'OCCHIO".
Art. 2
The works must be sent via link (vimeo, youtube, wetransfer etc.) at the following email address: ; or through the Festhome platform (
Short films must be sent no later than the following date: 15.10.2018.
By that date, it will be necessary to post, necessarily, to be admitted to the competition (subject to exclusion):
- the registration form (ann. A or B) by mail to the following e-mail address:;
- its work as specified in this art. 2;
- registration fee, as specified in art. 4.
Art. 3
Each author may participate with up to two works, subject to exclusion. All works of authors of any nationality (Italian or foreign) of up to 30 minutes in any language can be accepted. Non-Italian works should be accompanied by subtitles in Italian. Pornographic projects are excluded or racial or ethnic violence is exempt, which is contrary to respect for human rights, animal rights, the security of persons and freedom of expression. In case of exclusion from the competition for the failure to comply with all the above requirements, the registration fee referred to in art. 4 will not be refunded.
Art. 4
Participation in the competition requires an entry fee of € 10, oo (or $ 11,81) for a single short film. At the time of registration you will be required to complete all the fields provided in the card (personal data, contacts, bio, synopsis, photo film, photo director) as set out in annex A or B.
Accepted formats: mpg4 / mov - codec: H264 (up to 2GB).
Art. 5
Incomplete or illegible works will not be considered. The signatory of registration declares to be the owner of all the rights of use of the work and of each of its members; ensures that its contents are in its availability and do not violate existing laws or regulations or third party rights and in particular copyright, right to image, trademark and patents for industrial inventions; assures and declares, moreover, that the work has no defamatory content. In any case, the participant must arrange for any loss, damage, liability, costs, expenses and expenses of any kind that should be incurred due to the content of the work and its public screening.
The entries will not be returned and will be part of the archives of the Festival Organization. They may be displayed for non-profit cultural and didactic purposes. The Organization reserves the right to use the material received for any subsequent events with the obligation to quote the source and to inform the authors or holders of rights in advance.
Art. 6
A preselection commission, composed of experts in the field, at its unquestionable judgment will choose the works to be presented in the official competition. The selection of the winning works will be carried out by the jury's insight and judgment. Participation in the official competition will be announced within one week before the Festival starts, via the contacts obligatory included in the registration form in annex A or B.
Art. 7
COLPO D’OCCHIO competition will be divided in two section:
1-International short film (ann. A). For this section, will be awarded the following
- Best Short Film Award:
Winner plate + free registration at ReactFilmFest 2019 + € 300,oo
-second best short film Award:
Winner plate + free registration at Pentadattilo Film Fest 2019
- Special Jury Prize: Winner Plate
- Best Director Award: Winner Plate
- Best Actor Prize: Winner Plate
- Best Actress Award: Winner Plate
- People's Jury Award Association UNA
2-Calabrian short film (ann. B). For this section, will be awarded the following
- Best Short Film Award:
Winner plate + free distribution on territory by Film Commission Calabria
Art. 8
The Jury and the festival organization reserve the right not to award the prizes, to divide them ex-aequo among several participants, to set up other awards not specified in this regulation. The choices of the Jury and the Preselection Commission are unquestionable and unqualified. Will be possible to retire all the awards during the LFF5 final day (Saturday, 17th november); or the awards will be send to the winner at the expense of the recipient.
Art. 9
The festival organization reserves the right to make decisions regarding issues not specified in this regulation and may decide to cancel, postpone, reduce or interrupt the festival's performance without being subject to complaint or complaint.
Art. 10
Participants give, from now on, unconditional consent, pursuant to Law 675/96 on the protection of privacy, to the use of personal data for all initiatives related to the Competition.
Art. 11
Participation in the Contest implies the full acceptance of this Regulation, automatically accepted by the participants by simply forwarding the work to the "COLPO D'OCCHIO" Competition. The festival organization reserves the right to make decisions regarding issues not specified in this regulation and may decide to cancel, postpone, reduce or to stop the festival's performance without being subject to complaint or complaint. The Competition Authority shall have the right to a final decision on any matter not specified in this Regulation. For any dispute, the Forum of Lamezia Terme is competent.
Fiction Documentary Animation Fantastic Terror Other Experimental up to a maximum of 30 minutes
Cortometrajes 30'<
Tasa Estándar10€ -8% 9.2€
Fecha límite de inscripción
14 oct 18
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.
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