Fidba, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires (12)

FIDBA International Documentary Film Festival

Крайние сроки

30 ноя 2023
Позвоните для записей

28 фев 2024
Ранний конечный срок

30 июн 2024
Стандартный конечный срок

20 июл 2024
Поздний крайний срок

12 авг 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

13 сен 2024
дата извещения

03 окт 2024
13 окт 2024


Sarmiento 2037,  C1044AAE, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 30'<
Фестиваль художественных фильмов

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Имеет плату за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2023
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  30'<
 Полнометражные фильмы 
 Любой язык
Spanish English
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Fidba, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires
Photo of Fidba, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires

Photo of Fidba, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires
Photo of Fidba, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 03 Октябрь 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 13 Октябрь 2024

In recent decades, and at one time to the emergence of new technologies that have ended up scanning most of the processes of the film, the documentary has known a notorious and systematic growth around the world. In our country, and for more than one decade, a production before linked almost exclusively to fiction has been swelling their ranks with new topics, new approaches, new geographies, new dilemmas.

It is in this context that FIDBA is proposed as the 1st. International Film Festival dedicated to this genre which films with the same fans - as long as we believe that the forms and the doings of the documentary film are different from those of the fiction - may meet and dialogue among them and with the public. If the documentary is a meeting point for the FIDBA, it is insofar as it proposes an interpellation to the little-known memoirs, disturbing present and (our) future in suspension. FIDBA will then be an approach not only among audiences, filmmakers and thinkers linked documentary but also in relation to the always stimulating possibilities that allow you to open this space to other border and heterodox expressions framed inside of what we would call "non-fiction" and that encourage us to dialogue with contemporary expressions that go beyond even the scope of the film.

FIDBA will pay special attention to those filmmakers for whom cinema is linked to a form of research and knowledge of the world that surrounds us as to the portrait of human beings whose conditions of life, in certain historical and social contexts, allow you to ask us about our. It is, therefore, authors who not only reflect reality but also ethical and moral relationship which involves filming the other.

FIDBA aims to become a point of support for filmmakers seeking to widen the perception of reality and to films which represent a step forward in the effort to understand it and anticipate it. So, it will make focus on films whose aesthetic originality put at risk not only an idea of the documentary but also a thought about the same film and its possibilities. Since this focus implies questioning the status of the real front of the camera or of the film in relation to reality, this is as inseparable from the mediations that arises.

Денежные призы: 52,700$


-All the official competitions of the festival will give an economic stimulus of 15,000 Argentine pesos for the feature film that obtains the first prize in the section and 10,000 Argentine pesos for the short film that obtains the first prize.

The spotlights will get the audience award.
The first prizes will also obtain a Diploma and statuette. And diploma the mentions of each section.

The prizes are expressed in Argentine Pesos since our currency is not valid on this platform.


Regulations and Registration Bases for the International Film and Documentary Arts Festival.

2024 Edition

The FIDBA, International Film and Documentary Arts Festival, will take place from October 1 to 6, 2024 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Applications for the Festival are open for national and international films, documentaries; and for national and international documentary short films.

All productions must have been completed after January 1, 2023.


The Festival programming will include competitive and non-competitive sections. The scheduled films will be included in the section that the selection committee considers appropriate.

For the selection, its duration will be taken into account: The festival considers a feature film a duration greater than 40 minutes and a short film up to a maximum of 40 minutes in length.

The Selection Committee may change a film's section if it considers it appropriate.


Film registration for the Festival is done through this platform.

The producer who holds the rights must register the film at the Festival, completing the registration form through this platform, which will have the character of a sworn declaration and in it declares that he or she knows and accepts these regulations.

Registrations that are not online will not be accepted - from any country, including Argentina, registration for Argentine Films is free and is done through

To send screeners of the works to be selected, you must complete the registration form in its entirety, incomplete registrations will not be accepted.

The deadline to receive the works is August 12, 2024.

No film will be registered until the online pre-selection copy is received.

For the selection of foreign films, copies with english subtitles must be sent.

Along with the screener, selected participants must upload the following materials to this platform:

2 (two) stills from the film, 300 DPI. Size 10cm high by 15cm wide color. JPG format

1 (one) photo of the director/s, 300 DPI. Size 10cm high by 10cm wide color. JPG format

Biofilmography of the director maximum 450 characters with spaces. In the following format, NAME, + 450 characters

Synopsis of the film maximum 600 characters with spaces.

Film Contact Information
Contact person
(CP / POBOX) Province, City, If it is the City of Buenos Aires, put (C.A.B.A.) – COUNTRY

Decisions about the editorial content of the catalog are the responsibility of the Festival.


Each participant may submit more than one Documentary to the festival, and may compete with only one film per category.

International Creation Documentary Feature Film Competition

Latin American Documentary Feature Competition
International Documentary Short Film Competition

International New Narrative Competition (for experimental films of any length)

Thematic Panorama Competition (Music, Architecture, Sports, Cinema)

International Feature Film Competition FICTIONS OF THE REAL

International LGTBQI Feature Film Competition "Queer Doc"

Docs VR International Competition

International Human Rights Documentary Competition

International Documentary Competition with children and youth themes

All categories are also open to Argentine films.

All categories are competitive in nature and have different types of prizes.

The selection committee will reserve the right to include a film in a category different from the one for which it applied.


-All official competitions of the festival will give a financial stimulus of 15,000 Argentine Pesos for the feature film that wins the first prize in the section and 10,000 Argentine Pesos for the short film that wins the first prize.

The spotlights will win the public award.
The first prizes will also obtain a Diploma and statuette. And diploma the mentions of each section.


If the film is selected, the person who registered will be notified and informed of the instructions for sending the screening copy through file transfer platforms.

Once selected, the producer will inform the Festival of the Premiere status with which it will be shown at the Festival (world premiere, international, continental, regional, national or metropolitan premiere).

The jury will be made up of renowned national and international personalities from the audiovisual media. The members of said jury will be announced in due course before the festival takes place.

The Selection Committee reserves the right to change the category of a submitted work if it deems appropriate.

No member of the jury may participate in any of the categories.

The prizes may be declared void if the jury so considers it.

The jury's decision is final.


The producers and distributors of those films that make up the Competitions undertake to include in all their advertising and press material the phrase “Official Selection and the corresponding selection” for example, “Argentine Official Selection” or “Official Short Film Selection” using the Festival logo. This commitment applies to both commercial theatrical releases and commercial releases on Bluray, DVD and Internet.

The producers and distributors of those films that win awards undertake to highlight them in all their advertising and press material, using the Festival logo. This commitment applies to both commercial theatrical releases and commercial releases on Bluray and DVD.

The logo will be available on the Festival website.


Participants selected for the competitions must send the required film within seven (7) days of notification. In this notification you will receive information about the final format in which you must send the film for screening.

Any expenses generated by the shipping of the materials will be borne by the selected one. The Festival will not be responsible for any possible damage or loss that the material may suffer in its shipment.

Films for pre-selection will not be returned in any case.

The organization of the festival assumes that the producers or directors who register through this call have the rights to exhibit their works, exempting FIDBA and the Foundation for Higher Studies in Documentary Cinema from any civil or criminal liability.

Films that are in an advanced post-production process will be accepted; It will be up to the selection committee to consider whether or not these films can participate in the Festival.

Films with more than one director will be accepted.

Once registered and selected, the film cannot be removed from the Festival programming, nor can it be exhibited in any other area in Buenos Aires before its official presentation at the FIDBA.

The people linked to the selected films undertake not to publicize their participation until the Festival programming is announced by the Festival Organization at a press conference under risk of disqualification.

Press material
If available, posters, postcards and press materials will be required to be used by the Festival press office.

Fragments for promotion

The Festival may use fragments of the films; of a maximum of 3 minutes; national and international, for promotional purposes (for short films the duration of the fragments may not exceed 10% of the final duration of the works).

If the fragments are not available from the film producer, the Festival may copy one or more fragments of the film to be used for promotional purposes during the Festival.

In order to disseminate the programming and each of the selected films, the Festival may use photos and digital clips (less than 3 minutes) of the films on its website.

Video Library / Professional Area
The selected films will be available in the Festival's online Video Library for a pre-established period of time. The video library will be for the exclusive use of juries, press and accredited guests of the Festival. By agreeing to be part of the Festival, those who hold the rights grant permission for their film to be included.

Demos and trailers will be received and distributed through the Festival's Industry Area.

Screening dates
The assembly of the programming grid and the dates and times of screening of each film are the decision of the Festival Organization.

Languages and subtitling
The selected films will be shown in their original version.

For foreign films: If there is a screening copy with subtitles in Spanish, it will be preferred for the Festival. If there is no copy with Spanish subtitles, a copy with english subtitles will be required (unless the film is spoken in this language).

In addition, a list of dialogues in the original language and in english (with time codes) and a digital file with the final cut of the film as it will be projected will be required to prepare electronic subtitling.

For Argentine films:

If there is a screening copy with english subtitles, it will be preferred for the Festival. If the copy subtitled in english is not available, the Festival may require.

For Argentine films:

If there is a screening copy with english subtitles, it will be preferred for the Festival. If the english subtitled copy is not available, the Festival may require a list of english subtitles (with time codes) and a digital file to prepare the electronic subtitling.

In the case of Argentine films in competition, all copies will be requested to be subtitled, except in cases where the original language is more than one and always with express authorization from the Festival Organization.

About this regulation

Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these regulations.

Any conflict (of organization or operation) not provided for in these regulations will be resolved by the Festival organization.


The presentation of the films implies total acceptance of these bases. Their interpretation and application corresponds to the FIDBA organization.
For any questions or information, please contact us via email

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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