Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia (15)

Daupara, the Indigenous Film and Video Showcase of Colombia


15 Fev 2024

15 Mai 2024
Festival fechado

08 Out 2024
Data de Notificação

10 Out 2024
13 Out 2024


26A # 13 / 97 Int. 901,  -, Bogotá, -, Colombia

Descrição do festival
Indigenous Film and Video
Festival de curtas-metragens
Festival de longas metragens

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física e on-line
 Janeiro 2019
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia
Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia

Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia
Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 10 Outubro 2024      Fim do Festival: 13 Outubro 2024

Daupará is the capacity possessed by the Jaibanás (wise men of the Embera people) to envision, to see beyond: a capacity that in the Embera language means «daupará». The embera universe is made up of a higher level where Karagabí (god), the ancestors and essential beings live, another the world below where the jai live: spirits governed by Trutruika, and the embera earthly world. The jaibaná interacts and dialogues with the Jai and transmits their messages to the community to cure or guide actions through ritual ceremonies and songs.

For us, the word Daupará expresses the power of indigenous visions and their relationship with audiovisual work, with film and video. Daupará as a stage for exhibition and cultural exchange, is possible thanks to the multiple indigenous groups and filmmakers that make it up and constantly renew it.

Open call for Daupará 2024 submissions

1. Important dates

Opening call for submissions from February 28, 2024

Closing date of the call for submissions: May 28, 2024

Results: August 28, 2024

The XV version of Daupará will be happening from the 10th to the 13th of October 2024.

2. This call includes the following categories of participation:

National | Nuestras miradas (Our looks): films that are directed and/or produced by indigenous peoples of the Colombian territory.

National | Miradas que acompañan (Accompanying looks): works made by Colombians, non-indigenous individuals or organizations in alliance with indigenous organizations and that are in tune with the voice of indigenous peoples in the expression of their realities through audiovisual production.

International: works made by indigenous or non-indigenous people that are in tune with the voice of indigenous peoples, outside Colombian territory.

3 Videos and films will be selected according to the following criteria:

That they contribute to the strengthening of the identity and cultures of indigenous peoples.

That promote intercultural dialogue.

That highlight cultural expressions in situations of disappearance.

That present aesthetic qualities and contribute to the audiovisual language of indigenous cinema

That they propose original perspectives and the search for their own narratives in tune with the thinking of indigenous peoples

4. Conditions of participation:

For the purposes of this call, the name of "work" is understood as: video, film, audiovisual or cinematographic production.

All lengths of duration and shooting formats are welcome.

All genres and narratives are welcome (fiction, documentary, docu-fiction, animation, experimental, music video, among others).

language: Works that are spoken in native languages ​​and/or foreign languages ​​must be subtitled in Spanish.

Date of production: works produced from the year 2019 will be considered.

Works that directly promote political parties, government institutions, non-government institutions and religious movements will not be considered.

The following will not be considered for selection: journalistic reports, commercial documentaries (for the brand) and/or institutional videos.

With the registration in this call, the producers or representatives of the selected works agree to present these in Daupará – Indigenous Film and Video Show in Colombia, without charging exhibition rights.

The producers or representatives of the works selected to be part of the official programming of the XV Daupará must fill out the exhibition authorization form, which states that they have the respective rights for their exhibition. This form must be duly signed.

With the prior consent of their authors, the selected works will be part of the Daupará archive.

With the prior consent of their authors, the selected works may be exhibited non-commercially in indigenous communities, indigenous organizations and other spaces arranged by Daupará, within the framework of the intercultural dialogue that is promoted around indigenous cinema and video in the territories and in various spaces.
When registering for the call, the producers or representatives of the selected works, undertake to send the advertising materials, authorization and exhibition copies of the films in the formats and times indicated by the Daupará team, those who do not comply with this condition will not be able to become part of the official programming.

5. Registration of works

(The registration of the works is free)

- Fill out the following online registration form: https://bit.ly/ObrasDaupara2024

- The submission of works for viewing can be done in the following ways:

* Attach the viewing link in the corresponding field within the form (links from youtube, vimeo, mega or any web platform used by the participant are allowed, with their proper access codes).
* Upload your works through the Festhome platform.
* Those who do not have a viewing link, can send 2 physical DVD copies, by certified mail in a sealed envelope with the title: "no commercial value, intended for a cultural event" to the following address: Carrera 79A # 11A – 40 Tower 11 Apt 402 – Bogotá. Addressed to Daupará – the Indigenous Film and Video Showcase of Colombia.

6. Final provisions

By registering a work, the participants accept all the conditions of this call for submissions.

Once the official selection of the XV Daupará has been made public, the selected works cannot be withdrawn from the 2024 Exhibition.

For more information or for any questions, you can write to us at: convocatoriadaupara@gmail.com or info@daupara.com



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