Festival Internacional Del Audiovisual Para La Niñez Y La Adolescencia Kolibrí (18)

Kolibri International Film Festival for Childhood and Youth

Крайние сроки

11 май 2024
Позвоните для записей

31 авг 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

30 сен 2024
дата извещения

02 окт 2024
10 окт 2024


Av. 20 de Octubre 2659 casi esquina Campos. Sopocachi,  -, La Paz y Santa Cruz, La Paz, Bolivia

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов
Фестиваль художественных фильмов

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2022
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы 
 Полнометражные фильмы 
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Festival Internacional Del Audiovisual Para La Niñez Y La Adolescencia Kolibrí
Photo of Festival Internacional Del Audiovisual Para La Niñez Y La Adolescencia Kolibrí

Photo of Festival Internacional Del Audiovisual Para La Niñez Y La Adolescencia Kolibrí
Photo of Festival Internacional Del Audiovisual Para La Niñez Y La Adolescencia Kolibrí

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 02 Октябрь 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 10 Октябрь 2024

Nicobis, media center for new ideas and the cultural multi-space Casa Espejo organizes the fourteenth International Festival of Audiovisual Productions for Children and Adolescents, to be held in the city of La Paz, Bolivia, from 2 to 10 of October 2024.

The Festival aims to promote and promote quality audiovisual productions for children and adolescents, generating a space for reflection and an exchange between them and at the same time to encourage children and adolescents to make their own audiovisual productions.

Likewise, the idea is to create a national and international network to disseminate educational audiovisual productions for children and adolescents from different countries and continents.

The festival has two types of juries, whose decisions will be final.

The first will be made up of boys, girls and adolescents. This jury will award a single prize for the best work.

Unique childhood award “Kolibrí Infantil”
The second jury will be made up of three Bolivian and/or foreign filmmakers and/or specialists of recognized prestige, who will award prizes for each of the following categories:

“Kolibri” for Best Fiction
“Kolibrí” for Best Documentary
“Kolibri” for Best Animation
“Kolibrí” for Best Television Production
“Kolibrí” for the Best Film Made by Boys, Girls or Adolescents

Some of them may be left empty or special mentions may be awarded in the mentioned categories.

Kolibri 2024 Call

XVIII International Audiovisual Festival for Children and Adolescents Kolibrí
18 years promoting quality audiovisuals for children and adolescents in Bolivia
The audiovisual production company Nicobis celebrates eighteen years of life of the Kolibrí International Audiovisual Festival for Children and Adolescents, which will be held from October 2 to 10, 2024 in 5 Departments of Bolivia.

The Festival seeks to form audiovisual literates, boys, girls and adolescents capable of reading the image, understanding it and being critical of what they consume and therefore of their own reality. All this through quality children's production samples and audiovisual training workshops, so that children and adolescents are able to make their own audiovisuals and form their own criteria.

In the same way, it seeks to create a national and international network of educational audiovisual dissemination, to know and disseminate quality production from various countries and continents aimed at children and adolescents. 

This year, we want to place special emphasis on re-thinking virtuality and how technology has especially impacted the children and adolescents of our country and our region during the pandemic.

Competitive sections

National and international works that fall into the category of fiction, documentaries, animation, TV series and works made by children and adolescents may participate. Works made during confinement and whose themes are around the health emergency and the children and youth of our countries and the world will also be received.

Materials produced from 2022 onwards will be accepted, in video, film and for television, whether short, medium or feature film, regardless of their participation in other festivals.

Works may be submitted in the following categories: Fiction, animation, documentary, television series and works made by boys, girls and adolescents up to 19 years of age.


For their exhibition, the works must meet the following requirements:

· Be aimed at children and adolescents

· The works must be in Spanish or dubbed into Spanish

· In the case of a series, a maximum of two chapters may be entered into the competition, at the director's own choice.

· The works must be of high quality to be projected in excellent conditions.

· Send the technical sheet or registration form

· Send two stills or photographs of the video in digital format, for inclusion in the

Reception of Works 

· The digital works will be sent in HD to the email festivalkolibri@gmail.com or through the FESTHOME platform along with the duly completed Registration Form plus the photographs or stills.


. Registration is free and will be open from May 11 to August 31, 2024.

. The following Registration Form must be sent:
https://forms.gle/fQB4xhetDKjW6B638 duly filled out

. The Registration Form can also be found on the website www.festivalkolibri.com or on the Facebook page@festivalkolibri and must be sent to the festival email festivalkolibri@gmail.com

. Without this information, the work will not be accepted by the Selection Committee.

Registration and sending of material can also be done through the FESTHOME platform.

Awards and Juries 

The festival has two types of juries, whose decisions will be final.

The first will be made up of boys, girls and adolescents. This jury will award a single prize for the best work.

Unique childhood award “Kolibrí Infantil”

The second jury will be made up of three Bolivian and/or foreign filmmakers and/or specialists of recognized prestige, who will award prizes for each of the following categories:

“Kolibri” for Best Fiction
“Kolibrí” for Best Documentary
“Kolibri” for Best Animation
“Kolibrí” for Best Television Production
“Kolibrí” for the Best Film Made by Boys, Girls or Adolescents

Some of them may be left empty or special mentions may be granted in the
mentioned categories.

Parallel activities 

Parallel to the exhibition of the works in competition, workshops will be held with children and young people on audiovisual analysis and production. In the same way with the teachers of the peri-urban area of ​​Bolivia.

The dialogue tables are also an important part of our annual activities, where we rethink together the paths, crossroads, gaps and bridges that are built around children's audiovisuals in Bolivia and Latin America.


The works received will be part of the Festival's Audiovisual Archive, which will not have commercial use. The works may be used for educational, cultural or promotional samples.


For more information contact:
Address: Geraldine Ovando: geraldine.ovando@gmail.com / Liliana De la Quintana:
Kolibri Festival
web: www.festivalkolibri.org FB @festivalkolibri Instagram @festivalkolibri



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