Festival De Curtmetratges De Medi Ambient I Sostenibilitat. Parc Natural I Reserva De La Biosfera Del Montseny (5)

Environment and Sustainability Short Film Festival. Montseny Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve.


01 Apr 2024
Call for entries

15 Jul 2024
Festival closed

05 Aug 2024
Notification date

31 Aug 2024
01 Sep 2024


Migdia 1,  17406, Viladrau, Girona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Any language
Catalan Spanish
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Photo of Festival De Curtmetratges De Medi Ambient I Sostenibilitat. Parc Natural I Reserva De La Biosfera Del Montseny
Photo of Festival De Curtmetratges De Medi Ambient I Sostenibilitat. Parc Natural I Reserva De La Biosfera Del Montseny
Photo of Festival De Curtmetratges De Medi Ambient I Sostenibilitat. Parc Natural I Reserva De La Biosfera Del Montseny
Photo of Festival De Curtmetratges De Medi Ambient I Sostenibilitat. Parc Natural I Reserva De La Biosfera Del Montseny


Festival start: 31 August 2024      Festival end: 01 September 2024

Espai Montseny, with the support of Viladrau City Council, is convening the 5th edition of the "Environment and Sustainability Short Film Festival. Montseny Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve". The Festival will be held from August 31st to September 1st, 2024.

The event was born in 2020 with the idea of showing audiovisual productions related to the environment and to encourage reporting, debate and awareness about the environmental crisis that affects both globally and in our immediate environment.

Cash Prizes: 1,000€

- The jury award.

- Recognition award of the public.

- Recognition award for the greatest short film related to Biosphere Reserves.


1. The Festival is open to all types of short films recorded in any format, with an environmental theme, made by international producers and directors.

2. In case the language of the film is not Catalan or Spanish, the work must be subtitled in one of these two languages.

3. The maximum duration of the work is 20 minutes.

4. The Festival assumes that the holders of the short films presented comply with al the rights of exhibition and promotion of the works, and will not be held responsible for any breach of this rule.

5. The Festival may use the images provided by the authors of the works to promote the event, as well as fragments from the selected works, if the production company does not especify otherwise.

6. The Festival will be able toproject the winning works in acts celebrated in the town during the same year of the festival.


7. The Festival will distinguish the work best valued by the jury.

8. The Festival will distinguish the work best valued by the audience with an Audience Award.

9. The Festival will distinguish the best work related to Biosphere Reserves.


10. The deadline for registration and submission of works ends on July 15th, 2024.

11. The Festival organisation will communicate the verdict to the producers and/or directors of teh works selected by the selection Committee before August 15th, 2024 by e-mail.

12. The works must be sent through the website wwww.festhome.com.

13. The company producing or distributing the selected works undertakes to send the copy for projection in digital format before August 20th, 2024 via wetransfer to espaimontseny@viladrau.cat. The file must be sent in ".mov" format in H264 or ProRes 422 codec, stereo sound, and without embedded subtitles. If they contain subtitles, they must be sent in a .SRT file.

14. The festival management will appoint the members of the competition jury, who may not have an interest in the production, distribution or any type of participation in the selected short films. The opinions and decisions of the jury will be final.

15. The Festival reserves the right to leave the prize void.

16. Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these rules.

17. The resolution of the competition will be published on the website of Viladrau City Council in the week of September 2nd, 2024.



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