15 Festival Internacional de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas (15)

15th International Festival of Peoples` Film and Communications


15 Nov 2024
Call for entries

28 Feb 2025
Final deadline


12 May 2025
Notification date

20 Jun 2025
28 Jun 2025


-,  -, Lima, Lima, Peru

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<
Feature film festival >60' 180'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Feature Films  >60' 180'<
 Any language
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Photo of 15 Festival Internacional de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas
Photo of 15 Festival Internacional de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas
Photo of 15 Festival Internacional de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas
Photo of 15 Festival Internacional de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas


Festival start: 20 June 2025      Festival end: 28 June 2025

The Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas (CLACPI) opens a call to participate in the 15th International Festival of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communications “Voices and Pictures of Our Mother Earth” which will take place between June 20 and 28 of 2025 in Peru. It will feature community exhibitions and screenings in the regions of Ayacucho, Lima, Loreto and Ucayali.

CLACPI, through its member organizations in Peru - CHIRAPAQ Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú , Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP) and Escuela de Cine Amazónico – invite our indigenous sisters and brothers in all continents, indigenous organizations, indigenous and non-indigenous collectives, communicators, filmmakers, producers and all people across the world that produce, promote and showcase audiovisual projects that reflect the voices, visions, knowledge and struggles of indigenous peoples, to participate in this Festival.

The Jury will confer two (02) awards per topic among the projects submitted, taking into account the diversity of genres and formats.

• Women and territorial resistance actions
• Collective knowledge, identity and climate action
• Children of today and uncertain futures
• Actions for Mother Earth
• Identities shaped by diversity

The decisions of the Selection Committee and the Jury are final and will be recorded in the minutes endorsing each award. The Jury has the right to declare any award deserted.

In addition to the official awards, there will be honorable mentions as the Jury considers appropriate to foster the processes of indigenous creation and production.

In addition, the audience will confer the Audience's Special Award.

The awards will consist of a small statue inspired by the official design of this Festival, an art piece by the Huitoto-Cocama artist Rember Yahuarcani.

The Festival will accept projects of the following genres: fiction, documentary, reportage, animation, video clip, experimental, new languages, show or series, or any combination of these, regardless of their length and format. The subject matter should address the culture, history, traditions, narratives, aspirations, organizational processes, demands and struggles of Indigenous and Native Peoples from any part of the world. We will pay special attention to projects that highlight the situation of indigenous women, youth and children and that address different aspects of climate change.

The Festival will not accept projects that promote racism or discrimination of any kind, that discriminate against women or justify gender-based violence, projects that support any political party or religious group; projects that sponsor specific institutions or groups for profit; or government propaganda.

The Festival will not accept projects that have already participated in a CLACPI-organized International Festival of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communications.


The deadline for project submission is in February 15, 2025, until 6 pm (Lima, Peru time).

[IMPORTANT] To participate in the festival, it is essential to complete the registration form through the following link: https://bit.ly/3ZfYLSd

There is no cost to participate in the Festival.

Technical characteristics for project submissions

The audiovisual pieces will be received only in a digital format.
• File format: MP4 and/or MOV
• Video resolution: Full HD 1920 x 1080
• Video codec: H.265, H.264, Apple ProRes.
• Audio codecs allowed: AAC
• Maximum size of video file: 5 GB.


The projects that have dialogue in languages other than Spanish must include an .SRT file with Spanish subtitles or have the subtitles embedded.

Notice of selection

The Selection Committee will notify the representatives of the selected projects in April 2025 and will request a digital copy of the best possible quality to be screened.

Languages and project length

The projects can be filmed in any language. Those in indigenous languages will be favored. Any work in a language other than Spanish must be subtitled or dubbed into Spanish.

There is no limit to the time a project lasts. In the case of productions or series that last more than 90 minutes, the Festival may select a part of it to screen, with prior authorization from the project representative.

Use of the awarded projects

The Festival has the right to use stills or excerpts from the selected projects as materials to promote them and the Festival.

Besides being included in the Official Exhibition of this Festival, the selected projects may be included in future Film Exhibitions organized by CLACPI for non-commercial and non-profit purposes. Filmmakers, production companies or those who own the rights to the projects will be notified previously.


The Project Selection Committee

A Selection Committee will be established. It will be formed by representatives of the organizations responsible for organizing the Festival in Peru, partner organizations from other countries, audiovisual production or teaching centers and indigenous and civil society organizations. The Selection Committee will select the projects according to the guidelines of this Call for Proposals.

The list of the selected projects that will be part of the Official Exhibition will be made public on April 15, 2025, on the organizing institutions’ websites.

The Jury

The 15th International Festival of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communications Committee will invite an international Jury made up of at least five people with recognized experience in audiovisual media and indigenous peoples, and who are not directly related to any of the projects included in the Official Exhibition. This Jury will review all the selected projects to decide which will be awarded.


The selected projects will be part of the Official Exhibition to be held from June 20 to 26, 2025 in Peru, which will include community exhibitions and screenings in the regions of Ayacucho, Lima, Loreto and Ucayali.

All the works included in the Official Exhibition will be eligible for one of the Festival’s awards to be conferred on June 26 at the awards ceremony in Lima.


All filmmakers of the selected projects are especially welcome to participate and become an active part of the Festival. If possible, the organization may cover accommodation and/or food expenses (to be confirmed).


Organizing Committee

The 15th International Festival of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communications Committee, organized by a committee of the following members of CLACPI:

• CHIRAPAQ Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú
• Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana – AIDESEP
• Escuela de Cine Amazónico

The committee is supported by the following partners:

• CEFREC Foundation
• Indigenous Audiovisual Coordinator from Bolivia – CAIB
• School of Film and Art Kelluwün Wallmapu, Chile


Founded in 1985, the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas (CLACPI), is an international network that brings together organizations, collectives and individuals from more than 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and partners in North America and Europe, who carry out a wide variety of activities of exchange and mutual support in communications from an integral perspective, as well as in the training, production and dissemination of indigenous cinema.

Its central activity has been the organization of the International Festival of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communications, with rotating venues in different countries and territories, taking into account the places where its members are located. This festival has become the most important of its kind for Indigenous Peoples and a major reference worldwide.

The General Assembly of CLACPI, meeting in Ecuador, decided that the 15th International Festival of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communications will be held in Peru. The Festival is coordinated by CHIRAPAQ Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú with the support of AIDESEP and the Escuela de Cine Amazónico.


For more information, write to cineindigena@chirapaq.org.pe or festival@clacpi.org



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