Ibizacinefest - 9º Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza (9)



15 Mar 2024

12 Dez 2024
Prazo inicial

01 Jan 2024
Prazo padrão

10 Jan 2025
Prazo final

12 Jan 2025
Prazo estendido


20 Jan 2025
Data de Notificação

28 Fev 2025
09 Mar 2025


Venda des pi des catala,  07860, Ibiza, Islas Baleares, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens >1'
Festival de longas metragens 180'<
Script / Pitch projects

GOYA Qualifier festival logo festival qualificador
Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 Com taxas de inscrição
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2022
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >1'
 Longa-metragem  180'<
 Todos os idiomas
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Ibizacinefest - 9º Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza
Photo of Ibizacinefest - 9º Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza

Photo of Ibizacinefest - 9º Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza
Photo of Ibizacinefest - 9º Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 28 Fevereiro 2025      Fim do Festival: 09 Março 2025

The 8th edition of the International Independent Film Festival of Ibiza has developed several seus in the 5 municipalities of the Island, for first time with institutional support from the 5 City Councils, and the online version on the Filmin platform. The institutional support in Ibiza is total by adding the Departments of Culture and Tourism of the Consell Insular of Ibiza more various private sponsors in the Island.

Ibizacinefest has renewed its commitment to Ibiza and culture with a program of 132 national and international titles, exclusive premieres in Spain and with 90% of premieres in the Balearic Islands, targeted activities to professionals, shortfilms contests to discover and boost the local and Balearic talent, educational program with special screenings per students and children to create new audiences.
The reflection has also covered his space through 19 conferences after screenings with his creators and creators on his creative process and the relationship between films and problems sociocultural realities. We have arrived at 75 guests, 18 internationals.

Short films are once again the protagonists of IBZCF24 with a qualifier for the Goya Awards 2024 by curtmetratges and colaboration with the European Film Academy with the Short Films on Tour.

Activities like our first golf session or the special one dedicated to Quinqui Cinema with the collaboration of the UNED of the Balearic Islands University.

They have been completely successful.The commitment to the industry is materialized with the Masterclass fees of first national level by Ion de Sosa and Laura Ferrés that even more. We have noticeably increased our in-person audience, by 38 sessions, with online tot l´estat thanks to our 14 program llargmetratges, 3 d'ells of Balearic production, to Filmin, with the presence in communication media, with international articles and a notable increase in impacts respect to the 2023 edition. We will continue to believe in committed author films, bothnecessary views, which is poden moure in fons i form at the margins of the norms of commercial cinema, with total freedom creative.

Xavi Herrero
Director and programmer IBZCF2-European Film Academy Member

Prêmios em dinheiro: 4,000€

#ConUnPack Distribution will award a distribution prize to a
fiction feature film programmed at the Festival. Said award
will consist of the distribution of the chosen film in Spain in
all exhibition windows where the producer and #ConUnPack
Distribution deems appropriate. Contemplating the theatrical release
cinema and the “digital release” formula. The distribution will consider how
minimum exploitation windows in the TVOD, SVOD cultural circuit
and AVOD.
Blogos de Oro Critics' Award for Best Fiction Feature Film
PANORAMA Official Section. The Gold Blogs are the prizes
independent films in which online media related to the
seventh art choose the best of the year in independent Spanish cinema,
legally formalized as the Blogos Film Awards Association
of gold.
Blogos de Oro Critics Award for Best Documentary Feature Film
the PANORAMA Official Section.
The Audience Award will be awarded to the production with the best
score in our feature film programming on Filmin.
The Jury is made up of members of the Cultural Association
Ibizacinefest and will award a feature film from the Official Section
Awards for the best National, International and FEM-CINE Short Film. The
short films of Spanish nationality in the Official Section, will receive the
certificate that allows them to qualify for the 2024 Goya Awards.
Awards for the best Ibizan and Balearic short film.
Cash prize of 1000 euros awarded by a composite Jury
by members of the Ibizacinefest Cultural Association, intended for the
production of the short film whose script has been awarded. Saying
short film will be selected in the corresponding Official Section
in the following edition of the Ibizacinefest at the end of the
production. The Jury can award up to 2 special mentions.
Roadtofest-Shortfilm Agency will award 2 prizes for the distribution of
2 national short films, one fiction and one documentary, which do not
belong to the catalog of any distributor. The prize consists of
the Roadtofest distribution program CAMINO AL GOYA:TOP
NATIONAL valued at €950+VAT and will be formalized during the
IBZCF celebration.



Registered feature films may participate in our Official Panorama Section or will be evaluated for our parallel sections and activities.

Works produced after January 1, 2023 of any nationality and genre may participate.

Fiction: + 60 min.
Documentaries: + 45 min.
Languages: Works in any language are accepted, only the selected feature films must be subtitled in Spanish or Catalan if they are not their original language.

The producers of the SELECTED works will transfer their rights for the projection in our Auditoriums and the possible inclusion of the trailers in promotional videos of the festival without the prior signing of any contract.

The IBZCF selection committee will choose around 25 feature films that will be screened in Ibiza and can be included in the online program, on Filmin and available throughout Spain, if desired.


The short films entered are eligible for the official national, international and Fem-Cine short film sections as well as our parallel sections and activities:

-Eivissa Cinema: Balearic productions that do not enter the Official Section.
-AND THAT?: Short films of special interest for young people 14-16 years old.
-Cinekids: Children's and family cinema.
-Be-Bleu Think Green: Short films with environmental themes with an emphasis on the Mediterranean.

For the Official National Short Film Section, nationality and qualification certificates issued on a date prior to the start of IBZCF are required and the works will be produced after October 2023.
The selections from this section will receive their pre-selection certificate for the Goya Awards.

For the rest of the sections, works produced after January 1, 2023 of any nationality may participate.

The maximum duration will be 30 min. in all sections and for all genres: fiction, documentary, animation and experimental.

Languages: Works in any language are accepted, only the selected and screened short films must be subtitled in Catalan or Spanish if these are not your VO.

The producers of the selected works will transfer their rights for the projection in our auditoriums and the possible inclusion of the trailers in promotional videos of the festival without prior signing of any contract.

SELECTIONS: The IBZCF selection committee will choose around 100 short films to be screened in Ibiza.


Short films of any genre that meet the general rules with themes that promote gender equality

Any questions about the Festival Regulations will be answered at info@ibizacinefest.



The theme of the scripts is completely free and may belong to any genre. All works submitted must be original. If the contestant uses a novel, a story or a text by another author as the basis for the script, the contestant must include in his or her registration the corresponding authorization from the author of the original work.

-The works must be presented in the format of a cinematographic literary script, according to industry standards. Scripts that do not present proper formatting will be automatically disqualified.

-A synopsis of a maximum of one page must be provided with the script.

-No storyboards or technical scripts will be accepted.

-Scripts must have a maximum length of 15 pages, not counting the cover and the synopsis page.

-Only files in PDF format will be accepted. The cover will indicate the title and name of the author, as well as their postal address, email and telephone number.

-The author of the script will always have the copyright over it. The scripts submitted, once the festival is over, will be eliminated.
Of all the scripts presented, up to 5 finalists will be selected who will participate in the recorded Pitch to decide the evaluation of the script and the project. The pitch will consist of the finalists sending a video. The criteria for the evaluation of the registered scripts will be:
Professional format. Originality. Cinematic visualization.Structure.
The decision of the Jury is final.
Cash prize of €1000 (tax included) to be received upon receipt of corresponding invoice
To formalize the cash prize, it is essential to demonstrate the completion of the short film without a premiere or to be in an advanced state of production.
The short film will participate in the competition in the next edition of the IBZCF in the corresponding section demanding its world premiere.
The Jury can award up to 2 special mentions.
More info: script@ibizacinefest.com

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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