Submissions deadline
01 Oct 25
10 Nov 2024
Call for entries
13 Dec 2024
Early deadline
13 Apr 2025
Standard deadline
13 Jul 2025
Late deadline
01 Oct 2025
Extended deadline
01 Oct 2025
Notification date
29 Oct 2025
01 Nov 2025
Festival start: 29 October 2025 Festival end: 01 November 2025
Anatomy Crime - Horror International Film Festival (A.C.H.I.F.F.) is an annual international event dedicated for independent filmmakers. Established this year by “THE BASEMENT” a nonprofit and non-governable Cultural and Education Organization (B.C.E.O.).
Located in the city of Athens, we look forward to be hosting an amazing event with you and your friends. The A.C.H.I.F.F. is a multi-day event that takes place each Halloween (October 31st) at venues throughout Athens-Greece. The A.C.H.I.F.F. want to be a world recognized event, with industry, filmmakers, and press attention from around the globe. The festival is competitive, screening approximately 50-60 films each year.
The film industry today is largely monopoly-based and dependent on large scale budgets for productions to succeed. However, this festival aims at providing a voice for those who don't have a massive budget at their hands but nevertheless, an important story to tell.
According to one of the objectives of our non-profit organization to providing a platform for indie filmmakers, we are able to provide an affordable solution catered to advance the cause of independent filmmaking.
1. Best Picture: all categories
2. Best Short Film: all categories
3. Best Director: all categories
4. Best Director Short Film: all categories
5. Best Cinematography: all categories
6. Best Screenplay: all categories
7. Best Actor: all categories
8. Best supporting Actor: all categories
9. Best Actress: all categories
10. Best supporting Actress: all categories
11. Best Original Score: all categories
12. Best Special Effects: all categories
13. Best Film Editing: all categories
14. Best Sound Design: all categories
15. Best Experimental Film: all categories
16. Best Documentary Film: all categories
17. Best Animated Film: all categories
18. Best Sci-Fi Film
19. Best Photo: all categories
20. Best Picture: (Crime)
21. Best Short Film: (Crime)
22. Best Director: (Crime)
23. Best Director Short Film: (Crime)
24. Best Cinematography: (Crime)
25. Best Screenplay: (Crime)
26. Best Actor: (Crime)
27. Best Actress: (Crime)
28. Best Picture: (Horror)
29. Best Short Film: (Horror)
30. Best Director: (Horror)
31. Best Director Short Film: (Horror)
32. Best Cinematography: (Horror)
33. Best Screenplay: (Horror)
34. Best Actor: (Horror)
35. Best Actress: (Horror)
36. People’s Choice Best Picture
37. People’s Choice Best Short Film
38. People’s Choice Best Actor
39. People’s Choice Best Actress
40. People’s Choice Best Photo
Rules & Terms
The Anatomy Crime- Horror International Film Festival (A.C.H.I.F.F.) is an international film festival and accepts films and screenplays from around the globe.
The Anatomy Crime- Horror International Film Festival does NOT waive entry fees. In fairness to all filmmakers, we do not grant waivers.
A.C.H.I.F.F. believes waiving entry fees hurts the integrity of the competition. The same rules and entry fees should apply to all applicants so no one film is favored over another. In a similar respect A.C.H.I.F.F. does NOT invite films to be in competition. ONLY films submitted will be considered for competition.
We understand the financial constraint of filmmaking and costs of submitting to Festivals and we still hope you can find it in your budget to submit your film. We want all the auteurs have equal opportunities. This is the reason that we start the entry fee from only 5 euro !!! .
We want everyone can participate in our Festival. Lastly, we wish all you filmmakers and photographers good luck!
Premiere status will be one of the factors considered when determining a film's inclusion in the Anatomy Crime- Horror International Film Festival. At the very least, we require an Athens Premiere. But it would be even more advantageous to us and you if screening at A.C.H.I.F.F. is either a World, Europe or Greek Premiere. Film cannot have played VOD or been released on disc or other formats before our festival dates.
Submissions postmarked later than September 13rd will be automatically submitted to the following year. All filmmakers will be notified no later than September 13rd of each year of submission status. . Before submitting, we encourage filmmakers to research any and all film festivals they intend on submitting to. Film festival fees add up, so please do your homework before submitting to any event! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us.
All features must be 75-120 minutes. Shorts under 15 minutes and long shorts 15-45 minutes. All the films and photos should not have been taken before October 31, 2016
You may submit multiple entries but each must be accompanied by its own submission form and entry fee. Entry fees are nonrefundable and must be in Euro. If eligibility requirements are not met, we reserve the right to disqualify any submission.
Films must be submitted via internet and must be subtitled in English. ALL THE FILMS (EVEN AND THE ENGLISH) must be subtitled in English with soft subtitles. We prefer Closed or SDH captions with added information to help viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing to follow the dialog, or people who cannot understand the spoken dialogue or who have accent recognition problems. EVEN ENGLISH FILM WITHOUT SAME-LANGUAGE SUBTITLES OR HARD SUBTITLES BE DISQUALIFIED. ALL FILMS MUST HAVE ENGLISH SUBTITLES IN OPEN FORMAT WITH EXTENSION .SRT OR .TXT
Selected Films and Winners
1. A.C.H.I.F.F. has no obligation (other than as stated in these rules or on our website) to disclose any of the following information: i) identities of screeners or judges; ii) notes, feedback, or information relating to the submitted project; and/or iii) details regarding the submission review or selection process.
2. A.C.H.I.F.F. explicitly disclaims any liability or responsibility for any comments, notes, or opinions expressed about a submission, whether by A.C.H.I.F.F. or by its volunteers.
3. Winners will be announced on November 1, 2025. The judges’ decision is final. No correspondence pertaining to the selection process and decision will be entertained. If your film is selected, you will be notified via email by or after October 1, 2025. Please check your contact information.
4. Filmmakers must deliver final format for festival screenings from October 29th until November 1st to our Address: 14 Metamorphosis str, P.O. 17341, Agios Dimitrios, Athens, Greece clearly labeled with name of festival, name of film and director, run time, date & time film will screen. NO EXCEPTIONS!
5. FILM WITH HARDSUBTITLES NOT ACCEPTED FOR EXHIBITION. Screening requirements for films selected for exhibition are Blu-ray or DVD for short films, back up Blu-ray or DVD, short synopsis of film. We prefer 1920 x 1080 and above analysis, in .avi, mov or mpeg format and 7.1. or 5.1. surround sound audio systems. Minimum requirements are 1280x720 and Stereo sound audio systems in any aspect ratio. Trailers and posters, photos (if available). MUST BE NOT HARD subtitles but only English Subtitles in format .srt file. IF you have hard subtitles it is impossible for us to put over your movie the Greek subtitles for exhibition.
6. If winners receiving cash prizes are solely responsible for payment of all applicable local and state taxes. If winners receiving other trophies or awards and don’t physical attend the festival must be pay for post expenses. Certificates can sent electronically via e-mail, without any cost.
Blue-Rays, DVDs, Photos and press materials will not be returned under any circumstances. Include a letter with your e-mail address if you wish electronically acknowledgment of the receipt of your entry.
I/We have read all of the rules & regulations, understand, and have complied with these rules.
I/We warrant the submission of my/our original work and that there are no disputes regarding the ownership of the submission.
I/We also warrant the submitted material does not defame or invade the rights of any person living or dead. I/We indemnify the A.C.H.I.F.F. against any claim made for such violations of law.
To the best of my/our knowledge, all the statements herein are true and correct.
I/We understand that failure to adhere to the competition rules and regulations will result in disqualification and forfeiture of entry fee.
I/We acknowledge that once an entry payment has been processed, A.C.H.I.F.F. will not provide a refund
I/We agree that the A.C.H.I.F.F. and the parent non-profit and non-governmental cultural and educational organization (B.C.E.O.) retain the right but not the obligation to proceed with the issuance and sale of limited collections or single dvd's versions or blue ray's (from 5-1000 copies each) which contain part the participants in the film festival without the prior permission of authors, producers and other actors, who with their participation in the festival, fully accept these without any objection and demand for compensation. Any profits from these activities will be available exclusively for the coverage of functional needs and costs of the festival and the non-profit cultural and educational organization and coverage of educational and charitable purpose of the organization. Also, copies of participating in the film festival will be available in any digital format, the library of the non-profit cultural and educational organization for the educational needs of its members. No revisions will be accepted once entry has been received.
I/We understand that failure to adhere to the Festival rules will result in disqualification and forfeiture of entry fee.
I/We agree to hold the Anatomy Crime- Horror International Film Festival (A.C.H.I.F.F.) and the parent non-profit and non-governmental cultural and educational organization (B.C.E.O.) harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees, and costs of the court) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on any film submitted to the Festival. I/we understand that the festival projection format may change and I will be notified of the required format once my film is accepted.
To the best of my/our knowledge, all of the statements herein are true and correct.
Submissions deadline
01 Oct 25
Submissions deadline
01 Oct 25
crime,horror,sci fi, fantasy, thriler, documentaries, fiction,animation etc types of genres and films
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.