Lunigiana Cinema Festival (8)


17 Jul 2024
Call for entries

01 Jun 2025
Final deadline


28 Jun 2025
Notification date

27 Jun 2025
29 Jun 2025


Museo di San Giovanni,  -, Fivizzano, Lunigiana, Italy

Festival description
Human rigths
Short film festival 25'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2017
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  25'<
 Any language
English Italian
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Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival
Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival
Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival
Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival


Festival start: 27 June 2025      Festival end: 29 June 2025

Lunigiana Film Festival is a festival dedicate to shortfilms that takes place in the "Città Nobile of Fivizzano", an ancient village in Tuscany on the Via Francigena.

The festival is divided into three categories: - Free theme - Environmental theme - Human rigts

Sono previste le seguenti categorie di Premi con targhe, opere d'arte e trofei:

- Miglior Corto

- Miglior corto a tematica ambientale

- Miglior corto dedicato ai diritti umani

- La Giuria del Festival si riserva di assegnare anche Menzioni Speciali

- The maximum duration of the films is 25 minutes.

- The competition is open and aimed at short films by national and international authors and productions produced starting from 1 January 2017.

- The festival is divided into three categories: - Free theme - Environmental theme - Human rights

- Registration for the Festival costs € 10.00 per film

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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