
05 Oct 2024
Call for entries

30 Nov 2024
Early deadline

30 Jan 2025
Standard deadline

30 Mar 2025
Late deadline

19 Jun 2025
Extended deadline


19 Jul 2025
Notification date

19 Aug 2025
24 Aug 2025


Dorobantu Film & Television, MOIFF, Box 14,  SE-73221, Arboga, Västmanland, Sweden

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 59'<
Feature film festival >60' 500'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online Festival
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 59'<
 Feature Films  >60' 500'<
 Any language
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Festival start: 19 August 2025      Festival end: 24 August 2025



Now, Festival President and Artistic Director Gabriel Daniel Dorobantu and Festival Head Manager Irina Tolokolnikova are having the pleasure of welcoming you to The Second Edition of The Moonlight Online International Film Festival which is organized and administered by the Swedish creation, production and distribution company Dorobantu Film & Television.

The Festival aims to promote original feature films and short films of high artistic quality and to support independent cinema worldwide.

In addition to the long lists of awards in the Feature Film Section and in the Short Film Section, The Moonlight Online International Film Festival is presenting the Trans-Section award Great Moonlight Award for Best Film in the Festival – which is the Festival’s supreme award (physical trophy and cash prize) and is awarded by the festival jury either to the winner of the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Feature Film Competition or to the winner of the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Short Film Competition.

Again, in this Second Edition of the Festival, both among the films submitted to the Festival but not selected and among the films selected for Festival participation, feature films and short films with high market potential may also be selected for film sale and / or distribution agreement proposals. (In such cases, the rights holders of the respective films will be contacted by the festival management office within three months after the festival.)

Cash Prizes: 350€


- GREAT MOONLIGHT AWARD FOR BEST FILM IN THE FESTIVAL (Feature or Short) – consisting of both a Physical Trophy (going to the director of the film) and a Cash Prize of 1500 SEK (going to the main producer of the film).

The Great Moonlight Award for Best Film in the Festival (Feature or Short – Fiction / Documentary / Animation / Experimental) will be awarded by the festival jury, which will decide between the winner of the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Feature Film Competition and the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Short Film Competition (please see the lists of awards in the feature film section and in the short film section here below).


- Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Feature Film Competition (Fiction / Documentary / Animation / Experimental) – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of both an Official Diploma (going to the director of the film) and a Cash Prize of 1000 SEK (going to the main producer of the film);

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Director – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Screenplay – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Actress – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Actor – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Photography – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Editing – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Original Feature Film Music – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the original music composer;

- Moonlight Online Award for Feature Film Debut – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director;

- Moonlight Online Special Award for Outstanding Feature Film Creation – awarded by the Artistic Director of the festival, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director.

- The Artistic Director of the festival may award Special Mentions consisting of Official Diplomas.


- Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Short Film Competition (Fiction / Documentary / Animation / Experimental) – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of both an Official Diploma (going to the director of the film) and a Cash Prize of 1000 SEK (going to the main producer of the film);

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Director – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Screenplay – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Actress – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Actor – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Photography – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Editing awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Original Short Film Music – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the original music composer;

- Moonlight Online Award for Short Film Debut – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director;

- Moonlight Online Special Award for Outstanding Short Film Creation – awarded by the Artistic Director of the festival, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director.

- The Artistic Director of the festival may award Special Mentions consisting of Official Diplomas.



The second edition of the Moonlight Online International Film Festival [MOIFF] will take place from the 19th of August 2025 until the 24th of August 2025, partly parallelling with Ars Gratia Artis World Film Festival [AGAWFF] which will have its physical screenings in Arboga, Sweden, during the time period 22 – 24 August 2025.

However, please notice that MOIFF (online screenings only) and AGAWFF (physical screenings only) require separate film submissions.


The Moonlight Online International Film Festival is organized and administered by the Swedish creation, production and distribution company Dorobantu Film & Television.


The Moonlight Online International Film Festival aims to promote original feature and short films of high artistic quality and to support independent cinema worldwide.

Both among the films submitted to the festival and among the films selected for festival participation, feature films and short films with high market potential may also be selected for film sale / distribution deal proposals. (In such cases, the rights holders of the respective films will be contacted by the festival management office within three months after the festival.)


Eligible are feature films (with a length between 60 minutes and 500 minutes) and short films (with a length between 1 minute and 59 minutes) – regardless of the respective feature / short films’ production year and premiere status – belonging to the following categories: fiction, documentary, animation, experimental.

All film genres are accepted (action, adventure, comedy, crime, detective, drama, fantasy, film noir, horror, science-fiction, thriller, western, and so on).

Not eligible are television series (or episodes of such), educational / instructional films, advertising films, promotional films, music videos.


The festival accepts Submissions through different Submission Channels. For complete and detailed information, please visit the Festival Website.

Film Submissions are subject to Entry Fees, which are listed on each one of the above-mentioned Submission Channels.

Submitted films will only be considered after the respective entry fees are paid.

Entry fees are used to partly cover costs related to the film submission processing by the festival. Consequently, entry fees are not refundable under any circumstances.

The Festival guarantees that all submitted films are properly viewed and considered, provided that the respective film submissions are correct and complete.

Important Note: Kindly observe that all films which are not in English must be submitted with ENGLISH SUBTITLES. (Otherwise, the respective films will NOT be considered.)

Please submit your film ONLY ONCE, through ONE of the above-mentioned submission channels ONLY.

No film submitted twice within one and the same festival edition will be viewed or considered.

Films submitted to the previous edition of the festival but not selected may be submitted again.

One and the same film entrant may submit several films, by filling the entry form and paying the entry fee for each submitted film.

The Festival only accepts submissions of films by directors who are at least 18 years old.

Film submitters must also be at least 18 years old.

We strongly recommend that you kindly submit your film as early as you have it ready (which is also a great way for you to save money on the entry fee).

All film entrants will be notified about the selection results on the 19th of July 2025 at the latest.

By submitting their films to the festival, the film entrants confirm that they possess all legal rights necessary for the submission of their films to the festival and for the screening of their films in the festival (in case that their films are selected).

The festival has no legal responsibility related to any third-party’s legal complaint or legal action regarding the presentation of the submitters’ films in the festival (for example, related to – but not limited to – copyright issues and / or other legal matters, aspects, or issues connected to the films’ content, such as music, picture, sound and sound effects, and so on). The film submitters alone will meet such third-party legal complaints and / or legal actions (if any), and the same film submitters undertake to keep the festival, its organizers, and all its representatives, as well as any physical or juridical person or entity in any way connected or related to the festival, totally free from any implication of any nature in any legal cases, disputes, consultations, or anything similar – in a court of law or in any other circumstances.


A number of feature films and short films at the discretion of the festival will be selected and invited to participate in the Official Competition by the Festival President and Artistic Director.

The selection decisions are final and cannot be contested.


Film submitters / legal rights holders, who accept the festival participation invitations for and on behalf of the selected films, will sign a Festival Participation Guarantee and Commitment which they will send to the festival (as a legally binding document) both by e-mail (as a scanned document) and by registered physical post (as an original document) – at the date required by the festival, and in accordance with the precise instructions received from the festival.

Film submitters / legal rights holders, who accept the festival participation invitations for and on behalf of the selected films, will also send to the festival by e-mail a clear, scanned copy of their valid Identification Document – at the date required by the festival, and in accordance with the precise instructions received from the festival. (The respective ID copy will remain confidential and will only be used for the legal identification of the film submitters / copyright holders, who are legally responsible for the films’ festival participation.)

Once the above-mentioned formalities are completed, the selected films may no longer be withdrawn from the festival under any circumstances.

For all invited feature films and short films, the following materials must be received by the festival within a time frame which the festival will specify in its communication with the legal representatives (submitters / legal rights holders) of the selected films:

1) a high-quality, progressive (non-interlaced) festival screening copy of the selected feature film or short film as a H264/.mp4-file not bigger than 10 GB (with Burnt-in English Subtitles, if the respective film’s language is other than English), having the film’s original aspect ratio and frame rate (or down-scaled frame rate, only if required from the perspective of the maximum accepted file size – but still preserving a high quality); the recommended sound settings are AAC, 48 KHz, 320 kbps (only stereo or mono format);

2) a high-quality JP(E)G-file containing the film poster (if possible, preferably not bigger than 2 MB);

3) a WORD-document (not bigger than 2 MB) containing both the film logline (what the film is about, in one or two lines) and the film synopsis (a summary of the film content), as well as the basic film data [film title both in English and in the film’s original language (Latin alphabet only), film genre, film length in minutes, production year, country / countries of production, dialogue language(s) / no dialogues, debut film or not];

4) a WORD-document (not bigger than 2 MB) containing the main crew list [including film director(s), producer(s), screenplay writer(s), director(s) of photography, film editor(s), original music composer(s)] and the main cast list (only if the film has a cast).

The festival screening copy of the selected film – as specified at 1) here above – must be sent:

as a downloadable (password-protected or unlisted) Vimeo link to in an e-mail marked with the selected film’s title

through by using the e-mail address and marking the file transfer with the selected film’s title

through by using the e-mail address and marking the file transfer with the selected film’s title.

The materials specified at 2) – 4) here above must be sent (zipped, if necessary) in an e-mail marked with the selected film’s title to

The festival will cancel any selected film’s participation in the festival, if the festival does not receive all of the above-required materials in time, or if the festival receives materials of unsatisfactory quality.

The legal representatives of the films participating in the festival undertake to display the festival’s “Official Selection” laurel logotype – and, if applicable, the festival’s “Award” laurel logotype – in the opening credits of their respective films, as well as on all film-related publicity and promotional materials. The festival’s above-mentioned laurel logotypes – together with the related usage guidelines – will be made available on the festival’s official website. Any unauthorized download and / or use of the respective festival laurel logotypes is strictly prohibited.

Each participating film’s screening copy [as specified at 1) here above] as well as informational and promotional materials [as specified at 2) – 4) here above] will remain in the festival archive for documentation and promotional purposes.


The festival does NOT pay screening fees.

All selected and invited feature films and short films participating in the festival will be available for online screening, in the festival’s screening rooms, during the festival period only.

The festival is NOT responsible and shall NOT be held responsible for any damages, losses, or other inconveniences possibly suffered by the films or by the films’ submitters and / or legal rights holder(s) as a result of the online availability / screenings of the films in the festival, or as a result of any technical disorders, malfunctions, or security breaches of any website or internet platform used by the festival.

All persons visiting the festival website will have full, free access to all participating feature films’ and short films’ informational and promotional materials, including the respective films’ posters, synopses, main crew list, main cast (if any) list, and basic data – which all may be published and displayed on the festival’s official website before, during, and after the festival period.



- GREAT MOONLIGHT AWARD FOR BEST FILM IN THE FESTIVAL (Feature or Short) – consisting of both a Physical Trophy (going to the director of the film) and a Cash Prize of 1500 SEK (going to the main producer of the film).

The Great Moonlight Award for Best Film in the Festival (Feature or Short – Fiction / Documentary / Animation / Experimental) will be awarded by the festival jury, which will decide between the winner of the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Feature Film Competition and the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Short Film Competition (please see the lists of awards in the feature film section and in the short film section here below).


- Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Feature Film Competition (Fiction / Documentary / Animation / Experimental) – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of both an Official Diploma (going to the director of the film) and a Cash Prize of 1000 SEK (going to the main producer of the film);

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Director – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Screenplay – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Actress – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Actor – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Photography – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Feature Film Editing – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Original Feature Film Music – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the original music composer;

- Moonlight Online Award for Feature Film Debut – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director;

- Moonlight Online Special Award for Outstanding Feature Film Creation – awarded by the Artistic Director of the festival, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director.

- The Artistic Director of the festival may award Special Mentions consisting of Official Diplomas.


- Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Short Film Competition (Fiction / Documentary / Animation / Experimental) – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of both an Official Diploma (going to the director of the film) and a Cash Prize of 1000 SEK (going to the main producer of the film);

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Director – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Screenplay – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Actress – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Actor – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Photography – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Short Film Editing – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma;

- Moonlight Online Award for Best Original Short Film Music – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the original music composer;

- Moonlight Online Award for Short Film Debut – awarded by the festival jury, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director;

- Moonlight Online Special Award for Outstanding Short Film Creation – awarded by the Artistic Director of the festival, and consisting of Official Diploma which goes to the film director.

- The Artistic Director of the festival may award Special Mentions consisting of Official Diplomas.

There is no restriction with regard to how many of the awards can go to one and the same feature film / short film.

The jury-decided trans-section Great Moonlight Award for Best Film in the Festival (Feature or Short) may not be awarded ex aequo.

The jury-decided Moonlight Award for Best Film in the Feature Film Competition / Short Film Competition may not be awarded ex aequo.

In case that the feature films / short films selected for competition are not significantly scripted (significantly based on screenplays), the Moonlight Online Award for Best Screenplay may be excluded from the award list.

In case that the feature films / short films selected for competition do not have significant actor / actress participations, the Moonlight Online Award for Best Actor / Actress may be excluded from the award list.

In case that the feature films / short films selected for competition do not have a significant original film music content, the Moonlight Online Award for Best Original Film Music may be excluded from the award list.

In case that the feature films / short films selected for competition do not include debut feature / short films, the Moonlight Online Award for Feature Film Debut / Short Film Debut may be excluded from the award list.

The award winners will be announced and informed within approximately three weeks after the festival period.

Cash prizes will be paid by bank transfer within a period of six months after the festival, provided that the cash prize receivers provide the festival with their accurate and complete bank account information – as required by the festival. In case that the main producer of an award-winning film consists of more than one person, the respective cash prize will be equally divided between the respective persons. Cash prize receivers are entirely responsible for any and all potential taxes to be paid in connection with receiving the respective cash prize amounts.

The trophy award will be sent by physical mail within a period of six months after the festival, provided that the award receiver provides the festival with an accurate and complete postal address.

Diploma awards and possible mentions will be sent by electronic mail (in a printable format) within a period of six months after the festival, provided that the award receivers provide the festival with their accurate and complete electronic mail addresses.

All awards (trophy, diplomas, cash prizes) will only be delivered directly to the award winners – without any intermediaries.

The festival may change the lists of awards at its own discretion, at any time, without notification.

The members of the jury will be announced on the festival website before the festival start date.
Persons in any way related to the feature films / short films in competition may not be part of the jury.

All award decisions are final and cannot be contested.

Within a period of six months after the festival, each film participating in the festival and not receiving any award will receive by e-mail an Official Participation Certificate in a printable format, provided that the legal representative of the respective film will provide the festival with an accurate and complete electronic mail address (which can be the same as or different from the film submitter’s electronic mail address).

In due time, Festival Laurels will be made available electronically to the legal representatives of the participating films and award-winning films – together with precise information on how the respective Festival Laurels may be used.

Legal representatives of the participating films and award-winning films undertake to include in their respective films’ opening credits and promotional materials precise and complete information about their films’ participation and award win in the Moonlight Online International Film Festival.


Submission of films to the Moonlight Online International Film Festival legally implies an automatic, full and unconditional acceptance of the festival’s Rules and Regulations.

The festival has the right to change its Rules and Regulations at its own discretion and at any time, without notification. Please follow this site, in order to stay updated.

The Festival President has the power to settle all cases which are not covered by the festival’s Rules and Regulations. His decisions are final and may not be contested.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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