Festival start: 23 October 2023
Festival end: 29 October 2023
The Review aims to organize and disseminate the "Apoxiomeno International Award". This award is given to sports personalities, of international entertainment and culture and through their activities work or professional have given prestige to the Police. The award takes its name from the famous statue of Lysippos, the original of which reproduction in silver, was designed by the sculptor from Arezzo, Carlo Badii and produced by the AURART Arezzo by the Master Massimo Palombo.
The "Crime" is the literary and cinematography genre that has celebrated in history the work of the Police, starting the realization of many "cult" that are entered in the history of dramaturgy of every artistic genre. In the course of his career, the policeman becomes a container of hundreds of stories through tales of the people he meets on his professional path. In the end, the Law Enforcement Officer must satisfy all the citizens' need for security, primary necessity of man, of the community and the whole society.
THE PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL - We celebrate the action of the Police through all the performing arts that have given and give prestige to their mission.
Cinema, Literature, Music, Television, Journalism, Theater and the world of Culture in general, have always found great inspiration from the job of the Police Officers, underlining theyr human dimension.
Participating in the daily life, being a reference point for the citizens, the policeman lives the daily with the pride of wearing his uniform, which has itself become a symbol.
Over the years we have awarded national and international stars of the caliber of Massimo Ranieri, Albano, Gina Lollobrigida, Vittorio Storaro, Ennio Morricone, Colin Firth, Helen Mirren, Taylor Hackfort, Billie August, Paul Haggis, Robert Moresco, Mark Strong, Betty Thomas, Sibel KekilliI, Andrej Konchalovsky, Nikita Sergeevič Michalkov, Corinne Touzet, Abel Ferrar, Jack O'Halloran, Matt Dillon and Andrea Camilleri.
We hosted and celebrated the works of all the greatest exponents of Culture, Art and Cinema of all time for their artistic contribution aimed at telling important stories in support of legality and the work of the police forces of the world.
The award takes its name from the famous statue of Lysippos, the original of which is reproduced in silver, was designed by the sculptor from Arezzo Carlo Badii and made by the AURART Arezzo by Maestro Massimo Palombo.
The winners will be given the Apoxiomen, plaques and diplomas.
The 2023 edition of the International Police Award Arts Festival, now IPAAF, will be held in Pesaro from 23 to 29 October 2023.
The artistic direction with the IPAAF with the IPAAF wants to promote and disseminate knowledge of all forms of expression related to cinema (films, TV series, documentaries and animation) throughout the year, and raise awareness of a quality cinema that deals exclusively with of law enforcement and social issues.
The selection of the films entered in the Competition will include a final phase where a maximum of 20 films will be present that will have followed the themes chosen by the Festival:
• Telling the law enforcement agencies;
• Police;
• Legality;
• Safety;
• Social issues related to safety and legality.
The films in the Official Selection will be screened to the public who will express a valid judgment for the final choice of the winning works; this will be foreseen during the Festival only and exclusively for the films admitted to the final phase of the competition.
Within the Festival there will be a section open to young people that involves schools and all school children up to university level (max age 25).
All Italian and international films (films, TV series, documentaries and animation) relating to the themes referred to in point 3, produced from January 1, 2020 to june 30, 2023, will be admitted to the final preselection.
To participate in the preselection:
a) it is possible to upload the film file by following the specific instructions of the online preselection form (min. MPEG 2 - 720x576 4Mbp / s) by monday 31 july 2023;
b) it is possible to send a DVD, a Blu-ray Disc or a DCP to the Festival address no later than monday 31 july 2023 (any delays will be managed differently).
The way in which the film is to be sent must be indicated, by selecting the chosen option, in the pre-selection form. The films in pre-selection must be without subtitles if the original version is in Italian or English; with subtitles in English and Italian if the original version of the film is in a language other than English and Italian.
The Artistic Director, as regards the selection of the proposed works, will be assisted by a Selection Committee composed of consultants and experts of Italian and international cinema both in the pre-selection phase and in the final phase. In the final phase it will be supported by a jury of experts who will be announced before the Festival.
Anyone who enters their film in the competition assumes the responsibility of being its legitimate representative, authorized by all those entitled to the work. The declaration made by the person who signed the registration form therefore exempts the Artistic Director from verifying the legitimacy of the same to register the film that will be deemed to be factually ascertained, exempting him from any related liability.
For each film presented at the Festival pre-selection, the payment of the registration fee is required to cover the secretarial costs, which must be paid before the film is shipped. In case of failure to send the registered film to the Festival address, this fee will not be refunded. In no case, even if the Festival does not take place (eg due to Covid-19), this sum can be returned. Entries must be sent to:
International Police Award Arts Festival, Via Castiglia nr. 4 - 52048, Monte San Savino (Ar) - segreteria@premioapoxiomeno.it -
The registration fee required is:
- € 20 for those who register the film by uploading the file or sending the support no later than February 28 2023;
- € 30 for those who register the film by uploading the file or sending the support no later than may 31, 2023;
- € 50 for those who register the film by uploading the file or sending the support no later than july 31, 2023;
For short films the registration fee is discounted by 50%.
The registration fee can only be paid by bank transfer: made out to IPAAF, IBAN ITIT24F0501802800000012167151. The costs of any special or out-of-competition film screenings are the responsibility of the participants, as well as the shipping costs of copies of the films. Any deviations from these admission conditions will be agreed with the Festival Management.
To be admitted to the preselection no later than Monday 31th of july 2023 it is necessary:
a) Fill in the preselection form (entry-form) to be downloaded from our website;
b) Send the film in one of the formats indicated in point 6;
c) Send in digital format the information and press dossier, including synopsis in Italian or English, treatment in Italian and English, bio-filmography of the director, artistic cast and, if possible, a press kit.
d) There is no provision for the return of any of these documents in any medium, sent for preselection. The materials will not be used for commercial purposes but only as an archive of the Festival to protect producers and all authors (point 8). Advertising materials of the selected films.
For each selected film, the documentation for the press conference, for the preparation of the catalog and the website, as well as for the televisions and journalists accredited at the Ferstival, who will be able to freely transmit and / or publish such documentation, must be received.
In particular, they must be sent by july 31, 2023:
- Trailer or clip from the movie
- Minimum 5 photos of the film in high resolution
- Minimum 1 high resolution photo of the director
- Director's biography and filmography
- Technical sheet of the film
- Director's notes
- Press kit
The materials provided will remain available on the website and in the Festival's online press kit without any limit of duration.
The public, by registering on an online server, will be able to view all the selected films and will be able to assign a vote that will allow the Festival Management to select the film that will win the audience prize. The Artistic Director can propose to the President and the Board of Directors the assignment of the Prize as best actor, best direction, best soundtrack and any other prizes. The producers and distributors of the films presented undertake to affix a sign with the mention of the award received and the logo of the IPAAF Festival before the release of the film. For this edition, cash prizes will be awarded to the best films of the Festival in the categories: short, feature film, documentary and animation. At least 5 films must be registered for the awarding of the cash prize in the relevant category. The value of the cash prizes will be defined by march 31, 2023.
Films to be entered in the Competition can be invited by the Festival Organization through a registration form to be returned, duly completed and signed, within five days of receiving the invitation. Receipt of the form by the Management implies legal acceptance by all recipients of the invitation, which is considered definitive and irrevocable. The invitation to the film must remain strictly confidential until the announcement of the program by the Festival Management, under penalty of exclusion from the selection.
The general programming and screening times are the sole responsibility of the Artistic Direction. The acceptance of the invitation by those who participated in the work implies the commitment to make the film available free of charge for at least 3 public screenings, to respect the hospitality policy and not to withdraw the film once accepted the Invitation. Further authorizations will be required for the programming of the web room (on the web platform), subject to specific authorization from the right holders. The provisions and methods of access to the web platform will be published separately on the site and in any case detailed in the authorization request with related technical specifications. In cases of force majeure (eg Covid-19) the Artistic Direction reserves the right to present the films through an alternative programming based on streaming technologies.
IPAAF is open to the public. There are also national and international professional accreditations and press accreditations. Each participant and / or guest of the Festival acknowledges that at the Festival
there will be accredited televisions and other media partners who will carry out television and / or television coverage
Radio. By agreeing to participate in the Festival, each participant assigns all broadcasting rights to any video free of charge, allowing the media partner who made it to use it.
according to your needs. The specifications for digital cinema will be available on the systems of our website used by the Festival.
All the material necessary for the preparation of the official catalog of the Festival must be received as soon as possible and, in any case, by Friday 30 june 2023 and must bear the indication "Catalog preparation material". The owners of the invited works must send the materials necessary for the promotion to the press office of the Festival by the same date. Such advertising material must strictly carry the indication "Film selected for IPAAF 2023".
All shipping costs of the materials (including any customs charges) are the responsibility of the sender. Any return of material will be borne by the sender. The materials will be disposed of by the Management on 30 October 2024. Any form of promotion subsequent to the official announcement of the program must, by explicit commitment of the speakers, indicate participation in the IPAAF with the official logo prepared and provided by the Management.
The producers and distributors of the films presented during the Festival undertake to affix the official logo of the Festival in the promotional materials that will accompany the film's theatrical release and, upon its theatrical release, a sign indicating participation in the film. film at the Festival and, if awarded, the mention of the prize received, according to the official graphics prepared and provided by the Festival Press Office.
The Festival Management adopts all anti-piracy measures necessary to protect the copyrights of the films entrusted to the Festival for the major international events for the period of conservation of the films during the Festival.
Participation in the Festival implies compliance with these Regulations. It is the responsibility of producers, distributors or other subjects presenting the film to ensure that they are legitimately authorized to present the film at the Festival. The Artistic Director of the Festival has the right to settle all cases not provided for in these Regulations, as well as to derogate from the Regulations in particular and justified cases. For any controversy regarding the interpretation of the single articles of the Regulations, the original text written in Italian will prevail.
Short and Feature Films
PRO 58%
28 Feb 23
28 Feb 23
31 May 23
31 Jul 23
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Submissions deadline
31 Jul 23
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The International Police Association is a friendship organisation for members of the police force, and without distinction as to rank, position, gender, race, language or religion. We have around 372,000 members in nearly 100 countries, of which 65 are affiliated National Sections, and we are represented on 5 continents. We are a non-governmental organisation, and our aims are to create and strengthen bonds of friendship between members of the police service, promote international cooperation in social, cultural and professional fields. The IPA is committed to the principles as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as adopted by the United Nations in 1948, and is in Consultative (Special) Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and also is in Consultative Status with the Organization of American States and UNESCO. IN ITALY IS THIRD SECTOR CULTURAL ASSOCIATION
Short and Feature Films >50' (2023+)
PRO 58%
28 Feb 23
28 Feb 23
31 May 23
31 Jul 23
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Submissions deadline
31 Jul 23
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