Festival Internacional de cortos sobre salud mental ‘Visionando’ (1)

I Festival of short films on mental health ‘Visionando


08 Abr 2024

17 Jun 2024
Festival fechado

10 Set 2024
Data de Notificação

09 Set 2024
10 Out 2024


Martín Santos Romero, 1 ,  47016, Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens 20'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2021
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  20'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 09 Setembro 2024      Fim do Festival: 10 Outubro 2024

Intras, mental health and culture: ‘Visionando’
In Intras we think that mental health is a very broad term that recognizes cultural, social, philosophical and historical aspects beyond the purely biological and sanitary. That is why this Festival seeks to collect and show all possible views in order to make visible different realities and combat the stigmas associated with mental health problems.

From this perspective we present the I Festival of short films on mental health 'Visionando' to be held between October and November 2024 in the city of Valladolid as the main venue.

Why ‘Visionando’?
‘Visionando' was born in 2023 as a film series with the collaboration of the City Council of Valladolid, creating a space in the city to reflect on mental health. In the last quarter of the year, 5 films were screened followed by a colloquium with mental health, film and media professionals. They addressed different perspectives on mental health: family, emotional and social relationships, care, the passage through psychiatric units, new technologies and their impact, gender violence and its therapeutic approach, community integration and the importance of employment as a normalizing tool.

Prêmios em dinheiro: 400€

Among all the fiction and documentary short films selected for the competition, a SPECIALIZED JURY made up of relevant people from the world of cinema, mental health and social services will decide on the awarding of the following prizes:

• Jury prize for the best fiction short film (400 €).

• Jury prize for the best documentary short film (400 €).

• Audience award for best fiction short film (recognition trophy).

• Audience award for the best documentary short film (recognition trophy).


Art.1 Objective

The I International Festival of short films on mental health 'Visionando' is born with the objective of compiling audiovisual works in short film format in which mental health is the main theme, in order to generate spaces for reflection and dialogue with citizens through the projections.

Other objectives of the Festival are:

• To collaborate in the reduction of social stigma by giving a positive image of mental health.

• To transmit an image of mental health that can be translated into awareness and prevention.

• Celebrate values of diversity by making visible different realities in which people living with mental health problems are the protagonists.

• To highlight the need to protect the rights of people affected by mental health problems.

• To inspire people affected by mental health problems so that they can take control of their own process.

Art. 2. Celebration.

The I International Festival of short films on mental health 'Visionando' will be held between the months of September and November 2024. The main venue of the Festival will be the city of Valladolid, with the possibility of organizing screenings in the rural areas of the province, as well as in other locations where Fundación INTRAS develops its activity, once the awards have been announced.

Art. 3. Sections.

The I International Festival of short films on mental health 'Visionando' has two sections:

• FICTION SECTION: short fiction films dealing with mental health from different perspectives.

• DOCUMENTARY SECTION: short documentaries related to mental health. 

Art. 4. Submission.

Entries may be submitted to the Festival between March 6, 2024 and May 31, 2024 in the following ways:

• Through the online platform www.festhome.com

• By e-mail: visionando@intras.es including: technical and artistic specifications, as well as the name, surname, telephone number and e-mail address of the person submitting the film.

These regulations can be consulted in the space provided by INTRAS Foundation on its website (www.intras.es) for the dissemination of the I International Festival of short films on mental health 'Visionando'.

Art. 5. Conditions for participation.

The year of production of the submitted works must be between 2021 and 2024, both included.

For the selection phase, MP4 (h.264) or AVI formats are accepted. For the screening at the festival, only MP4 (h.264), DVD, Blu-Ray or DCP formats will be accepted.

The duration of the films must be less than 20 minutes.

The screenings will be in the original version with subtitles in Spanish, except in cases where the language of the film is Spanish. Copies made in other languages must include the subtitles in Spanish or, failing that, be accompanied by the .srt file with the text in Spanish.

The short films will be sent, as far as possible, via download link.

Art. 6. awards.

Among all the fiction and documentary short films selected for the competition, a SPECIALIZED JURY made up of relevant people from the world of cinema, mental health and social services will decide on the awarding of the following prizes:

• Jury prize for the best fiction short film (500 €).

• Jury prize for the best documentary short film (500 €).

• Audience award for best fiction short film (recognition trophy).

• Audience award for the best documentary short film (recognition trophy).

The composition of the jury will be made public before the beginning of the festival and its decision will be recorded in a report that will be published in the web space provided by Fundación INTRAS for the communication of the Festival.

Art. 7. Selection.

Once the INTRAS Foundation has confirmed the selection of the cinematographic work, the production company or the author will send:

• the copy to be screened in any of the formats
indicated in Art. 5.

• press dossier: trailer, diffusion materials, social
networks and publicity of the cinematographic work.

Art. 8. Exhibition.

The Festival team will establish the order and date of exhibition of the selected works.

The selected participants will be informed of the day and time of the screening of their works through the Fundación INTRAS website and the Fundación INTRAS social networks, in addition to receiving information via email of the complete program schedule.

The main venue of the Festival will be the city of Valladolid, with the possibility of organizing screenings in the rural areas of the province, as well as in other locations where Fundación INTRAS carries out its activities.

Art. 9. Acceptance of the conditions and Data
Protection Law.

Participation in the Festival implies full acceptance of these Regulations. Any other circumstance not expressly stated herein, or that may be interpretable, will be resolved by the Festival organizers.

The organization reserves, exceptionally, the right to admit works that do not meet some of the above criteria.

The organization reserves the right to readjust the dates of the Festival due to circumstances related to the global calendar of the organizing entity or the screening venues.

The organization commits and undertakes that the personal data belonging to the data file of the participants will be treated in accordance with article 12 of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD).

Art. 10. Distribution and diffusion rights.

The participants must hold the rights of distribution and diffusion of the work at an international level (and accredit them to Fundación INTRAS), including the soundtrack and the image rights of the people who appear in it, exempting Fundación INTRAS from any responsibility in this respect.

The participants will cede the screening rights on a non-exclusive basis during the festival.
Visionando' reserves the right to exhibit the selected material at any time, within the program of awareness activities organized by Intras, promoter of the Festival. This use will be made for non-commercial, non-profit purposes, and always citing the authorship of the same and communicating the projection previously to the authors of the works. The reproduction of the works will be made for the purpose of awareness, education or for the defense of the rights of people with mental health problems (assumptions contemplated in art 32, of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, approving the revised text of the Law of Intellectual Property).



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