No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Aug 25
01 Apr 2025
Call for entries
30 Aug 2025
Final deadline
02 Mar 2026
Notification date
01 Mar 2026
31 Mar 2026
Festival start: 01 March 2026 Festival end: 31 March 2026
Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is an independent NGO that works for the defense of human rights all over the world. Through our field researches, conscious raising campaigns, petitions and letters, and public human rights advocacy, we work for a world in which every human being is entitled to the rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international texts.
Accordingly, our campaigns focus on themes such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, children’s rights, refugees and migrant’s rights, discriminations, impunity, the death penalty amongst others.
Cinema has always been and will always be a way in which human rights violations can be exposed and denounced. For that, Amnesty International France is pleased to announce the opening of submissions f edition of its annual cinema festival “Au Cinéma pour les droits humains” (To Cinema for Human Rights), which will take place in March 2019. The festival takes place each year in different cities of the south of France and with last year’s edition having had more than 3800 members at the audience. Therefore, we are searching for different entries for our festival. We are searching for films that touch on one or several human rights issues that are connected to any of our campaigns, such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, impunity, and discriminations amongst other things.
If you feel that your film speaks of one or several major human rights issues, and you wish to submit it for selection, then please do send us a link this address in order to review it: Also, please make sure that the film contains FRENCH SUBTITLES OR IS IN FRENCH LANGAGE. Once our selection committee has a decision, then we will notify you as soon as possible
People's award is given at the end of the festival
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Aug 25