Biosegura Cine, Medio Ambiente y Mundo Rural ()

Biosegura Film, Environment and Rural World


17 Mär 2023
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

30 Jun 2023
Festival geschlossen

05 Aug 2023

11 Okt 2023
15 Okt 2023


Paseo de la Constitución, 1,  -23280, Beas de Segura, Jaén, Spain

Festival Beschreibung
Environment and Rural
Kurzfilmfestival >1' 30'<
Spielfilmfestival >31'

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2020
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >1' 30'<
 Spielfilme  >31'
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Biosegura Cine, Medio Ambiente y Mundo Rural
Photo of Biosegura Cine, Medio Ambiente y Mundo Rural

Photo of Biosegura Cine, Medio Ambiente y Mundo Rural
Photo of Biosegura Cine, Medio Ambiente y Mundo Rural

German ML

Festival Start: 11 Oktober 2023      Festival Ende: 15 Oktober 2023

Biosegura Film Festival " Environment and Rural Development".

Best Feature Film: 1000 € and trophy

Best Short Film: 500 € and trophy

Audience Award: trophy

Audience Award (online): diploma

PRIZE OF RECOGNITION to a person or institution for their work in defense of both the environment and the rural world.


The City of Beas de Segura (Jaén) is organizing the XXI edition of Biosegura "Cinema, Environment and Rural World and the XVI Exhibition of Cinema, Environment and Rural Development" that is being held in Beas de Segura (Jaén) from 11 to October 15, 2023. Participation in this competition is defined by following the rules:


1- Understanding the Environment to be the interaction of human beings with the natural environment, including all aspects related to climate change, water resources management, sustainable development, human rights/gender relations related to the Environment, North-South relations and socio-economic imbalances, as well as any other human activity which is harmful to the natural environment.

The rural world is defined, in a broad sense, as film productions whose primary intention is showing aspects of the rural world related to both social and culture ways of life.

2- All films made after January 1st, 2020 may be submitted for registration to the competition.

Any films that contain either a touristic or advertising theme, will be excluded from the competition. Festival judges are not allowed to have been involved in any aspect of production of the submitted films.

3- Each director may submit only one film.

4- Films can be presented in any language. If the original language version is not in Spanish, they must be subtitled in Spanish.


5.- The registration deadline is June, 30, 2023.

6.- The competition has two categories:

Short Film, less than 30 minutes duration

Full Length Feature Film, more than 30 minutes

7.- Registration can be done in the following way:

Online submission via


9.- A selection team, with full autonomy, will select from the registered films, those who will participate in the competition which will be held from October 11 to 15 at the Teatro Cine Regio in Beas de Segura (Jaén).

10.- Anyone involved with the selection team, the panel of judges or the Biosegura Cinema organization structures, is prohibited from having any connection to individuals or legal entities registered in the festival.

11.- Biosegura will invite the directors of selected films to Biosegura Cinema 2023. This invitation includes two nights’ food and accommodation for a person.

This invitation is only applicable to film directors or film participants.

The film directors are responsible for the presentation of their films and any interaction with the media. In the event that, film directors are absent during their assigned viewing times, alternate dates will not be facilitated.

12.- Biosegura may create film clips similar to the official film, with selected material it considers to have viewing interest. Notification of this will be provided to the directors.

13.- Directors will be notified if their film has been selected on April 6.

14.- Films selected for the competition must be submitted in a digital format.

15. The file must be (mkv, mov, avi or mp4 )format.

16.- The selected films will then become part of the Biosegura archives which will be used for private consultation, educational or research purposes as authorized.


17.- Biosegura will appoint a panel of judges to award prizes. The secretary of the panel of judges will be appointed by Biosegura, and will act as the speaker during the deliberations without voting privileges.

18.- The Official panel of judges will award the following prizes:

Best Full Length Feature Film Prize: 1000 €

Best short film Prize: € 500

Audience Award: trophy

Audience Award (online): diploma

19.- The panel of judges reserves the right to award prizes how it deems appropriate. Prizes must be assigned.

20.- Prizes will be handled in correspondence with Spanish law.

Biosegura is not responsible for sending unclaimed prizes.

21. Biosegura will also award - without monetary value - the following prize:

PRIZE OF RECOGNITION to a person or institution for their work in defense of both the environment and the rural world.

22.- Other prizes and honorable mentions offered by national and international institutions or organizations, previously approved by Biosegura, being the responsibility of said institutions and organizations the election of the winners and the delivery of the corresponding prizes


23.- For the purposes of festival dissemination, Biosegura is authorized to use a three-minute clip of selected films.

24.- Once the Festival has finished, Biosegura has the right to use in whole or part selected films for non- profit cultural and educational programing. Directors will be given prior notice.

25.- Non-selected films may also be used exclusively for cultural and educational purposes in the dependent municipalities of the Sierra de Segura Region.

26.- The contestant agrees to the authorship and originality of each film presented, exempting Biosegura from any responsibility of its content.

27.- Registration of a film is the equivalent to accepting all conditions and regulations of Biosegura.

More information
Biosegura Film
www.facebook / biosegura



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