Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo) ()

Bringing Human Rights to the people, short film contest

Dates limites

17 sept. 2024
Appel à Inscriptions

14 oct. 2024
Festival fermé

14 déc. 2024
Date de notification

17 sept. 2024
10 déc. 2024


1 errepide nazionala 24, 4B,  20250, Legorreta, GIPUZKOA, Spain

Description du Festival
Human rights
Festival d court métrage 12'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2015
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  12'<
 Toutes langues
Spanish Basque
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)
Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)
Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)
Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)

French ML

Début du Festival: 17 septembre 2024      Fin du Festival: 10 décembre 2024

Opening of the festival: 13th september, 2024.

Inscription: Until 14rd october, 2024.

The GEH Short Film Competition is a short film competition on human rights held in different localities of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country).

This competition is part of the global project human rights Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Bringing human rights to the people.). The GEH is a human rights awareness project created by the dar-dar Productions cooperative in 2015. The first editions were based in Ordizia. In 2023, the festival has developed and extended to several towns in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria).

The main objective of this competition is to raise awareness and educate on human rights. Because this short film contest is a window that we open to the world, and from that window we can see the different realities that people live in different parts of the planet. In view of these realities, we intend to encourage reflection on human rights violations in different parts of the world.

Whatever the format is, all films will compete on equal terms.


1.First prize 1000€ for the best short film.

2.Second prize 500€.

3.Special Award "Arteria Award" 400€ for Vasque Country's best short film.

4.Young prize 300€.

To these prizes will be applied the retention of the corresponding tax (IRPF).

Prix ​​en espèces: 1,600€

1.First prize 1000€

2.Second prize 500€.

3.Special Award "Arteria Award" 400€ for Vasque Country's best short film.

4.Young prize 300€

To these prizes will be applied the retention of the corresponding tax (IRPF).



The works will be presented via digital platforms.

The organization will open the call on several digital platforms:


Human Rights.


The films cannot exceed 12 minutes.

Until 14 OCTOBER, 2024, each participant can submit as many films as desired. Short films created from 1st of january , 2015.

Transfer of the rights of the works presented:

Contestants agree to give the exhibition rights while the festival takes place. The organization may use fragments of selected films to promote them and the festival.

The organization may use the parts of the work (up to 10% of the duration) for the promotion of the selected works and the festival.


The organization will watch all registered films, select finalist works and create a monitoring program.

Film Screening:

The projections from the Official Section will take place until the last day of the festival.

With the aim of taking awareness and educating on human rights, the organization will project several screenings at the headquarters of social and cultural organizations, schools, etc. Such attempts will never have a commercial purpose.

At the end of each session, the artistic values of each short film will be discussed and related to one or more articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Then there will be a participatory process in which the public will vote to decide the winners of the festival.

The jury:

The jury of the HERRIRA HUMAN RIGHTS SHORT FILM CONTEST will be composed of the audience. They’ll have to vote in the participatory process after all the screening sessions.

The organization shall promote the participation of local associations and shall pay particular attention to the participation of persons belonging to certain groups in order to guarantee their cultural rights (migrants, women, LGTBIQ+, functional diversity...). In addition, the organization will take appropriate measures to ensure that the sessions are accessible to anyone (spaces that guarantee physical accessibility to projections, magnetic loop...).


The organizers will draw up a clear and detailed record of the results of the participatory process, which it will be unappealable and will be communicated in writing to the finalists and winners. Any prize may be declared deserted. The organization can give special mentions.


Whatever the format is, all films will compete on equal terms. First prize 1000€ for the best short film.

1.First prize 1000€

2.Second prize 500€.

3.Special Award "Arteria Award" 400€ for Vasque Country's best short film.

4.Young prize 300€

To these prizes will be applied the retention of the corresponding tax (IRPF).


The field of the competition is international.


Short fiction, animation, documentary or experimental can participate in this competition. Video clips or advertising works will not be accepted.


Movies can be sound or silent and in any language.
If the language of the short film is not one of the two official languages, the work must be subtitled in either one of these two languages.


If you want to present the film and the registration bulletin in physical form, please contact us at

The End:

Around December 10, World Human Rights Day, and before December 17, the finalist films will be screened and the awards will be presented. The gala may be online or followed online.



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