Festival CinemaZERO ()


17 Sep 2024
Call for entries

05 Nov 2024
Festival closed

18 Nov 2024
Notification date

28 Nov 2024
01 Dec 2024


Via della Malpensada, 82,  38122, Trento, TN, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Any language
English Italian
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Photo of Festival CinemaZERO
Photo of Festival CinemaZERO

Photo of Festival CinemaZERO
Photo of Festival CinemaZERO


Festival start: 28 November 2024      Festival end: 01 December 2024

“ZERO cinema” is an artisanal and experimental artistic approach that contrasts the assembly line of industrial film production; it is hyper-independent, produced or auto-produced by single artists or small groups (less than 10 people) with no commercial interests; it is made with common and easily accessible, or innovative and low cost, means of production.

“ZERO cinema” has a different attitude, adventurous or poetic, DIY or punk, anarchic or self-sufficient, to the video work; it speaks with a personal, intimate, courageous and autonomous voice.

“ZERO cinema” is, more than any other thing, a strong idea of cinema and artistic production.

Cash Prizes: 2,000€

FCZ assigns prizes for a total amount of 2.000 € value vouchers (please read the full version of the Competition Call to discover the different prizes of any section)

- Before submitting your work, read carefully the full version of FCZ rules and terms here: https://www.festivalcinemazero.it/fcz2024-competition-call/

- We look for max. 20 minutes works realised with the “cinema zero” approach described in the introduction. If you don’t find our lines and principles in your work, please spare our time and yours and don’t submit it.

- FCZ features different sections: the FCZ Main Competition and the “EX-MACHINA: visions of an automated future” MUSE award with a 5€ submission fee, and the AnimazioneZERO section, ONLY dedicated to animation shorts, with no submission fee.

- FCZ assigns prizes for a total amount of 2.000 € value vouchers.

- Works in any language other than Italian must be subtitled in Italian or English.

- By submitting your work, you agree to have it screened in FCZ2024, both in competition or out of competition, and in any other event connected with FCZ, free of any charge for the organization.

- You are the only responsible for the use of music, original or non-original, in your work.

- We invite you to submit works realised not before 2022 and never submitted to our festival before.

- By submitting your work, you accept all rules and terms listed on the full version of the FCZ2024 Competition Call.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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