Festival de cinema de Girona (35)

Festival De Cinema De Girona


21 Jan 2020
Call for entries

01 Apr 2020
Festival closed

31 Jul 2020
Notification date

29 Sep 2020
03 Oct 2020


Plaça de la Independència 10,  17001, Girona, Girona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 59'<
Feature film festival >60'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2019
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  59'<
 Feature Films  >60'
 Any language
Catalan Spanish
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Photo of Festival de cinema de Girona
Photo of Festival de cinema de Girona
Photo of Festival de cinema de Girona
Photo of Festival de cinema de Girona


Festival start: 29 September 2020      Festival end: 03 October 2020

The festival is an event aimed at the talent of film professionals, artists and students, to emerge creativity with the noble diffusion of values and deep thought.

It is the festival with more theaters of release in Catalonia, 10 theaters.
It has an exclusive entrance to the city center, the emblematic Plaza de la Independencia.
It is the oldest festival in Catalonia after Sitges,
All the films in the world are registered.
400 films are screened between feature films, shorts, documentaries, etc.
It has more than six thousand spectators.

Best Short Film
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary
Best Performance
Best Music
Best Photography
Best Assembly
Best Image Treatment
Best Video creation
Best Webserie
Best Music video

Best Km 0
Best Youth movie
Best Animation Movie
Best Film about Sustainability and Handicapped
Best Advertising film.
Best Jewish Film

The Prize is a trophy. Its value is in the Festival category, its jury and the dissemination that is given.
The prize is officially announced on the night of the Medal and is collected there.
The winner does not realize, exceptionally realizes confidential.



Year of production: 2019-2020.
Character: unpublished, which has not been released commercially in Spain -except for Videoclips, webseries and adversiting Films-.
Participation: International. All genres, styles and themes.
Support: copies must be adapted to the technical requirements required in each section of the Festival.

The registration of films in the festival will proceed through our form
or the following platforms:

The deadline for the application to register films at the Festival will end on April 1, 2020.
Selection announcements will be made before July 31, 2020.
The event will take place between September 29 and october 3, 2020 in Girona, Plaza de la Independencia 10 and other areas of the city.

All sections are international.
Films must be commercially unpublished, with the exceptions indicated.
Short Film. Maximum 60'.
Feature Film. More than 60'.
Documentary. Unlimited duration.
Cartoon Film. Unlimited duration.
Webseries. Unlimited duration. The film may be broadcast on the Internet.
Video creation. Maximum 60 '.
Music video. Unlimited duration. The film may be broadcast on the Internet.

Km 0 His talent (director, screenwriter, editor, director of photography, musician, producer, actors and technical team), his theme and / or his locations are in the surroundings of Girona. Unlimited duration. Theme, gender and freestyle.
Student festival. Maximum 60'. Shorts intended for children from 5 to 16 years.
Sustainable and Handiccaped Film. Unlimited duration. Films with environmental, naturalist, social, disability, gender and social equality themes, etc.
Jewish Films Special prize to thematic cinema or Jewish talent. Unlimited duration.
Advertising Film. Unlimited duration. The film may be broadcast on the Internet.

1.5. FOCUS
Israel and Jewish cinema.
Km 0, Girona.

Creativity and innovation in the cinematographic language.
The narrative capacity. The importance of discourse, The effectiveness of discourse in the narrative and outside the narrative through situations, visual sensations and sound sensations.
Ability to thrill, emotional speech and its rhythm..
The situations and their impact on the viewer.
The direction, the script, the assembly, the art direction, the photography, the treatment of the image, the music, the production, the interpretation, the special effects and all the creative sectors for the realization of the film.
Originality. Avoid mimicry works dawned in the standards of conventionalism.
Ability to impact, communicate and attract the viewer.
The work by nature has content. His speech must support the basic principles of human rights, the defense of freedom, sustainability, gender equality and attention to the weakest people or groups.
Your interest grows if you develop artistic, human, cultural, educational and historical concepts.
There is also a geographical criterion of proximity (Girona and Catalonia) and the foci that are being established.
In video-creation, the ability to generate image, movement and animation is assessed, manually or in digital processes. Your innovation and contribution to gender. Your speech can be purely aesthetic.
The Videoclip assesses its ability to recreate image from music. Generally a song. Its innovation and contribution to gender are also valued. Also the quality of the music.


The required format for movies is Digital Cinema Package (DCP) to V.O. with subtitles in Catalan or Spanish. If this is not possible, english subtitles will be accepted.
Projection copies must meet the following technical characteristics:
DCP Interop JPEG 2000
Maximum Bitrate: 250 Mbps
Frame rate: 24fps
Not encrypted
Resolution 2K:
Flat 1998x1080
complete 2048x1080
Scope 2048x858
Interop (DCI)
The RBR Films Laboratory, performs a quality control. The projection booth a second control on the movie screen.

Shipments are made online. Link and codes are sent to:
In case of physical shipments, the transport is borne by the distributor.

Culture House, Valvi Foundation, Moby disck and Caixa Forum
The works, which the author has not conceived of as cinematographic, will be screened or viewed in digital format "MPEG-4 Movie", "QuickTime Movie" or similar. These works will not compete in a cinematographic section, nor will they be screened in a professional movie theater.
Copies can be sent in these formats with the highest quality or in their original format H264, ProRes or similar.

CASA DE CULTURA, former hall of the National Film Library of Catalonia, projections of documentaries, series, art and music.
VALVI FOUNDATION viewed in plasma 4K. Video Creation Section.
MOBY DISK viewed in 4K plasma. Video clip section
CAIXA FORUM, workshop and special events.

Nature of the formats in relation to their projection windows and the author's will:
In relation to the natural window of the work, cinema or plasma, the festival admits the author's willingness to appear in another window.
So the video clip category can be turned into a musical short film for cinema if the author expresses it this way. Also a series, a documentary or a videocreation.

The selected films will be screened in various areas of the city.
Cinema films will be screened in the Albéniz cinemas of the Plaza de la Independencia 10. It will be accessed with a payment or invitation ticket.
The film teams will have invitations, which they can request from the organization.
The other spaces are free.

The inscription of the work means the transfer of exhibition and promotional rights at the Girona Film Festival, during Festival days or out of dates, as a Festival event.
No exhibition will have lucrative purposes.
The Festival will communicate the activity to the contact person of the film.
The contact person who makes the registration represents the rights holders of the registered film, and they are responsible for their originality and for the transfer of these rights at the Girona Film Festival to be shown to the public for non-public purposes. lucrative
Some films will be screened in Colleges and Institutes of Girona for educational purposes.

2.6. JURY Deliberation
The jury is made up of a president and other members. The president of the jury may exercise the vote of honor if necessary.
The jury watches the movies, deliberates, votes and give rise to the verdict.
The verdict is secret until the award ceremony in the Medal Winner. Exceptionally there may be communications with confidentiality.

2.7. awards
Best Short Film
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary
Best Performance
Best Music
Best Photography
Best Assembly
Best Image Treatment
Best Video creation
Best Webserie
Best Music video

SPECIAL prizes
Best Km 0
Best Youth movie
Best Animation Movie
Best Film about Sustainability and Handicapped
Best Advertising film.
Best Jewish Film

The Prize is a trophy. Its value is in the Festival category, its jury and the dissemination that is given.
The prize is officially announced on the night of the Medal and is collected there.
The winner does not realize, exceptionally realizes confidential.

Registration implies acceptance of these regulations.
If force majeure causes the regulation to be modified, the modifications would be drafted and published again.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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