Keine Gebühr
01 Jun 25
Short Film Competition of the Film and Wine Festival Ciudad de la Solana
30 Dez 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen
01 Jun 2025
Letzter Termin
14 Nov 2025
13 Nov 2025
30 Dez 2025
Festival Start: 13 November 2025 Festival Ende: 30 Dezember 2025
Geldpreise: 3,800€
• AIREN AWARD for the best short film, endowed with the Best Short Film Award and 1,800 euros
• JESUS ONSURBE AWARD(Public) for the best short film endowed with the Best Short Film Award and 900 euros.
400 € to the short film that deals best with disability.
200 € to the best short film made by a director born or residing in La Solana.
Film and Wine Festival "Ciudad de La Solana 2025"
The Municipal Film Festival aware of the importance of media in Spanish society today, and trying to make them both a media and education, held from November to December 2025 the Film and Wine Festival "Ciudad de La Solana 2025"
The Festival consists of a section: short film competition.
1. - Participation in the short film competition is open to all the filmmaker over 18 years, both individually and collectively, provided their nationality or residence is within the European Union. Short films made from January 1, 2023 will be accepted.
2. - The theme of the films is free and fiction and animation are admitted. May not be short documentaries.
3.- The length of the short films must not exceed 25 minutes.
A) Shorts films can be sent via the next platforms:
B) Direct Registration
In addition, it is possible to send an e-mail to: where authors should indicate how to download their work in the simplest possible way.
C) By mailing the material to:
Patronato Municipal de Cine del Ayuntamiento de La Solana XXI Festival de Cine y Vino “Ciudad de La Solana 2024” Plaza Don Diego, 3
13240 La Solana (Ciudad Real)
5.- The Festival Organization reserves the right to close sending material through the platforms indicates above if appropriate. Copies will be part of the Municipal Theater of La Solana (Ciudad Real) and will only be used for cultural and nonprofit activities.
6.- Short films can be silent or can incorporate dialogue, in this case Spanish language must be used; if the Spanish language is not used, short films must have Spanish subtitles.
Short films in any other language without Spanish subtitles will be directly disqualified.
7.- A maximum of 2 works per participant will be admitted.
8.- All deliveries shall state clearly the details or the author/s. Photocopy of ID or similar, technical datasheet, filmography of the author, cover and a brief synopsis will be delivered. All these data should be sent in digital format through the distribution indicated.
9.- All work under competition will have delivery deadline 23:59 on June 1st , 2024. The registration form must be included. Otherwise, the short film will be directly disqualified.
10.- The organization shall make a preliminary selection which will be notified to the authors. Selected short films will share projection in the Festival, as part of the official program of the event.
11.- A general category is established in which the AIRÉN, PUBLIC, LOCAL, + CAPACIDAD and CASTILLA-LA MANCHA prizes will be chosen. All the works presented in the different categories are eligible for the Airén and Del Público awards, as well as their corresponding category. It is important to indicate the origin of the short film for the CASTILLA-LA MANCHA AWARD since only directors born or resident in this region or those works that highlight the potential, in any aspect, of our autonomy are eligible for it.
12.- IMPORTANT: An award ceremony will be organized by the festival. The winners will be obliged to collect the prize, either personally or through any person they delegate. In the event that no one attends for their collection, they will not receive the cash prize, although they will receive the appropriate award.
13.- VERY IMPORTANT: Selected short films must be sent MANDATORY IN DCP FORMAT for screening in the official section. Short films that have not been received in this format will not be screened. The DCP delivery must be done through the selected platforms or through internet links that allow to download the work in this system.
13.- The sending of any type of material through ordinary mail will be borne by the SELECTED DIRECTOR.
14.- The organization of the Film and Wine Festival will take care of the return of the materials related to the short film provided, if it is requested within a maximum period of 30 days from the end of the XXI Festival. The return period may be up to 30 days from the date it is requested by email on: After thirty days from the end of the Festival (limit January 15th, 2025) the organization will not be responsible of these materials.
15.- The awarded short films, or those that may be interesting without an award, may be shown outside the Festival in other activities, always with the permission of their authors and paying the corresponding rights by the organization.
16.- prizes are as follows:
AIREN AWARD for the best short film, endowed with the Best Short Film Award and 1,800 euros
JESUS ONSURBE AWARD(Public) for the best short film endowed with the Best Short Film Award and 900 euros.
500 euros and award
400 euros and award for the best short film about disability
There will be a special price: award and 200 euros for the best short film made by authors born o resident in our town
17.- The jury will be composed of a group of people who will be decided by the Patronage Film Festival of La Solana. The final verdict will be appealed. The prize may be forfeited if appropriate.
18.- The awards will be presented on December 2025, within the Closing Gala of the Film and Wine Festival "Ciudad de La Solana".
19.- Contestants are responsible for ensuring that the works presented are not subject to any legal claim.
20.- The organization reserves the right to modify any of these rules if circumstances require. If this happens it would be appropriate advertised.
21.- The winning short films of any of the awards will incorporate the slogan "Awarded at the XXI Edition of the Film and Wine Festival Ciudad de La Solana”.
22.- Participation in this contest implies the acceptance of all these rules.
Office: + 34 926 62 60 31
Keine Gebühr
01 Jun 25