Luna de Cortos Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes (11)

Luna de Cortos International Short Film Festival


26 Fev 2024

26 Abr 2024
Festival fechado

26 Jun 2024
Data de Notificação

03 Ago 2024
10 Ago 2024


Santo Domingo de Guzmán, 48,  24350, Veguellina de Órbigo, León, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens >3' 20'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2023
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >3' 20'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Luna de Cortos Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes
Photo of Luna de Cortos Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes

Photo of Luna de Cortos Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes
Photo of Luna de Cortos Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 03 Agosto 2024      Fim do Festival: 10 Agosto 2024


The Festival was born with a very specific mission: it aims to stimulate public attention towards an open and wide representative space, such as the rural environment, makes its outdoor projections, open to all, the best exponent. Youth and adults, generations separated by years and experiences, gather around a screen, which is the focus of the light of a past and a future: culture is timeless, culture unites, and film language will be the link common to temper emotions and feelings, to treasure memories, to provoke lively gatherings.

In this way, all attendees of the event can enjoy a heterogeneous and dynamic speech. Through this cultural impulse, the different currents of creativity allow viewers to move and explore new and old codes in a public space, creating community.


All the winners will be awarded the statuette symbol of the contest: the 'Moon' of the festival.

The short films participating in the competition section will be eligible for the following prizes depending on the categories:

Best Fiction Short Film
Best Economic Experimental Short Film
Best Rural Short Film
Second Script Special Mention
Second Actor Special Mention
Second Actress Special Mention
Best Short Film Guest Country / Guest City Special Mention
Best short film Castilla y León
economic and Special mention

Note that the prize for the best rural short film will be awarded by the public attending the screenings. The calculation will be done by adding the votes of each short film and taking the percentage in relation to all the attendees.

The 11th Edition of the Luna de Cortos International Short Film Festival announces a national short film contest, to be held the first week of August 2024 in the town of Riego de la Vega (León-Spain).


All filmmakers who meet the requirements of the rules may participate in the Official Competition Section.

* Works made and / or produced in 2023 and 2024 that have not participated in previous editions of the Luna de Cortos Festival will be accepted.

* The works that, although they have been filmed outside the national territory but provided that the production and / or realization is Spanish.

* Resident foreign filmmakers may participate. These rules will not affect participants from the Guest Country.


* Each author may only submit one short film to the competition and in one of the categories.

* Works whose V.O. whether in Catalan, Basque, Galician or other languages, they must be subtitled in Spanish.

* Any recording format is supported, as long as they are of sufficient quality to be projected on a large screen (minimum 5X7).

* The duration of the short films will not exceed 20 minutes with the credits, up to 25 minutes for the RURAL category.

* The authors are responsible for the rights of their works.


* The registration dates are from February 26 to April 26, 2024.

* Short films can be registered on the platform:

Before June 30, the authors of the SELECTED works must:

* Send a projection copy in digital format HD 264 (1920 x 1080) (Full HD) by Wetransfer to:
* Festival registration form and form with the Acceptance of the Bases signed by their authors.
* Brief synopsis. * Technical and artistic file of the short film * Frames of the film in JPG format
* Director's photo in JPG format.
* These requirements will be required if the materials are not on the platforms and cannot be downloaded with sufficient quality.
The selected works will remain in the hands of the Luna de Cortos Festival for their incorporation into the archive of the Cinematheque of the D-SPIERT @ Association, where they can be consulted.


The selection of audiovisual works will be carried out by a Committee chosen by the Organization.

The Festival Organization will only announce the selection of works to their authors. Media: email and / or through the digital platforms where they are registered.

Dates: June 2024.

Authors of short films that have not been notified will be deemed not selected.

The screening of any film that does not offer the technical guarantees necessary for a good public exhibition will be discarded.


The formalization of the registration form implies that you accept your participation in the Festival under the conditions established in these bases.

The authors of the selected short films authorize the dissemination of graphic material, texts, etc. of audiovisual works in the media, social networks, websites, blogs, catalogs and programming, for its promotion and that of the Festival itself, as well as its exhibition in video libraries or adapted places that guarantee a quality projection, whose sole interest is that of supporting the dissemination of film culture and non-commercial purposes.

Participants must ensure that the rights to participate in the Festival do not violate the rights of third parties linked to the production of the audiovisual work.

Once the selection of the work has been communicated to the authors, they have 48 hours to withdraw it from the Official Section of the festival contest, after that time the Organization reserves the right to include or exclude it from the programming out of respect for the public who has previously been informed of the selection through the organization's media: programs, web, social networks, press, etc.



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