Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan ()


01 11월 2021
출품 요청

11 5월 2022
영화제 마감

16 5월 2022

10 6월 2022
17 6월 2022


Immeuble de l’Institut national des Beaux-arts, Cité scolaire, avenue Mohamed V BP 10 – 93000 Tétouan / MAROC,  -, Tétouan, Tanger Tétouan elhociema, Morocco

영화제 개요
Mediterranean filmmakers
장편 영화제

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 1월 2021
 제작 국가: 필수
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
Arab English French Italian
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan
Photo of Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan

Photo of Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan
Photo of Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan

한국어 (Korean) ML

영화제 시작: 10 6월 2022      영화제 끝: 17 6월 2022

La morosité que le monde entier à vécu et supporté, durant les longs mois de confinement imposés par la pandémie, a bouleversé notre vie en conjuguant le mal être au présent quotidien.

Toutes les manifestations culturelles qui nous dispensaient joie et allégresse ont été interrompues momentanément. Aussi est-il grand temps de reprendre avec l’embellie, le chemin de nos activitésqui nous aideront à retrouver notre dynamisme et notre bien-être. Ce sont ainsi des rituels simples mais tellement efficaces, comme celui de retourner dans une salle de cinéma, qui nous redonneront l’énergie, la vitalité et le ressort des premiers jours.

Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, à l’instar de plusieurs autres festivals du monde, a organisé en mode virtuel son édition précédente, tandis que bien d’autres ont tout simplement reporté leur manifestation. Aujourd’hui, les responsables du FICMT travaillent d’arrache-pied pour présenter à leur nombreux public un événement à la hauteur des aspirations de cet événement et de son histoire qui s’étale sur presque 40 ans.

Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, donne à nouveau rendez-vous à son fidèle public en organisant sa 27ème édition, qui aura lieu du 10 au 17 juin 2022. Réinvestir ainsi les salles de cinéma sera une cure de réjouissance et d’épanouissement, non seulement en visionnant des films, mais aussi et surtout en partageant et en vivant les émotions les plus intenses, en un seul corps collectif de cinéphiles,animés de la même passion mutuelle de rencontres conviviales et d’échanges culturels.

A ce sujet, et en concertation étroite avec nos partenaires, nous estimons qu’il est temps de nous retrouver et de rétablir l’ordre naturel qui régit notre vie en satisfaisant aux impératifs des activités auxquelles nous avons habitué notre public de cinéphiles en raison de leur attachement à cette manifestation cinématographique pérenne et singulière, dont s’enorgueillit la ville de Tétouan, la région et le Royaume tout entier, et qui est devenue au fils des ans et des éditions, un des patrimoines culturels et artistiques les plus appréciés et les plus représentatifs de l’ouverture de notre pays aux valeurs universelles de la diversité. Notre devoir principal est, justement, de lutter contre le découragement et l’oubli, en profitant de la régression de la pandémie pour raviver la flamme et redonner vie et espoir à tous ceux qui ont voué leur existence au 7ème art.

Par conséquent, nous comptons développer plus encore la fonction éducative du festival et la confirmer davantage, en procédant par des projections, des débats, des tables rondes et des ateliers, incitant ainsi notre public, et principalement les jeunes, à s’engager dans la construction et le renforcement des valeurs modernes et citoyennes, qui mèneront notre pays sur la voie de la prospérité et de la consolidation de ses nombreux acquis, dignes de son histoire millénaire.

The jury should certainly award the following prizes:


The Grand Prize of the city of Tetouan

Mohamed Reggab prize, special Jury

Azzedine Meddour prize for the first work

Best male actor prize

Best actress prize

Musthapha Mesnaoui prize, critic’s prize


Grand prize of the city of Tetouan

Special Jury prize

First work prize

Preamble :

The Tetouan Mediterranean film festival is a cinematographic event that aims to promote the Mediterranean cinematography in a spirit of exchange, of sharing and of conviviality.

It was founded by the association “Amis de Cinéma de Tétouan” (Act) in 1987. The first editions were organized in the form of Cinema Encounters of Tetouan.

Since 2006, the TMFF is organized by the foundation of Tetouan Mediterranean Film Festival.


The 27th edition will take place
A new edition from March 11th to 18th 2022
2nd ARTICLE : The official program contains the following sections:

Feature-length, fiction and documentary films competition.

Special sessions: feature length fictions and documentaries.

Guest of the Mediterranean
Program “At the festival school”
Screening “Children/young”
International colloquium
Workshop “The set” (Screenwriting)
Round tables
Off-wall projections

3rd ARTICLE : The films participating in the competitions (full-length and documentaries), special sessions, retrospectives should be in a DCP support.

4th ARTICLE : The films that can participate in the competition should meet the following eligibility criteria:

Should be produced in the last 12 months;
Should not have been commercially distributed or operated, with the exception of the Moroccan films ;
Should be directed by Mediterranean filmmakers;
Should not have been programed in any other Moroccan cinematographic event.
Should not have been broadcasted on the social networks ( Youtube, Streaming, Facebook, etc)

5th ARTICLE : The executive board of the festival is the only responsible of the selection of the films participating in the competition and the other sections.

6th ARTICLE : Once selected, no film could be withdrawn from the ongoing program of the festival.

7th ARTICLE : The films that are presented in the festival (Competition and other sections) must be in an original version and subtitled in French.

If the original version of the film is French, it must be subtitled in English.

8th ARTICLE : The online registration form, as well as the link of the proposed film should be sent to the festival at the latest by January 31st, 2022. It is desirable to send a DVD of the film after the registration. Those copies will be kept in the festival archives. The request should include: A technical file of the movie. A picture of the director. Poster and pictures of the film.

9th ARTICLE : The recommended deadline of the proposed films (Fiction and documentaries) is January 31st, 2022.

10th ARTICLE : The jury shall consist of international figures that are very reputed in the fields of cinema and arts.

Those participating in the production and the broadcasting of a film that is selected for the competition, cannot be part of the jury.

11th ARTICLE : The festival will award 9 prizes for the feature-length films and documentaries.

12th ARTICLE : The jury should certainly award the following prizes:


The Grand Prize of the city of Tetouan
Mohamed Reggab prize, special Jury
Azzedine Meddour prize for the first work
Best male actor prize
Best actress prize
Musthapha Mesnaoui prize, critic’s prize

Grand prize of the city of Tetouan
Special Jury prize
First work prize

13th ARTICLE : A tie prize will not be awarded.

14th ARTICLE : The foreign films are subject to the temporary import regime.

15th ARTICLE : The selected films should undertake to display the “Official Competition” logo of the Tetouan Mediterranean Film Festival on all the advertising material.

16th ARTICLE : The selected movies should be made available to the Festival at the latest by January 31st, 20202.

17th ARTICLE : The copies of the selected films must be received by the only accredited forwarder (DHL) by the Tetouan Mediterranean film festival at the latest by February 11th, 2022.

18th ARTICLE : The transport fees of participating films shall be borne by the festival.

19th ARTICLE : The Festival insures copies of the films as soon as the reception. Liability of the festival shall terminate as soon as the resending of the films. In case of loss, the liability of the festival is engaged only within the limit of the indicated value by the producer on the admission form. In case of damage, the producer should send a certified invoice from a laboratory, within a time limit not exceeding one month after receiving the copy of the film.

20th ARTICLE : The executive board assumes the responsibility of ruling on the questions that are not established by this regulation.

21st ARTICLE : This regulation is drafted in Arabic. It is translated into French, English and Spanish.

The Arabic version shall form the basis for any litigation.

22nd ARTICLE : All Correspondence must be addressed to : The Tetouan Mediterranean film festiva Executive Office, BP 10 Tétouan Maroc Phone 212.39700210 Fax 212.39700210 E-mail : cinemedtet@gmail.com WebSite : www.festivaltetouan.org

23rd ARTICLE :Taking part at the festival implies the acceptance of the present regulations and the preliminary respect of the conditions of pre-selection.

Foundation of the festival



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
