Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+ (22)

OUTFESTPERÚ International LGBT+ Film Festival


01 Jan 2024
Call for entries

31 Dec 2024
Early deadline

28 Feb 2025
Standard deadline

31 Mar 2025
Late deadline

31 Mar 2025
Extended deadline


31 May 2025
Notification date

01 Jul 2025
12 Jul 2025


Av. Tacna 338 dpto 804,  Lima1, Lima, Lima, Peru

Festival description
Short film festival >2' 28'<
Feature film festival >65' 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2' 28'<
 Feature Films  >65' 120'<
 Any language
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Photo of Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+
Photo of Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+

Photo of Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+
Photo of Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+


Festival start: 01 July 2025      Festival end: 12 July 2025

The International Gay, Lesbian Trans Film Festival of Lima - the OutfestPerú - opens its call for the XXI edition and films of all nationalities whose theme is LGBTIQ, and which are eligible for the various sections of the festival can participate in it: Feature films ( Official Section and International Panorama), Short Films Section either Documentary or Fiction and Video Art (Official and Panorama). The works must not have been exhibited in commercial theaters, broadcast on TV or be available to the public on the Internet or other windows in Peruvian territory prior to the celebration of the festival and must have copyright after 2023. Feature films and short films must preferably be unpublished in Peru, although this is not exclusive but will be valued very positively. OutfestPerú reserves the right to include films that do not meet these conditions in the programming, but out of competition.

Jury Awards:

The Jury will award among all the Official Sections of the Festival certificates with a diploma issued by the organization.

OFFICIAL FEATURE FILM SECTION: Best Feature Film, Best Direction and Best Performance

OFFICIAL SHORT FILM SECTION: Best International Short Film, Best National Short Film:

A Favorite Prize of the public will also be awarded, based on the voting carried out via social networks and the internet. In case there are other cash prizes, we will inform you in a timely manner (Prizes from our sponsors).


The films will be able to be presented until March 31 on the Festhome platform (these platform may have a cost destined to the cash prizes). Non-final montages will be accepted, as long as the copy for exhibition purposes is available before May 20. If you do not have an online viewing copy, you must contact us to receive instructions. It must be detailed in the attached form: title of the work, director, duration, producer, address, telephone, email, and contact person.

In the case of Peruvian productions, registration is free and eventually they can also be registered by sending a private screener link along with the complete registration form.

Films in languages ​​other than Spanish can be submitted but they must be subtitled in Spanish (preferably in a separate file) or we would exceptionally accept it if it includes a separate srt file in english (not inserted in the film). If the work is selected, the subtitles file in Spanish is mandatory.


The accepted formats for its exhibition are: MP4 FHD or 4K, ProRes, AVI and Blu Ray. The DCP format will only be accepted if it has audio or subtitles in Spanish. The festival will not return the discs used for exhibition unless a means of paid postal reply is included.


Jury awards:

The Jury will award among all the Official Sections of the Festival certificates with a diploma issued by the organization.

OFFICIAL FEATURE FILM SECTION: Best Feature Film, Best Direction and Best Performance

OFFICIAL SHORT FILM SECTION: Best International Short Film, Best National Short Film:

A Favorite Prize of the public will also be awarded, based on the voting carried out via social networks and the internet. In case there are other cash prizes, we will inform you in a timely manner (prizes from our sponsors).


The Jury for feature films will be made up of three people: a representative from the film industry, a cultural manager and an LGBT activist or a human rights NGO.


The notification will be made - to those selected - on May 31, 2025 by email to the address indicated in the registration form. In this case, the person in charge of the selected work must provide the material in its final format for exhibition, if he had not previously sent it. It is understood that the exhibition will be in physical or face-to-face spaces. The selection will be considered accepted and authorized, after 7 calendar days, if the author does not express opposition in writing.

By registration and selection, the author of the work authorizes OutfestPerú to include it in traveling exhibitions of the festival in other cities of the Peruvian territory and if the work was related to HIV / AIDS it could be included in the HIVsible exhibition that we held in December. If you have any questions, you can write to us to confirm the status of your work.


Excerpts (up to 4 minutes) can be made from the programmed titles for internet, tv or with other promotional purposes. The material provided by the director may be used for promotional purposes or for the festival catalog. OutfestPerú must be informed in writing of any restriction in this regard


OutfestPerú does not assume any responsibility in case of deterioration or loss of the materials during their transport. If any of the aforementioned circumstances take place during the celebration of the festival, the organization will limit itself to bearing the costs of repair or replacement of the copy. The festival is not responsible for possible infringements related to copyright, these being the responsibility of whoever registers the work.


  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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