28 2月 23
Professional Competition: All works which comply with the conditions detailed in point 3
above may participate under this category.
Córdoba International Film-minute Festival.
03 1月 2023
28 2月 2023
04 4月 2023
18 5月 2023
19 5月 2023
映画祭の開始: 18 5月 2023 映画祭の終了: 19 5月 2023
The VI Córdoba International Film-Minute Festival is a cultural and artistic event organised with the support of Grupo Cine Minuto and Subsecretaría de Cultura, Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. It will be held in Córdoba, Argentina, on the 11th and 12th of May, 2023, and will be subsequently extended into travelling exhibitions, alternative projections and complementary exhibitions in its website.
The organization will appoint an awards jury, composed of people with knowledge of the subject, whose aim will be to highlight the best work under the Professional Competition and the University Competition categories and give them a distinction. The jury will also have the power to grant special mentions if they consider it appropriate. The decision will be final and will be informed during the closing ceremony of the Festival. The authors of the film-minutes obtaining an award or distinction commit themselves to mentioning this honor and the name of the Festival in the credits of their works, in their website, social networks, graphics and all related documentation.
Applicants and their works shall meet the following requirements:
- All participants (directors, producers or filmmakers in general) must be over 18 and own the rights of the audiovisual works submitted to the contest. Works under the ‘Schools’ category must be submitted by a responsible adult (teacher in charge, head teacher, etc.)
- Those who are part of the Festival organization either directly or indirectly will not be able to participate.
- The works submitted must have a duration of between one and sixty seconds, including titles and credits, but the organization may consider accepting those that last no more than ten extra seconds.
- Film-minutes of all genres (fiction, documentary, animation and experimental) and any subject are welcome (provided they do not contain material that may be offensive or harmful to other people). However, institutional or commercial work will not be accepted.
- There are no restrictions as regards the works or their producers’ nationality. However, all film-minutes submitted must have been produced from 2021 onwards.
- Having previously submitted the works in other exhibitions or contests, or having made them available on the web for public viewing is no impediment to participation. However, film-minutes which have participated in past editions of the Festival will not be accepted.
- The works which include pre-existing images and/or sounds will be accepted under full responsibility of the participants and they will be accountable for potential claims of any kind that third parties may make regarding their contribution to production, copyright, rights of inclusion, rights of interpreter, etc.
- Each participant may submit up to three film-minutes, as long as each one is registered separately and individually.
- If spoken in another language other than Spanish, the works must necessarily and mandatorily be subtitled.
Categories: The Festival will feature three official categories:
- Professional Competition:
- University Competition:
- Schools Exhibition:
Just by signing up for the Festival, participants fully accept these rules. Works that do not meet or comply with the conditions contained herein will not be considered. In case of occurrence of any eventuality or aspect not covered before, the organization will solve it according to its own judgment and will be final in its decision, considering only the Spanish version of these rules available on our web site: www.cineminutocordoba.com
28 2月 23
Professional Competition: All works which comply with the conditions detailed in point 3
above may participate under this category.
28 2月 23
University Competition: All works which comply with the conditions detailed in point 3 above and which have been made within the framework of a university or higher
education institution (colleges, etc.) may participate under this category.
28 2月 23
Schools Exhibition: All works which comply with the conditions detailed in point 3 above
and which have been made within the framework of a primary or secondary education
institution may participate in this exhibition, which will not be competitive.