FICNOVA - Festival Internacional de Cine de la Noviolencia Activa ()

ANIFF - Active Nonviolence International Film Festival


04 May 2023
Call for entries

06 Aug 2023
Festival closed

02 Oct 2024
Notification date

01 Oct 2024
06 Oct 2024


C/ Apóstol Santiago 62, bajo B,  28017, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Festival description
Non violence
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
 Any language
Spanish English
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Photo of FICNOVA - Festival Internacional de Cine de la Noviolencia Activa
Photo of FICNOVA - Festival Internacional de Cine de la Noviolencia Activa

Photo of FICNOVA - Festival Internacional de Cine de la Noviolencia Activa
Photo of FICNOVA - Festival Internacional de Cine de la Noviolencia Activa


Festival start: 01 October 2024      Festival end: 06 October 2024

FICNOVA is an initiative that is celebrated around the 2nd of October every two years, thus commemorating the International Day of Nonviolence declared by the United Nations. The competition phase has been held every two years since the second edition in 2014, following the unanimous decision of all the organizing venues taken in May 2015. It is organized by the non-profit Humanist Association FICNOVA in collaboration with other humanist organizations, associations, entities and people who share the transforming sensitivity of active nonviolence, in different cities of different countries.

After its first six editions held in October 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 in different cities of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Guatemala, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru and Spain, again participate in the preparation of the Seventh Edition of FICNOVA 2024 activists from different cities around the world.

The final list of venues may vary, either because new incorporations take place or because in some cities the minimum conditions for their celebration were not achieved in time, taking into account the difficulties of voluntary work in each country, self-financing and compliance with the permanent independence of any type of government agreement that could condition the objectives of the festival.

Depending on the logistics achieved in each place, three months before the start of the festival, we will publish the venues that meet the minimum general conditions for its celebration.

In no case can the non celebration in an initially proposed city be detrimental to the whole, nor to the authors of the works presented, since the festival is neither commercial nor remunerated. Each place is independent, and all efforts made at a point that could not be completed can be used for future editions of the festival.

We also wish to inform authors that the submission of works to competition is not made exclusively, allowing them the free disposal of the same and simultaneous submission to anyother contest they consider.

The Official Jury will choose the winners from among the finalists, recognising them with the
"FICNOVA Estela" in each official section of the competition both in Fiction (F) and Documentary (D):

- Feature Film (F and D)
- Medium-length Film (F and D)
- Short Film (F and D).

- Short Film (F and D).

A category could be declared void if the Official Jury did not recognize, among the works received, a significant example of non-violence.

The organization of the festival reserves the right to award "Honour Estela" with a special award to the most significant works of nonviolence, if it deems it appropriate.

7º FICNOVA 2024
“Active Nonviolence Transforming the World”

FICNOVA is an initiative that is celebrated around the 2nd of October every two years, thus commemorating the International Day of Nonviolence declared by the United Nations.
It is organized and promoted through voluntary work by the non-profit humanist association FICNOVA, in collaboration with other humanist organizations inspired by Universalist Humanism, and associations, entities and individuals who share the transforming sensibility of active nonviolence.
After its first six editions held in different cities of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru and Spain, again participate in the preparation of the seventh edition of FICNOVA 2024 activists from different cities around the world..
We also wish to inform authors that the submission of works to competition is not made exclusively, allowing them the free disposal of the same and simultaneous submission to any other contest they consider.
From this general context, we share the following bases of participation of the Seventh Edition of FICNOVA 2024.


1.1. FILM ENTRY PERIOD: From 4 May to 6 August 2023.
1.2. Anyone of any nationality can participate in the festival. Institutions and collectives may also participate providing they have at least one reference from a responsible adult.
1.3. Entries must be original films. The organisation of the festival presupposes that those who exhibit works have the right to do so. We must reject all responsibility if it transpires that this is not the case.
1.4. Categories:
A – Feature Film: Minimum running-time is 60 minutes.
B – Medium-length: Must have a running-time between 31 and 59 minutes.
C – Short: Maximum running-time is 30 minutes.
There are two categories for each type of work: fiction and documentary.
1.5. All works admitted will also need to provide:
• a trailer to be displayed on the festival’s website (no more than 2 minutes)
• an explanation by the film’s director or producer (in the form of an audio file, video, or text) concerning what prompted the film’s creation, and if you could identify the forms of nonviolence considered in the work: physical nonviolence, gender nonviolence, racial nonviolence, economic nonviolence, religious nonviolence, psychological nonviolence, moral nonviolence, or others. (less than one minute of video/audio, or less than 500 words of text)
1.6. LANGUAGES: Works are accepted in any original language, with obligatory subtitles in English and Spanish. Films that do not comply with this rule will not be accepted.

1.7. The Festival organisers will select for entry into the competition all productions whose thematic fit the criterion of showing an example of nonviolence, that is to say, that there is at least one clear denunciation of some kind of violence (physical, economic, racial, religious, psychological, moral...) This first selection will be made before 15 July 2024 and will be published on our website

1.8. The semi-finalists and a maximum of five finalists will be chosen from all the selected works. for each of the categories, which must include, in addition to the denunciation, a non-violent way out of the situation that overcomes the situation of violence shown. Special value will be given to those works that provide examples that transcend their own culture and serve as a global reference. The finalists will be published on the competition website from 2 September 2024.

1.9. Participants grant the festival promoters the right to show their productions non-exclusively during the festival week, and during subsequent presentations, which take as their subject the power of active nonviolence. Thus the festival is under no obligation to give notice or compensation on such occasions. In no event will festival organizers commercially exploit submitted productions.
1.10. The local organisation of each host city will screen the films in the competition according to its logistical possibilities, during the week of the festival or afterwards, always taking into account the free and voluntary assignment of spaces.

2.1. Registrations can be made from 4 May to 6 August 2023, via the festival platforms listed on the festival website:
2.2. Movie format – Films made in FullHD format with H264 codec (1920x1080).

2.3. Once the film has been registered and selected, it cannot be withdrawn from the Festival's programme.
2.4. All these forms of registration shall be considered as a sworn declaration of acknowledgement and acceptance of these rules.

The registration and submission of works, within the indicated deadline, will be done through the platforms enabled for this edition that appear on the web:
The following documentation must be enclosed with the submission of the competition entry:
a) Technical specifications and synopsis of the film.
b) A promotional trailer (no longer than 3 minutes)-
c) An audio file, video, or text containing a description, by the film’s director or producer, of the motivation and influence behind the film. The identification of the forms of nonviolence considered in the work: physical nonviolence, gender nonviolence, racial nonviolence, economic nonviolence, religious nonviolence, psychological nonviolence, moral nonviolence, or others.
d) 2 images from the movie and a movie poster (if possible).
e) Contact e-mail address for communication of results and postal address for possible prize delivery


The festival will select the members of the Official Jury in accordance with the following criteria:
4.1. The Jury will draw upon film professionals, education professionals and nonviolence activists from the festival’s host cities.
4.2. Jury members will have no part and no interest in the production or commercial exploitation of any film in the festival.
4.3. Jury members agree not to publicly express their views on the films submitted for consideration before the official announcement of the awards.
4.4. The Official Jury will choose the winners from among the finalists, recognising them with the "FICNOVA Estela" in each official section of the competition: Feature Film, Medium-length Film and Short Film
4.5. A category could be declared void if the Official Jury did not recognize, among the works received, a significant example of non-violence.
4.6. The organization of the festival reserves the right to award "Honour Estela" with a special award to the most significant works of nonviolence, if it deems it appropriate


5.1. Producers and distributors of films that make up the official competition may include in all advertising and press material the phrase “Official Selection of the 7th Active Nonviolence International Film Festival 2024”, displaying the festival logo.
5.2. The Festival Organisation will settle any matters not covered by this regulation, in accordance with current legislation.
5.3. Participation in the 7th International Film Festival of Active Nonviolence 2024 implies stakeholder’s acceptance of these rules.



1.1. FILM ENTRY PERIOD: From 4 May to 6 August 2023
1.2. Any person or group of people from the educational community (students, teachers, parents, school staff) can participate. The works must be submitted with the reference and responsibility of a person of legal age.
1.3. Duration and format of the works
Short fiction or documentary films, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes.
1.4. The theme is free, around the experience of nonviolence (physical, economic, racial, sexual, religious, psychological or moral).
1.5. Works must be original. The organisation of the festival presupposes that those who exhibit works have the right to do so. We must reject all responsibility if it transpires that this is not the case.
1.6. Languages. Works are accepted in any original language, with obligatory subtitles in English and Spanish. Films that do not comply with this rule will not be accepted.
1.7. Images of minors: It will be necessary the declaration of the responsible adult of age to have the authorization of the parents or tutors of the minors that appear in the filming. The lack of this requirement is a reason for exclusion from the competition.
1.8. The organization of the Festival will select to enter the competition all productions whose subject matter meets the criterion of showing an example of nonviolence. This first selection will be made before 15 July 2024, and will be published on the website from that date.
1.9. The semi-finalists and a maximum of five finalists will be chosen from all the selected works. for each of the categories, which must include, in addition to the denunciation, a non-violent way out of the situation that overcomes the situation of violence shown. Special value will be given to those works that provide examples that transcend their own culture and serve as a global reference. The finalists will be published on the competition website from 2 September 2024..
1.10. Participants grant the festival promoters the right to show their productions non-exclusively during the festival week, and during subsequent presentations, which take as their subject the power of active nonviolence. Thus the festival is under no obligation to give notice or compensation on such occasions. In no event will festival organizers commercially exploit submitted productions.
1.11. The local organization of each city will propitiate the public showing of the winning works of the competition according to its implemented logistic possibilities
1.12. Works that do not meet these criteria or do not attend to the theme of the competition will not be admitted.


2.1. Registrations can be made from 4 May to 6 August 2023, via the festival platforms listed on the festival website:
2.2. The person who submits the short film to the competition will be the one who holds the rights to the work.
2.3. Once registered and selected, the work cannot be withdrawn from the Festival programme.
2.4. All entries should contain the following:
a) The film itself.
b) Technical data sheet and a short synopsis of the narrative.
c) An audio file, video, or text containing a description, by the film’s director or producer, of the motivation and influence behind the film. The identification of the forms of nonviolence considered in the work: physical nonviolence, gender nonviolence, racial nonviolence, economic nonviolence, religious nonviolence, psychological nonviolence, moral nonviolence, or others.
d) A promotional trailer (no longer than 3 minutes) if available.
e) 2 images from the movie and a movie poster (if possible).
f) Contact e-mail address for communication of results and postal address for possible prize delivery

The Festival Organization will appoint an Official Jury with the following conditions:
3.1. It shall be composed of film and education professionals and humanist nonviolence activists from the cities organizing the festival.
3.2. No one who has any type of interest in the production or exploitation of a film in competition may be a jury member.
3.3. The members of the jury undertake not to express publicly their opinions regarding the films submitted for their consideration before the official proclamation of the awards.
3.4. The international jury will choose the awarded short film among the finalists, recognizing it with the "Festival Estela" of Education Centres.
3.5. The festival organisers reserve the right to award "Estela of Honour" with a special award to the most significant works of nonviolence, if they deem it appropriate.


4.1. The educational centres or collectives of the educational community responsible for the short films selected or awarded may, if they so wish, use the acknowledgements in all their advertising and press material, using the Festival logo.
4.2. The Festival Organization will resolve any matter not contemplated in these Regulations, in accordance with current legislation.
4.3. Participation in the 7th International Film Festival of Active Nonviolence 2024 implies the acceptance of these rules by the interested parties.



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