Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna (14)

International University Film Festival Lanterna

Dates limites

10 oct. 2024
Appel à Inscriptions

12 janv. 2025
Festival fermé

08 févr. 2025
Date de notification

18 févr. 2025
18 févr. 2025


46 Avenida Universidad Anáhuac,  52786, Ciudad de México, DF, Mexico

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >1' 30'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 mai 2021
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >1' 30'<
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna

French ML

Début du Festival: 18 février 2025      Fin du Festival: 18 février 2025

Dear students, filmmakers, and cinema lovers,

We are thrilled to announce the fourteenth edition of FICU LANTERNA!

This year marks the beginning of a journey that goes beyond the mere projection of images; we want to dive even deeper, exploring what lies beyond the screen.

This year's theme, *Beyond the Screen*, aims to focus on the emotions, sensations, and connections that cinema evokes, also highlighting the aspects of film projections that we often fail to see. We want to demonstrate that cinema is not just about the visual; it is a true experience that transcends the limits of the screen.

Cinema is an art that can reach both the mind and heart of people, placing importance not only on what can be seen, but also on what can be felt.

Cinema is a universal language that communicates with everyone, regardless of cultural, linguistic, or social barriers. It is such a powerful medium that through it, we can explore the complexity of the human being in all its wonder, and with this edition, we aim to celebrate its power to go beyond the surface and explore human emotions.

We invite you to participate in this edition of the festival, share your vision, and be part of an event that continues to transform the way we experience cinema.

With deep gratitude and excitement, we await you at FICU LANTERNA 2024, to discover together what lies beyond the screen.

Best wishes,
Carlotta de Pompeis
Head of the Call for Entries Committee

Acknowledgement and statuette by the festival.

● Registration for short films will have no cost.

● The registration deadline will be January 10, 2025.

● A proof of studies or university credential must be submitted by the director or producer, demonstrating that, the film carried out, is by a university student or graduate of a maximum of 2 years.

● The short film must be in H.264 format in .mp4 with a minimum resolution of 720p.

● Productions that involve religious proselytism, political propaganda, institutional promotion, homophobic promotion, discriminatory and/or commercial profile will not be accepted.

● To be admitted, the materials must be presented in Spanish or english. In the event that the original language is not Spanish or english, the translation or subtitles (in english or Spanish) of the project are required, otherwise their participation will not be considered.

● The participants of the production team must attach an official identification.

● It will be required to attach an electronic press kit for each work registered with the following materials:
o Still photograph of the work that represents the project (color at 300 dpi, in .jpg format)
o Synopsis of the work
o Brief biography of the director
o Photograph of the director (color at 300 dpi, in .jpg format)
o Technical sheet with list of credits

● If the owner of the short film (director/producer) does not deliver the materials requested by FICU LANTERNA on the dates and deadlines indicated, they will be disqualified. Extensions are not accepted for any reason.

*All categories include short film and documentary film.

*We remind you that any work created from other works must receive credit to be qualified as a candidate.

*If the participants are not sure in which category to register their short film, they should register it in the one they think is most convenient according to their description.

*If the FICU LANTERNA committee considers that the category of said short film should be another, they will contact the participants to verify the information.

● The festival is not responsible for copyright.

● It is necessary that the participants read the regulations before submitting their short film, said regulations can be found on the official website of the festival: https://www.ficulanterna.mx/convocatoria

Privacy notice:

The Anáhuac University Mexico, a private institution of higher education that operates through Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores, S.C., with its address at Avenida Universidad Anáhuac 46, Lomas Anáhuac, Huixquilucan, State of Mexico, ZIP Code 52786, will use your personal data to verify your identity, send you information about the event, evaluate your attendance, and fulfill administrative obligations. For more information regarding the processing and the rights you can exercise, you can access the privacy notices through: https://www.anahuac.mx/mexico/proteccion-de-datos-personales/AvisosdePrivacidad/LANTERNA



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