Give Peace a Screen (2)


01 Mar 2024
Call for entries

30 Jun 2024
Festival closed

30 Aug 2024
Notification date

16 Oct 2024
20 Oct 2024


Garibaldi 13,  10121, Torino, Torino, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Any language
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Photo of Give Peace a Screen
Photo of Give Peace a Screen
Photo of Give Peace a Screen
Photo of Give Peace a Screen


Festival start: 16 October 2024      Festival end: 20 October 2024

Centro Studi Sereno Regis presents GIVE PEACE A SCREEN, the first film competition for short films dedicated to the theme of peace and the creative solution of conflicts.
The festival is aimed at young Italian and foreign directors. Works of fiction and documentary films are eligible.
The Competition, which opens the call for the author on Friday March 1st 2024, will organize public screenings on October, from 16th to 20th, 2024. The deadline for registering for the Competition and for sending the entries is June, 30th, 2024.
VERY IMPORTANT: short fiction, animated and documentary films made by Italian and foreign authors which highlight the THEME OF THE FESTIVAL: the construction of Peace through the non-violent resolution of conflicts are admitted to the Competition. The denunciation of injustices and violence will be considered less central than the examples, real or fictional, of overcoming conflicts through nonviolent actions.

“Gandhi's Glasses” Award

The idea that inspires the award is to promote cinematography that deals with issues related to peace: the denunciation of injustices, dialogue between the parties, mediation processes, the creative and non-violent solution of conflicts.

Our societies are becoming increasingly aware that there is no future in conflicts that use violence as a solution, there is no future in the persistence of policies of exploitation and oppression, there is no future in cultural, religious, racial discrimination; there is no future in considering this planet and its inhabitants as
totally enslaved to the desire for anthropocentric dominance. The destiny of humanity is to learn to coexist by harmonizing the multiple differences that terrestrial existence has created: any attempt at dominance is doomed to failure.

The award was born from an idea of Nanni Salio, historic president of the Centro Studi Sereno Regis, who was immediately adopted by the director of the Turin Film Festival in charge at the time, Gianni Amelio. It was 2011. Since then, for 13 years, the OdG prize has been awarded within the annual editions of the TFF.

Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Award “Preventive peace”
Today, humanity has descended into an immense labyrinth built on a global scale. In front of us the monster:

we cannot face him with the ways he himself uses; we must make it harmless aware of our ability to create
new methods that avoid wars and put an end to those still in progress.

Pistoletto begins the text of his book "The Third Paradise" (Marsilio 2010) with these sentences: "It was March 2003, when Bush and Blair, supported by numerous governments, declared preventive war on Iraq.

The circumstance caused me a profound disturbance. What was happening was the culminating stage
involving the entire human race.

It was the overflow of "political" perversity from the vase of history, a planetary aggression which was added to a series of opposing, monstrous aggressions... All the cultural malformations inherited from the past came home to roost: the very concept of preventive war gave rise to the urgent need to oppose the idea of preventive Peace.

In history, peace has always come following a war and has been considered as its result, therefore a war hidden under the mask of peace and peace made up of mere appearance. I understood at that moment that I myself, despite the artistic, intellectual and practical commitment directed towards a responsible
transformation of society, had to take a further step, even more decisive and effective, to contribute to the change of this humanity. This is how the sign of the Third Paradise was born".

The sign of the Third Paradise is the symbol that indicates the new path of humanity. It is the mathematical sign of infinity reconfigured in three consecutive circles. The two outer circles represent all the antinomies, i.e. all the different, opposite and contrasting elements, in the central circle these meet and connect, always creating a new previously non-existent element, therefore it is the "creation".

"The formula of creation" is the book (published by Cittadellarte 2022) that Pistoletto proposes as a
fundamental reference text for the realization of the path that leads humanity towards the exit from the labyrinth dominated by the Minotaur and immunizes it from the war that it it continuously feeds, engulfing it.

Preventive Peace is a commitment that artists assume, through their disciplines. At each bifurcation of the labyrinth, art and practice will proceed by connecting the two possible directions to open a new, previously non-existent path in the center, that of Preventive Peace.

An artist cannot change the world alone, Pistoletto loudly calls artists and the whole society to actively cooperate to get out of the Minotaur's labyrinth.

“Adonella Marena” Award
The Adonella Marena award is given to the film that best deals with environmental and sustainable
development issues.

The relationship with nature, with other animals and with the planet in general is one of the most conflicting and enduring in the history of human beings: a relationship that has undergone an even more accentuated dynamic of domination and exploitation in the last century.

Anthropocentrism and an attitude of defiance, the drive to defeat, tame or bend the environment to the
interests of humanity is predominant, to the detriment of a search for balance and peace.

This aspect has constantly emerged in Adonella's works: showing the abuses of our system, the
consequences of our daily choices, but also telling stories, small or large, of struggle and alternative paths in search of new balances.

First rule: read well!

1.The GPAS Short Film Fest is a project of the Sereno Regis Study Center

Registrations are open from 1 March 2024 to 30 June 2024

The festival will be held in Turin (Italy) from 14 to 20 October 2024

2.IMPORTANT: short fiction, animated and documentary films made by Italian and foreign authors which highlight the THEME OF THE FESTIVAL: the construction of Peace through the non-violent resolution of conflicts are admitted to the Competition. The denunciation of injustices and violence will be considered less central than the examples, real or fictional, of overcoming conflicts through nonviolent actions.

The Give Peace a Screen competition welcomes works that deal with themes included in the field of nonviolent culture:
opposition to the war
education for peace and justice
testimonies of conflicts resolved without resorting to violence
experiences of "preventive peace": creating the conditions so that conflicts do not arise
search for a nonviolent relationship with Nature.

3. Films made no earlier than 1 January 2023 and whose duration does not exceed 30 minutes, including opening and closing credits, are eligible.
Participation in the Competition costs 5 euros for each work presented. In particular conditions it is possible to obtain discounts by writing to
For submission permissions after the closing date of the call, the same email can be used.
Multiple works for each director can be entered in the festival.

4. Only those who, at the date of the festival (14 October 2024), have not reached their thirty-fifth birthday will be admitted to the Competition. Authors over 35 and works longer than 30 minutes may be selected for the Out of Competition section, at the discretion of the organizing committee.
During the festival the films will be presented divided into thematic areas.

5.IMPORTANT. All works not in Italian must be made available WITHOUT ON SCREEN subtitleS and accompanied by a subtitle file in Italian or english in .srt format and by the list of dialogues in Italian and/or english. Works already registered in other festivals are also admitted.

6. All works received and considered compliant with these regulations will be viewed by a commission which, at its sole discretion, will choose those admitted to the Competition and presented to the Juries who will award the prizes.
The selected works will be evaluated by three Juries who will award the prizes:

Give Peace a Screen Award of 1000 euros for the best film;
Michelangelo Pistoletto Preventive Peace Prize of 1000 euros
Adonella Marena Prize of 1000 euros
Synesthesia Prize of 1000 euros

Pertinace Award for Best Director
Aurora Award for best screenplay

7. In order to participate in the Competition, the authors must necessarily register no later than 30 June 2024 on the Festhome website by filling out the entire form and uploading an HD file of their short film and photos of the director

8. Only in the event of selection for the Competition will the authors be required to promptly send the high definition file of their film, in the manner and within the times indicated by the organization of the Competition.

. Participation in the competition entails acceptance of all the rules contained in this regulation and implies the granting of consent to the Sereno Regis Study Center to use the works for the purposes of the competition, including in any future non-profit screenings, consistent with the spirit of the proposing body, with the citation of the intellectual property of the author who will be informed of any possible projection.
This document, duly signed by each director - bearing the title of the work and the author's name and surname in block capitals - acts as a release.
The selected films will become part of the archive of the Sereno Regis Study Centre, which will be able to use them for any free screenings for educational, research or other purposes, in different locations and in different contexts linked to the competition, always and exclusively non-commercial nature.

10. For information, write to the following email address:

Each author is responsible for the content of their works. Participants in the competition authorize the Sereno Regis Study Center to use their name and related address for all uses connected to the event. The information on the participation form will be made public in the event catalog and on the Festival website.



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