Международный фестиваль кинематографических дебютов ’Дух Огня’/ International Debut Film Festival SPIRIT OF FIRE ()


10 1月 2024

20 1月 2024

08 2月 2024

23 3月 2024
26 3月 2024


Mira,22,  -, Khanty-Mansiysk, UGRA, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomus Region, Russia

長編映画祭 >52'

 Music Video
 11月 2022
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 長編映画  >52'

Photo of Международный фестиваль кинематографических дебютов ’Дух Огня’/ International Debut Film Festival SPIRIT OF FIRE
Photo of Международный фестиваль кинематографических дебютов ’Дух Огня’/ International Debut Film Festival SPIRIT OF FIRE
Photo of Международный фестиваль кинематографических дебютов ’Дух Огня’/ International Debut Film Festival SPIRIT OF FIRE
Photo of Международный фестиваль кинематографических дебютов ’Дух Огня’/ International Debut Film Festival SPIRIT OF FIRE

Japanese (日本語) ML

映画祭の開始: 23 3月 2024      映画祭の終了: 26 3月 2024

МФКД «ДУХ ОГНЯ» задуман зимой 2002 года. В то же время автор замысла – кинорежиссер Сергей Соловьев обсудил идею фестиваля с Губернатором Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры Александром Васильевичем Филипенко, который и поддерживает фестиваль с самого момента его зарождения . Вскоре было принято постановление Правительства Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа о проведении IМФКД «Дух Огня» с 26 января по 2 февраля 2003 года , и в течение года шла его подготовка. Инициативная группа посетила ряд больших мировых международных фестивалей. Во время подготовки была четко сформирована идеология готовящегося фестиваля, которая включала в себя идею не только ежегодного общественного смотра практически всех дебютных работ , делающих в России, но и существование этих работ в контексте мирового дебютного кино, а так же идею наследования новым русским кино наиболее выдающихся традиции, оставленных нам великим мировым кинематографом второй половины 20 века и великолепным кино исчезнувшего Советского Союза. В это же время были сформированы руководящие органы фестиваля , в частности его бессменный Президентский совет .
Президентский совет Фестиваля :

Президент МФКД «Дух Огня» - Эмир Кустурица

Вице –Президент МФКД «Дух огня» - Мария Зверева

В состав Совета входили
Первый Президент МФКД «Дух Огня» - Сергей Соловьев
Вице –Президент МФКД «Дух Огня» - Александр Абдулов

По ежегодно обновляемому регламенту фестиваля в его структуре предусмотрены следующие официальные и неофициальные смотры:

Международный конкурс дебютных фильмов, в котором могут участвовать любые дебютные фильмы, независимо от их участия в других международных кинофестивалях в количестве 10-12 лент. Из них по регламенту не более, чем два кинофильма могут быть на русском языке. Конкурс оценивает международное жюри , состоящее из 5-ти крупных деятелей международного кинематографа. Предусмотрено присуждение четырех международных призов, обеспеченных денежным вознаграждением.

Ежегодно в разных залах города Ханты-Мансийска и всего Ханты-Мансийского округа –Югры( площадь =534.8 тысяч кв.км., превосходит территорию любого европейского государства, кроме Франции) во время фестиваля идут тематические ретроспективы показа. Из года в год работает программа «Кинематографические мифы народов Севера», «СССР- великое кино» и др. Наличие этих программ позволяет участникам фестиваля и зрителям системно знакомиться с шедеврами мирового кино . Каждый фестиваль посвящается уникальному кинематографическому мастеру ;уже прошли фестивали, посвященные Михаилу Калатозову, создателю великого фильма «Летят журавли» режиссеру Андрею Тарковскому … В рамках фестиваля ежегодно работает клуб детского и юношеского кино, где проводится ретроспективы детских фильмов. Во время фестиваля постоянно работает профессиональных клуб , который всегда обеспечивается уникальной культурной программой , включающей эксклюзивные выступления выдающихся исполнителей классической рок- и поп- музыки. В рамках фестиваля проводится ежегодные фотографические и изобразительные выставки.

Нужно отметить , что все без исключения фестивальные просмотры проходят при заполненных залах. Ханты-Мансийск – студенческий город, и молодежь этого города- самый главный фестивальный зритель и судья. Цифры, которые показывают кинопрокатные организации по окончании каждого фестиваля воистину удивительные. На первом МФКД «Дух Огня»только кинематографические программы при двух фестивальных залах посетило около 50 000 человек. На всех остальных фестивалях вместе с количеством фестивальных залов росло и количество фестивальных зрителей.

1. Международный конкурс:

1.1. Главный приз Кинофестиваля «Золотая тайга» – за лучший дебютный фильм и денежный приз в размере восемьсот пятьдесят семь тысяч сто сорок три рубля (в том числе НДФЛ 30%);

1.2. Приз «Серебряная тайга» — за дебютный фильм и денежный приз в размере четыреста двадцать восемь тысяч пятьсот семьдесят один рубль (в том числе НДФЛ 30%);

1.3. Приз «Бронзовая тайга» — за дебютный фильм и денежный приз в размере двести четырнадцать тысяч двести восемьдесят шесть рублей (в том числе НДФЛ 30%);

2. Российский конкурс:

2.1. Приз «Золотая тайга» имени Сергея Соловьева за лучший отечественный дебютный фильм и денежный приз в размере пятьсот тысяч рублей (в том числе НДФЛ 13%);

2.2. Приз зрительских симпатий – «Цветы таежной надежды» присуждается по результатам зрительского голосования и денежный приз в размере сто семьдесят две тысячи четыреста четырнадцать рублей (в том числе НДФЛ 13%);

2.3. Приз имени Александра Абдулова «За лучшую мужскую роль в российском дебютном фильме» присуждается по решению большого российского жюри;

2.4. Приз имени Александра Абдулова «За лучшую женскую роль в российском дебютном фильме присуждается по решению большого российского жюри;

3. Приз «За лучшую операторскую работу» в конкурсном или внеконкурсном российском фильме присуждает операторское жюри приз Гильдии операторов имени П.Т.Лебешева. Приз предоставляется Гильдии операторов России;

4. Приз «Серебряная роза» режиссеру-дебютанту за лучшую работу с музыкой в фильме международной или российской конкурсной программы.

5. Приз Генерального партнёра Кинофестиваля ПАО «Газпром нефть» «За сохранение культурных традиций» и денежный приз в размере сто семьдесят две тысячи четыреста четырнадцать рублей (в том числе НДФЛ 13%);

6. Конкурс «Дебют – короткий метр» (жюри, сформированное из киноведов и кинокритиков):

6.1. Приз «Малая золотая тайга короткий метр»;

6.2. Приз «Малая серебряная тайга короткий метр».

7. Победителю в конкурсной программе «Твое кино» вручается сувенирная продукция Кинофестиваля «Малая бронзовая тайга» (статуэтка из драгоценных/ полудрагоценных металлов).

8. Специальный открытый конкурс микрофильмов:

8.1. Победителю основной номинации специального конкурса микрофильмов вручается сувенирная продукция Кинофестиваля «Малая бронзовая тайга»;

8.2. Победителю по итогам проведения интернет-голосования специального конкурса микрофильмов вручается серебряная брошь Кинофестиваля;

8.3. Победителю по итогам заседания жюри в специальной детской номинации в возрастной категории 12-17 лет специального конкурса микрофильмов вручается серебряная брошь Кинофестиваля;

8.4. Победитель по итогам проведения интернет-голосования в специальной детской номинации в возрастной категории 12-17 лет специального конкурса микрофильмов вручается серебряная брошь Кинофестиваля.

9. Специальный открытый конкурс дебютных полнометражных игровых
и документальных кинопроектов среди регионов международной организации северных регионов «Северный форум»:

9.1. Победителю специального открытого конкурса вручается специальный приз за сохранение традиций и наследия коренных народов Арктики и Севера в виде сувенирной продукции (плакетка именная из дерева) и денежный приз в размере 100 (сто тысяч) рублей (не включая НДФЛ). Приз предоставляется международной организации северных регионов «Северный форум».

10. Приз «Золотая тайга» за вклад в развитие кинематографа присуждается Президентом Кинофестиваля.

11. Приз Президента.
По результатам подведения итогов Кинофестиваля победитель награждается денежным призом, включая налог на доходы физических лиц.

XXII International Film Festival

Debuts "Spirit of Fire"

(Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, March 23 – 26, 2024)

XXII International Festival of Cinematic Debuts
“Spirit of Fire” (hereinafter referred to as the Film Festival, Film Forum) is a cultural and educational event held in accordance with these regulations, approved by the executive directorate of the Film Festival, agreed upon with the general partner of the Film Festival, and is a public demonstration of specially selected films, as well as cultural and business programs.

The main program of the Film Festival consists of a competitive and non-competitive film screening programs of the Film Festival.

The film festival is held with the support of the Government Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (hereinafter - the Autonomous Okrug, Ugra) and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Article 1.

The film festival is held for the purpose of competitive selection of feature films.
and short feature debut films.

The film festival, in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Support of Cinematography of the Russian Federation”, sets its objectives:
creating conditions for:

- education of a harmoniously developed personality;
- international cultural relations;
- cultural diversity;
- introducing viewers to the best works of the world

search and competitive support for talented debutants in the field of cinematography;
promoting the development of creative industries, the integration of debut Russian cinema into the global cinematic process;
creation of intangible cultural heritage;
promotion of the Film Festival in the information space at the internal, macro-regional, national, international levels;
promoting the development of entrepreneurial, cultural and tourism potential;
attracting mass audiences to modern cinemas

Article 2.

The main events (including competitive, non-competitive, business, special, cultural programs) of the Film Festival will take place in the city
Khanty-Mansiysk, and can also be held partially online on the official website of the Film Festival, on the official pages of the Film Festival on social networks from March 23 to March 26, 2024.

The on-site program for children and family viewing “Your Cinema” will take place in the municipalities of the Autonomous Okrug (the cities of Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk) from March 22 to 27, 2024.
The opening ceremony of the Film Festival will take place on March 23, 2024 (19.00) in the large auditorium of the autonomous institution of the autonomous district "Concert and Theater Center "Ugra-Classic" (hereinafter – CTC “Ugra-Classic”) with online broadcasts available for viewing on the Internet.

The closing ceremony of the Film Festival will take place on March 26 2024 (19.00) in the large auditorium of the Ugra-Classic CTC with online broadcasts available for viewing on the Internet.

The Echo Festival is scheduled to take place from March 27 to March 29, 2024 in Moscow.

Article 3.

The organizer of the Film Festival is the Department of Culture Autonomous Okrug.

The highest collective body of the Film Festival is the organizing committee for its preparation and holding (hereinafter referred to as the organizing committee), which is headed by the Governor of the Autonomous Okrug.

Organizing Committee on behalf of the Department of Culture The Autonomous Okrug approves the President of the Film Festival and the executive directorate of the Film Festival.

The President of the XXII Film Festival approves the Vice-President of the Film Festival in agreement with the executive directorate of the Film Festival.
The Executive Directorate of the Film Festival approves the chairman of the Film Festival selection committee.

The President, Vice-President, and Chairman of the Selection Committee form the Presidential Council of the Film Festival.

In accordance with the artistic concept of the Film Festival approved by the organizing committee, the Presidential Council of the Film Festival develops program events (competition programs, special screenings, retrospectives, cultural program, etc.).
The Executive Directorate of the Film Festival consists of the Moscow and Khanty-Mansiysk offices.

Article 4.

The composition of the Film Festival Selection Committee is agreed upon by the President of the Film Festival and approved by the Executive Directorate.

The Selection Committee includes: Vice-President of the Film Festival, Chairman of the Selection Committee, invited consultant(s).
The Film Festival selection committee is guided by artistic and aesthetic professional criteria and sets itself the task of reflecting trends and directions in modern cinema, guided by compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The selection committee keeps discussions confidential on the selection of films, and also does not write reviews and reviews for the films in question.

In order to preserve the results of the intellectual activity of film producers and distributors, to avoid conflicts of interest, as well as in pursuance of Art. 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation for the selection of competitive films.

Only members of the selection committee will be contacted and the Presidential Council.

The President of the Film Festival coordinates the competitive and non-competitive programs of the XXII Film Festival to ensure that the number of films corresponds to the Regulations and the application for inclusion in the List of international festivals held on the territory of the Russian Federation.

At least six full-length films, including at least one national film, that meet the following requirements take part in the international (main) competition of the Film Festival:
the film must be the director’s first or second full-length work in the field of feature films;
paintings participating in the international competition must not have previously been publicly demonstrated on the territory of the Russian Federation;
preference is given to films in DCP format in the original language
with English subtitles, if the original language is not English;
participation of a film in an international competition requires the presence of a director and/or leading actor in the event that the director and/or the leading actor are unable to come to the Film Festival, the Film Festival management reserves the right to include the film in the competition if it is presented by a member of the film crew of a leading creative profession, or by the director and/or performing actor leading role remotely through their participation in the performance
and discussion of the film before and after the screening using a specially organized teleconference, video call and/or conference using applications or services specifically designed and made available to viewers and professional audience.

At least six full-length films, which are the director’s first work in the field of feature films, take part in the “Russian Debuts” competition.
Preference is given to films in DCP format.

No more than eighteen feature short feature films with a duration of up to 30 minutes can take part in the “Debut – Short Film” competition.

The “Your Cinema” competition program includes at least six full-length films.

The competition programs of the XXII Film Festival include films completed in production no earlier than November 1, 2022.

Article 5.

The Moscow office of the Film Festival Directorate is headed by the Vice-President. The Vice-President manages the work of the selection committee and forms the composition of honorary guests and jury members of the Film Festival, notifies the organizing committee and the Department of Culture of the Autonomous Okrug about the results of the work.

The international jury of the Film Festival consists of the Chairman and members of the jury - famous masters of world cinematography, evaluate films from the international competition program.

The Russian Grand Jury of the Film Festival consists of Russian filmmakers, which may include actors and directors and producers, evaluates films from the Russian competition program.

The composer jury of the Film Festival awards the prize for the best work with music in a film from an international or Russian competition program.

The jury of the “Debut – Short Film” competition may consist of film experts, film critics, producers, directors or other representatives of the cinematographic professions. It awards prizes in the categories “Small Golden Taiga Short Film” and “Small Silver Taiga Short Film”, and also has the right to present a diploma with a special wording for the artistic merits of the film in the “Debut – Short Film” competition.

It is planned to hold retrospective shows and public lectures and master classes by Film Festival participants.

The media containing the recording of the competition film that has passed the official selection is returned to the owner.

Article 6.

Based on the results of the Film Festival, the following prizes are awarded:

1. International competition:

1.1. The main prize of the Golden Taiga Film Festival is for the best debut film and a cash prize in the amount of eight hundred fifty-seven thousand one hundred and forty-three rubles (including 30% personal income tax);

1.2. Silver Taiga Prize - for a debut film and a cash prize in the amount of four hundred twenty-eight thousand five hundred seventy-one rubles (including personal income tax 30%);

1.3. Prize "Bronze Taiga" - for a debut film and a cash prize in the amount of two hundred fourteen thousand two hundred eighty-six rubles (including personal income tax 30%);

2. Russian competition:

2.1. “Golden Taiga” prize named after Sergei Solovyov for the best domestic debut film and a cash prize in the amount of five hundred thousand rubles (including personal income tax 13%);

2.2. Audience Award – “Flowers of Taiga Hope” is awarded based on the results of audience voting and a cash prize in the amount of one hundred seventy-two thousand four hundred fourteen rubles (including personal income tax 13%);

2.3. Alexander Abdulov Prize “For Best Actor”
in a Russian debut film” is awarded by decision of the Russian grand jury;

2.4. Alexander Abdulov Prize “For Best Actress”
in a Russian debut film, awarded by decision of the Russian grand jury;

3. The prize “For the best cinematography” in a competitive or non-competitive Russian film is awarded by the camera jury prize of the P.T. Lebeshev Guild of Operators. The prize is provided by the Guild and operators in Russia;

4. “Silver Rose” prize for a debutant director for the best work with music in a film from an international or Russian competition program.

5. Prize of the General Partner of the Film Festival PJSC Gazprom Neft “For the preservation of cultural traditions” and a cash prize in the amount of one hundred seventy-two thousand four hundred fourteen rubles (including personal income tax 13%);

6. Competition “Debut – short film” (jury formed
from film scholars and film critics):

6.1. Prize “Small Golden Taiga short film”;

6.2. Prize "Small Silver Taiga short film".

7. The winner of the “Your Cinema” competition program is awarded a souvenir product of the “Small Bronze Taiga” Film Festival (a figurine made of precious/semi-precious metals).

8. Special open microfilm competition:

8.1. The winner of the main nomination of a special microfilm competition is awarded souvenirs of the Small Bronze Taiga Film Festival;

8.2. The winner of the online voting of a special microfilm competition is awarded a silver brooch of the Film Festival;

8.3. The winner of the jury meeting in the special children's category in the age category of 12-17 years of a special microfilm competition is awarded a silver brooch of the Film Festival;

8.4. The winner based on the results of online voting in a special children's category in the age category of 12-17 years of a special microfilm competition is awarded a silver brooch of the Film Festival.

9. Special open competition for debut full-length feature films and documentary film projects among the regions of the international organization of northern regions “Northern Forum”:

9.1. The winner of a special open competition is awarded a special prize for preserving the traditions and heritage of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic and the North in the form of souvenirs (a personalized plaque made of wood) and a cash prize in the amount of 100 (one hundred thousand) rubles (not including personal income tax). The prize is provided by the international organization of northern regions “Northern Forum”.

10. The “Golden Taiga” prize for contribution to the development of cinema is awarded by the President of the Film Festival.

11. President's Prize.
Based on the results of the Film Festival, the winner is awarded a cash prize, including personal income tax.

In connection with the winner's receipt of income in cash, the Executive Directorate acts as a tax agent and transfers personal income tax on the amount of the cash prize in full in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To receive a cash prize, the winners of the Film Festival are required to provide information about their passport details (copies of passport pages), copies of TIN and SNILS, and bank details for transferring funds. The cash prize is transferred by bank transfer. Cash prizes are transferred upon presentation of documents and information specified in the consent, which is Appendix 1 and 2 to these Regulations.

If the documents (information) specified above are not provided, or are provided in a form that does not allow their completeness and accuracy to be determined (for example, they are not clear/readable, with signs of technical interference, incomplete), then the executive management has the right, at its discretion, to recognize the winner’s Prize as unclaimed and not to transfer funds as a Prize.

Article 7.

Based on the results of the Film Festival, the following prizes are awarded:

I. International competition:

1.1. The main prize of the Film Festival is “Golden Taiga” - for the best debut film and a prize of six hundred thousand rubles;

1.2. Silver Taiga Prize - for debut film and award
in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles;

1.3. Prize "Bronze Taiga" - for debut film and award
in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles;

II. Russian competition:

2.1. The Audience Award – “Golden Taiga” – is awarded
based on the results of audience voting;

2.2. The Flowers of Taiga Hope prize is awarded by decision of the Russian grand jury;

2.3. The Alexander Abdulov Prize “For the Best Actor in a Russian Debut Film” is awarded by decision of the Russian Grand Jury;

2.4. Alexander Abdulov Prize “For Best Actress”
in a Russian debut film, awarded by decision of the Russian grand jury;

III. Prize “For the best cinematography” in a competitive or non-competitive Russian film;

IV. Debut director prize for best work with music
in a film of an international or Russian competition program.

V. Prize and monetary reward of the general partner of the Film Festival, Gazprom Neft PJSC - “For the preservation of cultural traditions.”

VI. Competition "Debut - short film" (jury formed
from film scholars and film critics):

• Prize “Golden Taiga - short film”;

• Prize “Silver Taiga – short film”.

VII. One special prize of the Bronze Taiga Film Festival (small) - to the winner of the open microfilm competition.

VIII. Prize of the President of the Golden Taiga Festival

X. The prize and diploma of the European Children's Film Association is awarded by vote of members of the international ​jury (ECFA Members) to the winner of the competition program for children's and youth films "Your Cinema".

XI Prize in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles and a product of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts created by students and pupils of the Arts Center for Gifted Children of the North, winner of the competition program for children's and youth films "Your Cinema".

XII. Prizes for the winners of the microfilm competition in special categories - products of folk arts and crafts of the peoples of Ugra, gifts from partners.

Article 8.

Applications for films to participate in the XX Film Festival for selection into the main competitive programs of the Film Festival are accepted from October 1 to December 30, 2021 (00.00 (Moscow time).

The final decision is made by the Selection Committee of the XX Film Festival no later than January 15, 2024.

Applications for the competition program of children's and youth films Your Cinema, microfilm competition are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the designated competitions.

Article 10.

The President of the Film Festival has the right to decide all issues
not provided for by these regulations, within the competencies established by the Decree of the Government of the Autonomous Okrug dated January 26, 2023 No. 32-p “On the International Festival of Cinematic Debuts "Spirit of fire".

If there are objective reasons, at the initiative of the President of the Film Festival and (or) the Department of Culture of the Autonomous Okrug and (or) the Executive Directorate of the Film Festival, changes and additions may be made to these Regulations

Article 11.

The President of the Film Festival has the right to decide all issues not provided for by these regulations, within the competencies established by the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated April 29, 2011 No. 139-p “On the International Festival of Cinematic Debuts “Spirit of Fire” (as amended on August 16, 2019 (as amended by the resolutions Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated January 14, 2012 No. 10-p, dated February 1, 2013 No. 28-p, dated March 21, 2014 No. 98-p, dated 05/08/2014 No. 167-p, dated 12/18/2015 No. 468-p, dated 05/25/2018 No. 164-p, dated June 25, 2018 No. 198-p, dated August 16, 2019 No. 275-p).

If there are objective reasons, at the initiative of the Presidential Council of the Film Festival, and (or) the Department of Culture of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, and (or) the Executive Directorate of the Film Festival, changes and additions may be made to these Regulations. Changes and additions to the articles of the Regulations are subject to mandatory approval (in accordance with paragraph 12 by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated April 29, 2011 No. 139-p “On the International Festival of Cinematic Debuts “Spirit of Fire”). The period for approval of changes and additions should not exceed three working days from the date of documentary (written) initiation.

Article 12.

Official film venues of the Film Festival in Khanty-Mansiysk:

- large auditorium, press hall, transforming hall, organ hall
CTC "Ugra-Classic", st. Mira, 22a;
- large, small auditoriums of the BPOU "Boarding College Arts Center for Gifted Children of the North", st. Piskunova, 1;
- auditoriums of the Yugosky Film Distribution Agency, st. Lopareva, 4;
- conference hall of the State Art Museum, st. Mira, no. 2.

Article 13.

On the eve of the Film Festival, the President of the Film Festival, the executive directorate and the Presidential Council of the Film Festival conduct:
in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, presentation of Film Festival programs and events;
in Moscow a press conference of the organizers and partners of the Film Festival in January/February 2024;
information and advertising campaigns to cover and promote Film Festival events.

The events of the Film Festival are covered in the media, on the official websites of the founders and main performers of the Film Festival. Media journalists are accredited for the Film Festival events.

Article 14.

These regulations are valid from the date of its approval by the executive directorate of the Film Festival and with the approval of the general partner.

From the date of approval of these regulations, the regulations of the XXI International Film Debut Festival are terminated "Spirit of Fire", approved on February 14, 2023.



