LA PECCA. Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes de Temática LGTBIQ+ ()

La Pecca LGTBI Short Film Contest


08 7月 2024

01 9月 2024

02 11月 2024

23 11月 2024
23 11月 2024


Pacheco y Núñez de Prado 51,  41002, Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain

短編映画祭 20'<

 Music Video
 1月 2022
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  20'<

Photo of LA PECCA. Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes de Temática LGTBIQ+
Photo of LA PECCA. Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes de Temática LGTBIQ+
Photo of LA PECCA. Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes de Temática LGTBIQ+
Photo of LA PECCA. Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes de Temática LGTBIQ+

Japanese (日本語) ML

映画祭の開始: 23 11月 2024      映画祭の終了: 23 11月 2024

LA PECCA -Small Environmental Film Contest- was born in 2007 by the DeFrente Association.

The main purpose of this project is to promote respect for sexual and gender diversity through cinema, contributing to the development of a plural and inclusive society.
Taking a quality film event as a vehicle, we show plural life stories and encourage people to visibly live their sexual and gender identity, to promote social awareness and claim at the same time the right of the LGTBIQ + community to be present in culture and in society equally.

We also give visibility and support to quality cinematography, promoting the discovery of new talents.


ASOCIACIÓN DEFRENTE is a non-profit organization in Seville that was established in 2006. Since its inception, its objectives have been aimed at serving the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual community in response to a social demand by being this group in a situation of marginalization and discrimination in many areas of daily life.

現金賞: 1,500€

Pecca de Oro (Jury Award): 1000 €.
Pecca de Plata (Audience Award): 500 €.

Not cummulative.


The short films submitted should be about sexual and/or gender diversity. They should include realities, lived experiences, feelings and/or battles of people who are homosexual, bisexual, trans*, queer, intersex, etc.


The competition is open to individuals over 16 of any nationality or country of residence. Amateur and professionals may take part.
The maximum length is 20 minutes including credits.

The short films may have already been screened, selected and/or won award(s) in other film festivals, but not previous editions of “LA PECCA”. Those works shared publicly through digital media, such as applications, websites or similar (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.), are excluded.

The film should have been produced after 1st January 2022.

Submissions can be in any language, and they must include Spanish subtitles.

There is no limit to the number of films each person/group can submit.

If possible, the video format should be Ultra HD 3840x2160.


Competition entry is free.

The short films should be submitted using one of the following digitals platforms:

▪ Festhome:

The closing date for submission is the 1th September 2024.


The Selection Committee views all films submitted to the competition, discarding those do not meet all the requirements of this rules and those shortfilms are of inferior quality. This selection will then be shared with the Judging Panel.

The Judging Panel will then choose the ten finalists of this edition of “LA PECCA”.

The Organization will publish this selection and notify to the authors or producers of this films. They must provide a copy of the screening at least 15 days before the Gala, and the work will be disqualified in case of non-compliance on time.


“LA PECCA” Gala will be on the 23th November 2024 in the Teatro Alameda in Seville, Spain. The 10 finalists chosen by the Judging Panel will be screened at the event and prizes will be awarded at the end of the ceremony.

The short films submitted to “LA PECCA” may be used by the Organisation in any screenings related to “LA PECCA” or developed by DeFrente Association.


The 10 short film finalists are eligible for the following prizes:

• “Pecca de Oro” (Golden Pecca) including €1000 prize money and a statuette, chosen by the Judging Panel.

• “Pecca de Plata” (Silver Pecca) including €500 prize money and a statuette, chosen by members of the public during the gala.

Special mentions may be given to those people or works participating in the edition that stand out for some important reason, at the discretion of the Jury and/or the Organization.

The prizes must be awarded, and cannot be combined. The prize money is subject to the tax deductions in accordance with Spanish Law.


It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure that the films submitted do not have any legal claims or compromised screening rights.

By participating in this competition, you accept the rules shown above. Any situation that is not explicitly shown here will be resolved by the organisers. They reserve the right to modify any of the rules shown in this document, and will advise those involved before the changes are made.

The decisions made by The Selection Committee, The Judging Panel and the general public cannot be appealed, unless there is a legal reason for appeal.

The organisers are committed to the protection of personal data included in data file(s) associated with the event, in accordance with Spanish Data Protection Laws (Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de protección de datos personales y garantía de los derechos digitales (LOPD)).

Asociación DeFrente
c/ Pacheco y Núñez de Prado nº 51. 41002 - Sevilla (España)
+34 686.756.789 / +34 693.493.926



