La ReA Short Film Festival (2)


17 Mar 2024
Call for entries

15 Jul 2024
Festival closed

02 Aug 2024
Notification date

07 Sep 2024
07 Sep 2024


15,Place du Bronze,  6980, La Roche en Ardenne, Luxembourg, Belgium

Festival description
Short film festival >4' 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >4' 20'<
 Any language
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Photo of La ReA Short Film Festival
Photo of La ReA Short Film Festival
Photo of La ReA Short Film Festival
Photo of La ReA Short Film Festival


Festival start: 07 September 2024      Festival end: 07 September 2024

The second edition of the ReA Short Film Festival will take place on Saturday 7 September 2024 in La Roche-en-Ardenne at the Cinéma "Le Faubourg Saint Antoine" / formerly "le Carrefour" and on the adjoining square:
Place du Bronze
6980 La Roche-en-Ardenne/Belgium

The call for films is open!

This festival is giving 10 short films and their teams the chance to present their work. It will also give 5 short films for children the chance to meet a whole new and younger audience at the Festival.

The Festival will take place on 7 September 2024 from 11am to 1am.

- Jury Prize (500 euros)
- Public Prize (Regional hamper)
- Youth Prize

Official Selection: We accept short films lasting between 4 and 20 minutes (including credits). We do not accept documentaries. For foreign-language films, French subtitles are compulsory.

Young Audience short films section. : We accept short films in French lasting between 3 and 20 minutes (including credits). We do not accept documentaries.

By submitting your film, you agree to the following:

- Parts of your film - including a trailer, teaser, film poster, extracts and stills - will be used for promotional purposes.

- The entry fee is non-refundable.

How to register:

Participation in the festival is open to any individual or legal entity, amateur or professional.

There is a registration fee to cover the costs of the festival, which is non-refundable under any circumstances.

Registration on the Festhome website is open from 15 March 2024 to 15 July 2024 inclusive.

The films selected must be sent to us in DCP format.
Information should include the name of the director, the year the film was made, its title, its running time and, if applicable, the name of the production company.

The Festival reserves the right to refuse any incomplete application.

All films submitted for selection will be viewed by the festival organisers, who will draw up a shortlist of 10 films. The selection criteria are at the discretion of the jury members.

However, the quality and originality of the script, technique and aesthetics of the audiovisual work will be valued. Candidates will be informed by e-mail of the decision concerning their work. No appeal will be lodged against this decision.

The films will be screened on one evening during the competition. The festival organiser will determine the order and date of screening for each film selected.

These choices may not be contested.

Once a film has been included in the selection, it cannot be withdrawn.

By virtue of their participation, participants indemnify the organisers and the jury against any claims by third parties, in particular with regard to rights relating to the ownership of the audio and video content used and the image rights of the people featured in their film.

Each participant therefore undertakes to be the full owner of the rights relating in particular to the music, sounds and images used in the making of their short film and to compensate those entitled for the use of sound or visual material that is not free of rights. In particular, participants must be able to provide, if necessary, the copyright assignment contracts of the people appearing in their films, as well as parental authorisation for minors.



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