Longue vue sur le court ()


15 Jun 2020
Call for entries

15 Jul 2020
Early deadline

15 Aug 2020
Standard deadline

01 Sep 2020
Late deadline

07 Sep 2020
Festival closed

13 Nov 2020
Notification date

14 Nov 2020
29 Nov 2020


6908 Boulevard Monk,  H4E 3J3, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Any language
English French
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Photo of Longue vue sur le court
Photo of Longue vue sur le court

Photo of Longue vue sur le court
Photo of Longue vue sur le court


Festival start: 14 November 2020      Festival end: 29 November 2020

Longue vue sur le court is an international short film festival celebrating is 6th anniversary! Our festival is focusing on cutting-edge fiction, animation, documentary and experimental shorts. As our name mean's it, we want to be the first to identified your talent and share it to the world!

From the four corners of the planet, LVSC team selects with demanding criteria of cinematic art representing the new narrative and aesthetic trends in tomorrow's filmmaking.

We also offer to our young audience a superb selection of short films for children and teenagers!

LVSC is an annual event dedicated to cinema, and to the short film promotion.

Cash Prizes: 20,500$

Best international short - Trophy and 500$ money prize offered by the festival.
Best short film made in Quebec - Trophee and 5000$ offered by MTL-Grandé.
Best new talent made in Quebec Trophy and 5000$ offered by MTL-Grandé/CinePool, 5000$.
Best direction of a short film made in Quebec - Trophy and 2500$ offered by SLA COOP.
Jury special award - Trophy and 1000$ offered by Hallé
Best scipt made in Quebec - Trophy and 500$ offered by INIS
Young public choice award - Trophy
Adult public choice award - Trophy
Senior public choice award - Trophy

Article 1
LVSC Montreal International Short Film Festival, is organized by Longue vue sur le court a Non-Profit organization every year in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

The festival aims to provide a showcase for high cinematic quality short films by creative film-makers who promote the art of cinema. The committee also pays a particular attention to the discovery of new talents who are in their first films.

Article 2
Entry Conditions:

• Each director may participate in the festival with a limit of one films.
• LVSC focuses on fiction, animation, documentary and experimental short films of exceptional quality and young talents.
• All films must have embedded english or french subtitles, even if dialogs are in english.
• If available French subtitles are prefered.
• The total duration of the film should not exceed thirty (30’) minutes.
• For the National competition, only short film produced in the last two years are accepted (2018-2020).
• For the International competition, short film produced in the last 3 years are accepted (2017-2020). Quality short films never screen in Canada, Quebec or Montreal will be advantage.

Article 3
The program and the order of the projections are defined by the Organizing Committee of the Festival.

Article 4
A jury made of film critics and film professionals will award a prize for the Best international short, A special jury prize, Best national short and Best direction for a national short. Three prizes will also be given by the public. One by the young's, the adult's and the elder's.

Article 5
LVSC is not responsible for any loss of material before or after the end of the actual event.

Article 6
The copy of the film submitted to the Festival along with the entry form and the promotional material will remain in the archives of the Festival.

Article 7
LVSC Montreal International Short Film Festival reserves the right to project part of the films that have been sent, in and out of the area of the Festival, whenever it is needed for reasons of promotion of the Festival and not for commercial purposes.

Article 8
LVSC International Short Film Festival in the frame of its other activities, such as partnership with other festivals or additional “best of” screenings, reserves the right to
project a selection of the participating films beyond the specified date of the festival.

Article 9
The use of any recording device in the area of the Festival without the permission of the Organizing Committee is strictly forbidden.

Article 10
Parts of the event will be filmed. Members of the audience and participating artists that may appear in these parts have no claim from the Organizing Company.

Article 11
LVSC Cultural Civil Non Profit Company reserves the right to cancel or postponed the festival due to circumstances beyond its control.

Article 12
In case of dispute, the French version of the regulations of participation is considered as valid. Responsible for legal disputes are the Legal Courts of Montreal.

Article 13
The film submission to the festival implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of the above regulations of participation.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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