
05 2월 2021
출품 요청

31 5월 2021
영화제 마감

31 7월 2021

01 7월 2021
07 7월 2021


Pringles S/N,  5709, Luján, San Luis, Argentina

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 45'<
장편 영화제 >46'

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품비 있음
 국제 영화제
 온라인 영화제
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  45'<
 장편영화  >46'
 모든 언어
English Spanish
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of REDMOON
Photo of REDMOON
Photo of REDMOON
Photo of REDMOON

한국어 (Korean) ML

영화제 시작: 01 7월 2021      영화제 끝: 07 7월 2021

We are a team of cultural professionals, film lovers and managers of new spaces for filmmakers. REDMOON is an international film competition that includes short films, medium-length films, and feature films in all their genres.

We want to meet filmmakers from all over the world and value their work. We are willing to explore new narratives, meet alternative production designs and above all find a different cinema.

The moon is very beautiful every night. But sometimes we wait to see how it is painted red to sit down and see it.

Any film that meets the requirements will be included in the Official Selection. The jury will evaluate the films presented and will present a ruling at the end of May 2021. There will be awards for BEST DIRECTOR, BEST SCRIPT, BEST PHOTOGRAPH, BEST SOUNDTRACK, BEST PERFORMANCE, BEST ANIMATION, BEST DOCUMENTARY, BEST FICTION.

The prizes will be:

$ 2000 best short film

$ 5000 best half-length film

$ 10,000 best feature film

The currency of the festival is Argentine peso, ARS.

I. About participation

Producers from anywhere in the world may participate with spoken or subtitled works in SPANISH OR english. The form of participation is through the adhered platforms. By virtue of the contest, films from 0 to 15 minutes in duration are understood as SHORT FILM. MEDIOMETRATION to films between 16 to 45 minutes long. FEATURE FILM to films between 45 minutes and up.

The call is made between February 5 to March 30, 2021.

There is no maximum limit of films submitted per director.


Cover page. Data sheet. Contact. And other requirements that each platform may require.

III. Selection and awards.

Any film that meets the requirements will be included in the Official Selection. The jury will evaluate the films presented and will present a ruling at the end of May 2021. There will be awards for BEST DIRECTOR, BEST SCRIPT, BEST PHOTOGRAPH, BEST SOUNDTRACK, BEST PERFORMANCE, BEST ANIMATION, BEST DOCUMENTARY, BEST FICTION.

The prizes will be:

$ 2000 best short film

$ 5000 best half-length film

$ 10,000 best feature film

The currency of the festival is Argentine peso, ARS.

IV. Rights and acceptance.

The mere fact of participating in the contest implies acceptance of the bases and conditions. The selection of the jury will be final. The rights to the films presented remain unchanged before their use in the competition.

The organization assumes that the participants have the rights to the works presented. Any legal problem regarding this is the responsibility of the filmmakers.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
