Festival start: 23 April 2025
Festival end: 27 April 2025
The purpose of the festival refers to awareness of both the external filters on the screen, including censorship (commercial, ideological, aesthetic), and the internal filters of screen perception and projection, including self-censorship. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is an exploration of aestheticization and commodification in art. The next aim of the festival is to expose the complexity, manysidedness, and variety of filmmaking.
NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is a film festival that is held by the Short Movie Club, the platform for cinematic projects. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is ADAMI Media Prize qualified festival. The International Film Studies Conference is held at the same time as the film festival. In this way, film theory and practice are integrated together at the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO.
Originally the festival was held in Belarus, but because of political repression and publicly stated anti-war stance, screenings and events can be held in different countries. First of all in Lithuania (Vilnius). For example, the 10th Nefiltravanae Kino took place in Berlin, Vilnius and Helsinki last year. There were selected 63 films for 12 film programmes. https://shortmovie.club/programmes/10-2024/
The concept of the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO (Unfiltered Cinema):
We live in a world of malls and cinema multiplexes. We see that indie cinema and non-commodity art go to the periphery of public attention. Primitive attractions replace the cinematography. The escape audience is alienated behind the big screen. So modern mainstream cinema is part of a manipulating tool that leads to the society of alienation. Thus the tendency is that indie cinema becomes more unreadable for the wide audience. We should understand the context of the filmmaker to understand the independent cinema. That is why the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO concept implies the physical presence of filmmakers.
Filmmakers shoot millions of movies. And thousands of short film festivals organize screenings all over the world every year. On average, several thousand films are submitted to a film festival. So various good films can be neglected for whatever reason. Often selecting probability is like winning a lottery. As a result, filmmakers are left with no feedback. It is a paradox that no one can hear you in the age of the Internet! The mainstream culture prefers attractions and casual viewing.
Also, this idea is based on the film selection problem. Perhaps it’s no surprise one person, i.e. programme director at best, or even students of film schools make a preliminary decision to select a movie. Сoncordance of judges or previewers is more seldom thing than the difference of background, tastes. So selection or judging can be one-sided or perfunctory. It is not bad as the programme director has a good taste and aesthetic sensitivity, of course. But we’ve discovered another conception of “unfiltered cinema”. We matched it against “the best of the best” way. This way aids to perceive cinematic idiom without the dictate of art-curators.
So the Unfiltered Cinema Film Festival tries to avoid “the best of the best” way but it does not ignore it completely, sure. The festival selects fiction, animation, documentary, experimental and virtual reality sections. A jury awards the best film in every section. The festival holds the screenings at cinema theatres, the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, and art-spaces.
Our aim is to gather people in art, to have a dialogue to be happy with smart communication. Cinema is art but not sport. The key point of our project is to establish communication between the filmmaker and the audience.
Please, read about the festival history through the link to the festival's website. http://shortmovie.club/history/
The Short Movie Club provides constructing of CinemaVan ( see https://www.behance.net/gallery/33392769/Cinema-van-Mobile-library-Amphibia ).
Best fiction film
Best documentary
Best animation
Best experimental film
People's Choice
Films with runtime no longer than 45 minutes are allowed to participate in the festival. There is no limit on how many works one participant can send. The participant that sends the application must guarantee observance of copyright on the works sent. All responsibility for copyright observance lies on the contestant.
Files must be sent no later than 10 days from the date of notification of film selection.
Each work must have a subtitle file attached separately. The subtitles must be in English and in SRT or SUB format. The use of any other format is allowed only after coordination with the organizing committee.
The film festival can share a press-kit, a trailer, a teaser of a submitted film for promotional purposes. Not more than 10 seconds of the submitted film in overall can be used for promotion on the Internet or TV.
Participants and members of film crews (the number is agreed with the organisers) have free access to all festival events (screenings, master classes, party, etc.).
The festival will be held in a hybrid forma In the coming year. We will have a part of live screenings and online screenings on a video platform https://thebestshortfilms.com/ . The video is cryptographically secured. In addition, we publish and promote films from previous years that are released to the public on the Internet already.
Participants may withdraw their film before the official release of the festival programme.
The festival does not accept TV-films and films for children.
Short Films 45'<
Standard Fee13$ -8% 11.96$ PRO 33% 8.71$
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
27 Feb 25
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Short Films 45'<
Standard Fee13$ -8% 11.96$ PRO 33% 8.71$
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
27 Feb 25
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Short Films 45'<
Standard Fee13$ -8% 11.96$ PRO 33% 8.71$
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
27 Feb 25
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Short Films 45'<
Standard Fee13$ -8% 11.96$ PRO 33% 8.71$
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
27 Feb 25
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Belarussian Films
Short Films 35'< (2022+)
No Fee
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
27 Feb 25
Save up
Да удзелу ў беларускай секцыі Нефільтраванага кіно дапускаюцца аўтары, якія з’яўляюцца рэзідэнтамі ці грамадзянамі Рэспублікі Беларусь. Прымаюцца фільмы працягласцю да 35 хвілін, завершаныя не раней 1 студзеня 2022 года.
Кожная праца мусіць суправаджацца субтытрамі на англійскай мове. У адваротным выпадку аргкамітэт мае права адхілення заяўкі.
Удзельнік, што падаў заяўку, мусіць гарантаваць выкананне аўтарскіх правоў на дасланыя творы. Уся адказнасць за выкананне аўтарскіх правоў ляжыць на ўдзельніку. Арганізатары маюць права камерцыйнага выкарыстання фільму толькі падчас правядзення фестывалю.
Фестываль мае права выкарыстаць урыўкі з фільмаў (не даўжэй за 10 сек. з кожнага), скрыншоты у мэтах прасоўвання падзеі ў сродках масавай інфармацыі, сацыяльных сетках, інтэрнэце, рэкламе.
Заяўкі аб удзеле прымаюцца да 1 снежня 2024 года.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.