Inicio Festival: 12 noviembre 2022
Fin Festival: 16 noviembre 2022
The PiterKiT International Student Film Festival (hereinafter referred to as the Festival), is an international festival, based on the criteria for categorising film festivals as international film festivals, approved by Decree No. 78 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2 February 2019;
The Festival programme is open to national and foreign films, or films which production is in accordance with the international agreements of the Russian Federation together with the producers of the film who are foreign citizens, stateless persons or foreign legal entities;
A jury composed of leading Russian and foreign cultural and artistic figures is set up to evaluate the Festival’s competition programme.
According to the results of the Second Stage of the competition, the professional jury awards prizes in the following nominations:
The Grand-Prix
The Best Feature Film
The Best Non-fiction Film
The Best Animated Film
The Audience Opinion Award
The screenwriting jury’s prize for the Best Screenplay
The jury is entitled to award some other Competition films and screenplays with diplomas.
At the end of the feature-length debut films competition, a professional jury awards a prize in the following nomination:
The Prize for best feature-length debut film
The jury is entitled to award some other films and screenplays with diplomas for their individual qualities.
The International Student Film Festival PiterKiT is held in Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation.
The First stage of the PiterKiT Festival is carried out in October 14 -18, 2022.
The Second stage and the feature-length debut film competition of the PiterKiT Festival is carried out in November 12−16, 2022 (online or in traditional format on the various venues of the Festival).
The Festival is a part of the educational process. The main events of the Festival are held at the Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television and other venues in Saint Petersburg.
The Festival consists of three Competitions and a Screenplay Competition.
The First stage of the International Student Film Festival PiterKiT
The Second stage of the PiterKiT International Student Film Festival
Feature-length debut films competition
Screenplay Competitio
The Festival includes the following events: grand opening and closing ceremonies; competition shows of feature films, non-fiction and animated Russian and foreign films; discussion of films from the competition programme; screenplay competition; producer’s pitching; workshops and creative meetings with leading film-makers; special programme shows; conferences and panel discussions on the modern Cinema development.
The Festival is organised and held by the State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television (hereinafter referred as SPbGIKiT) supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg, Government of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad District.
The Festival’s General Producer is Natalia Ludvigovna Gorina, member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, PhD in Philology, Rector of SPbGIKiT.
The President of the Festival is Mikhail Sergeevich Boyarsky, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia and People’s Artist of the Russian Federation.
An Organising Committee is being set up to organise the Festival.
The objectives of the Festival are:
to show and assess the creative achievements of students of SPbGIKiT, students of Russian and foreign film, television and theatre schools;
to encourage the creative process and professional interaction between students of SPbGIKiT; to provide the opportunity to receive an assessment of their own works from a professional independent jury;
to show and to have free discussions on the results of the work of art studios;
to enhance international relationships, expansion of creative and professional contacts, experience and ideas exchange among creative art studios, film schools, students from Russia and other countries;
to attract public attention to the creativity of the younger generation — prospective film and television professionals.
to support young cinema; to develop its high social and cultural status;
to identify and support the most talented and promising students, directors and teachers;
to enlarge domestic young viewing public;
to extend business cooperation of SPbGIKiT with foreign film educational institutions.
Applications are submitted via the registration form on the site.
The Festival admits participation of feature films, non-fiction films, animated short-length films and films which have been featured during the educational process by students of professional film schools for 2021- 2022.
The Festival accepts feature-length debut films produced by graduates of professional film schools featured within 2019−2022.
Films submitted to the Festival shall not contain any propaganda of violence, national, racial and religious intolerance and shall not offend human moral feelings.
Films submitted to the Festival shall not contain information, the dissemination of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or containing obscene language.
The Festival will not accept films that have been denied distribution certificates on the grounds specified in subparagraphs "b — d" of paragraph 18 of the "Rules for the Issuance, Refusal to Issue and Revoke a Distribution Certificate for a Film", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2016 143 "On Approval of the Rules for Issuance, Refusal to Issue and Revocation of a Film Distribution Certificate and the Rules for Maintaining the State Register of Films" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2016, N 10, Art. 1415, N 52, Art. 7677) (hereinafter — the Rules), or films for which the distribution certificates were revoked on the basis specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 20 of the Rules.
The Festival will only consider films which have not participated in the PiterKiT Festivals of previous years.
Film running time submitted in the short film competition shall not be more than 30 minutes
Author’s application should provide the following:
information about their film — country, year of production, title and short synopsis in Russian and English languages, 3 film stills, trailer, poster;
information about film director and film crew, director’s photo;
dialogue continuity in English language (for foreign films);
hard subtitles in English;
link to the film’s watching and downloading for showing, it shall meet the Festival’s technical requirements: codec h.264; resolution 1920*1080; progressive 25fps (1080p25) or interlaced 50fps (1080i50); Field Dominance: Upper or Upper Field First; maximum quality: 20 mbps; Audio 16 bit, 48000Hz, stereo, no compression.
The Festival Organising Committee has the right to exclude the film from the competition programme in case of failure to submit the film and accompanying materials within the stated deadline or in case the submitted copy of the film does not meet the technical requirements.
The Festival Organising Committee decides when and what order the selected film will be screened and showed in the Competition Programme.
Copies of films on digital media submitted for the Festival participation shall not be given back to authors but stored in the Festival archive.
Applying for the Festival Contest Programme participation, the author gives their consent to the processing their personal data, as defined in the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 152-FZ 'On Personal Data', indicated in the application and in materials submitted to the Contest, by any means (including collection, systematisation, accumulation, storage, specification, use, distribution, depersonalisation, blocking and destruction), and confirms that giving this consent they act freely by their own will and for own benefit. The author guarantees that they obtained consent for personal data processing from other individuals working on the film submitted for the Contest, and if necessary, upon request of the Festival Organising Committee it shall be provided to the latter.
By submitting an application for participation in the Competition Programme of the Festival, the author consents to the show of the film at the Festival sites in person, in cinemas, online and on the Internet.
Applications for the Festival Film Competition Programme participation shall be submitted until September 5, 2022.
Official selection and compiling of the Festival Programme for the First stage shall be carried out until September 30, 2022.
Official selection and compiling of the Festival Programme for the Second stage and the feature-length debut film competition are carried out until 23 October 2022.
The formation and selection of films for the Competition Programme is carried out by the Selection Committee formed by the Organsing Committee of the Festival.
The Competition Programme with the list of films is published on the website at least 2 weeks prior the Festival.
The Festival Organising Committee reserves the right to use film episodes (no more than three minutes) for Festival promotion.
Applicant of a film, to whom the dispute arises, is liable to any third-parties claims and actions dealt with the copyrights and related rights.
The Festival Organising Committee reserves the right to use film-winners for recording and DVD releases aimed at the Festival promotion.
The Festival Organising Committee reserves the right to videotape and use video recordings of the Festival events in the Internet and Mass Media aimed at the Festival popularisation.
Due to regulations the Organising Committee reserves the right to hold shows of submitted films within the Festival dates of the First Stage, October 14−18, 2022, the Second Stage, November 12−16, 2022, in the online format, the Internet or an exclusive venue (partner of the Festival).
Participation in the Festival presumes unconditional consent to its Regulations.
The Second Stage of the Festival includes: the show of the films of the First Stage of the International Student Film Festival PiterKit featured by the students of SPbGIKiT and awarded with prizes, Special Diplomas for Professional Solutions, and Audience Opinion Award as well as films of other Russian and foreign film schools and feature-length debut films that were admitted to the Official Selection.
The Festival Programme includes the following events: holding the grand opening and closing ceremonies of the Festival; competition shows of Russian and foreign films — feature films, non-fiction films, animated films; a competition for feature-length debut films; screenplay competition; workshops and creative meetings with leading film-makers; theatre showings of creative higher educational institutions of Saint Petersburg; special programme shows; conferences and panel discussions on the modern Cinema development, etc.
The Second Stage of the Festival admits the films of the First Stage of the International Student Film Festival PiterKit featured by the students of SPbGIKiT and awarded with prizes, Special Diplomas for Professional Solutions, and Audience Opinion Award as well as films of other Russian and foreign film schools and feature-length debut films chosen for the Official Selection.
Films without a logo and/or credits with the name of the film school are not allowed to participate in the competition. The selection of films from other Russian and foreign film schools for the second Festival stage is carried out by reviewing all submitted films and putting grades for each film by the qualification panel arranged by the
The Festival programme should not exceed 15 viewing hours.
Examination of student works participating in the Festival competitions is carried out by a professional jury formed by the Festival Organising Committee.
The professional jury of the Festival consists of leading figures of culture and art. The Organising Committee of the Festival assumes the expenses for the stay of each member of the jury, their travel to the Festival and back, as well as for the processing of invitation letters and consular fees.
The number of the jury members is determined by the Organising Committee.
Short Film
Cortometrajes 30'< (2021+)
Sin tasa
Fecha límite de inscripción
05 sep 22
Author’s application should provide the following:
information about their film — country, year of production, title and short synopsis in Russian and English languages, 3 film stills, trailer, poster;
information about film director and film crew, director’s photo;
dialogue continuity in English language (for foreign films);
hard subtitles in English;
link to the film’s watching and downloading for showing, it shall meet the Festival’s technical requirements: codec h.264; resolution 1920*1080; progressive 25fps (1080p25) or interlaced 50fps (1080i50); Field Dominance: Upper or Upper Field First; maximum quality: 20 mbps; Audio 16 bit, 48000Hz, stereo, no compression.
Feature-length debut film
Corto y Largometrajes (2019+)
Sin tasa
Fecha límite de inscripción
05 sep 22
Author’s application should provide the following:
information about their film — country, year of production, title and short synopsis in Russian and English languages, 3 film stills, trailer, poster;
information about film director and film crew, director’s photo;
dialogue continuity in English language (for foreign films);
hard subtitles in English;
link to the film’s watching and downloading for showing, it shall meet the Festival’s technical requirements: codec h.264; resolution 1920*1080; progressive 25fps (1080p25) or interlaced 50fps (1080i50); Field Dominance: Upper or Upper Field First; maximum quality: 20 mbps; Audio 16 bit, 48000Hz, stereo, no compression.
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