You Are the Judge - Web3 International Film Festival (6)

Dates limites

01 mars 2025
Appel à Inscriptions

01 mai 2025
Date limite finale


10 mai 2025
Date de notification

25 mai 2025
27 mai 2025


Causeway Bay / Chaoyang District,  999077, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >5' 30'<
Festival de long métrage >60' 100'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique et en ligne
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >5' 30'<
 Long-métrage  >60' 100'<
 Toutes langues
Chinese English
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of You Are the Judge - Web3 International Film Festival
Photo of You Are the Judge - Web3 International Film Festival
Photo of You Are the Judge - Web3 International Film Festival
Photo of You Are the Judge - Web3 International Film Festival

French ML

Début du Festival: 25 mai 2025      Fin du Festival: 27 mai 2025

The You Are the Judge Web3 International Film Festival, brought to you by the creators of WTe, the Web3 film-watching and trading platform, redefines the festival experience by letting audiences decide the winners with NFT Festival Passes.

With the motto "You are the judge, everyone is a judge," we democratize film selection, focusing on Drama, Horror, Action, and Erotica. Our goal is to find films that blend artistic expression with commercial potential, fostering a community-driven environment using Web3 technology.

Award winners receive prize money in USDT on a specified blockchain, along with free international distribution services. We promote the winning films globally, returning the distribution revenue directly to filmmakers. We believe in the commercial value of films selected by our audience.

Join over 500 filmmakers and 3,000 film fans from 50+ countries for a unique mix of screenings, Q&A sessions, and discussions.

You Are the Judge Web3 International Film Festival is not just a celebration of cinema; it's a pioneering event at the intersection of creativity, technology, and community, embracing the decentralized future of the film industry.

Save the dates for our highly anticipated 6th edition, set against the backdrop of Beijing, China, from May 25th to 27th, 2025. We welcome submissions across four categories: Drama (short & feature), Action (short & feature), Horror (short & feature), and Erotica (short only).





Winners of You Are the Judge will receive a cash prize in cryptocurrency and free international distribution on the WTe platform.

1. Prize Money
Winners receive cash prizes in USDT on the Solana blockchain:
· 15 USDT (approx. $15) for short films
· 20 USDT (approx. $20) for feature films.

2. Free Global Distribution:
We are also offering free international distribution services for award-winning short films, including subtitle translation, marketing posters and much more.

For more information, contact the organizers via email.

1. Submissions Deadline: All film submissions must be completed by May 1st, 2025.

2. Film Categories and Originality: Films must fall within or relate to the following four categories and must be original works:

① Drama (short & feature)
② Action (short & feature)
③ Horror (short & feature)
④ Erotic (short only): All filmmakers, actors, and actresses of this theme must be 18 years or older.

3. Film Length Requirements: Short Films must have a duration of 5-30 minutes, including credits. Feature Films must have a duration of 60-100 minutes, including credits.

4. Production Year and Premiere: No restrictions.

5. Technical Specifications:
- Film display size must not be smaller than 1920x1080 pixels.
- Accepted file formats are MP4 or MOV.
- Films MUST include both English and Chinese subtitles. Subtitles can be generated using AI tools such as ChatGPT.

6. Visual Material Submission: Film applications must include:

- IMPRESSIVE synopsis within 300 words in both English and Chinese.

- 3 ATTRACTIVE film stills.

- 2 official posters (horizontal and vertical).
Upload these materials directly to the submission platform or send them via email to [] with the theme "Short/Feature-Project Name-Filmmaker’s Name". Submitting your movie, you authorize You Are the Judge to use, distribute and share the film poster, trailer, fragment, synopsis, movie stills and other materials in our social media and site.

7. Multiple Entries: Filmmakers may submit multiple entries as long as each film is submitted with its own Entry Form, online screener and paid Entry Fee.

8. Fees and Refunds: Submission fees and audience tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-REIMBURSABLE under any circumstances.

9. Withdrawal of Submission: Once a film has been submitted, it cannot be withdrawn from consideration.

10. Rights and Clearances: By submitting a film, you guarantee that you hold all necessary rights and clearances for the film, including the legal right to both enter the film into the "You Are the Judge" Web3 International Film Festival and to screen it publicly online and offline. It should be noted that "You Are the Judge" does not provide payment for online or offline screening fees.

11. Selection for Offline Screening: Based on the number of votes, 10-15 films will be selected for each category for offline screening. These works will be showcased to global investors, producers, studio representatives, distributors, movie fans and Web3 enthusiasts. Submitters of the selected films will be notified via email. Once again, the festival does not provide screening fees.

12. Authorization: You agree to allow The "You Are the Judge" Web3 International Film Festival to screen your film online and offline if selected for the festival and you remain obligated to this commitment.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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