INSTIDOC - Ciclo do Documentário Institucional (0)

Dates limites

16 mars 2016
Appel à Inscriptions

15 juin 2016
Festival fermé

01 sept. 2016
Date de notification

11 oct. 2016
15 oct. 2016


Avenida Samora Machel 468,  CP 491, Maputo, Maputo, Mozambique

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage
Festival de long métrage

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2012
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
English Portuguese
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux


Début du Festival: 11 octobre 2016      Fin du Festival: 15 octobre 2016

INSTIDOC – Ciclo do Documentário Institucional welcomes films with no running time limit, which have been produced after January 2012.

The film’s genre must be documentary and have an institutional nature.

Films can document any topic and can be spoken in any language. Films that are not Portuguese spoken must be subtitled in Portuguese or in English.

National or International films are accepted.

The institutions, production companies and/or directors can submit more than one film.


1. INSTIDOC – Ciclo do Documentário Institucional welcomes films with no running time limit, which have been produced after January 2012.

2. The film’s genre must be documentary and have an institutional nature.

3. National or International films are accepted.

4. The institutions, production companies and/or directors can submit more than one film.

5. Films can document any topic and can be spoken in any language. Films that are not Portuguese spoken must be subtitled in Portuguese or in English.

6. The INSTIDOC – Ciclo do Documentário Institucional organization reserves the right to use the films, short clips, and promotion material to promote the exhibition.

7. Screeners (DVDs) will not be returned, except under request. INSTIDOC holds the right of keeping the screeners in archive. Any public projection of the films is subject to prior authorization by its rights holders.

8. INSTIDOC reserves the right of admission and programming of any of the exhibition submitted films.

9. The holding institutions of the documentaries will be notified, through the email contact provided, when the films
are received.

10. INSTIDOC will inform, through the provided email contact, on the admission of the work(s).

11. Film submission: the required material must be submitted by 15th of June 2016, to the attention of INSTIDOC – Ciclo do Documentário Institucional using one of the following options:

1. By courier or hand to the following address:

Av. Samora Machel, 468 CP 491 – Maputo Moçambique

Required material for submission:

Registration form filled;
2 DVD copies properly identified – Institution, Film Title and Contact

‐ Given the post offices constrains in Mozambique, it is recommended that the international films are sent through international logistic companies or express registered courier.

‐ It is advisable that all candidates NOTIFY the organization of INSTIDOC, by email or telephone, after sending of the films.

2. By email to the address

Required material for submission:

Registration Form filled;
Send the complete film, in high resolution.

3. Festhome



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