Pas de Frais
Date limite d’inscriptions
11 nov. 16
25 sept. 2016
Appel à Inscriptions
11 nov. 2016
Festival fermé
16 nov. 2016
Date de notification
28 nov. 2016
28 nov. 2016
Début du Festival: 28 novembre 2016 Fin du Festival: 28 novembre 2016 is offering £10,000 of prizes to filmmakers who can stop someone scrolling through their social media newsfeed with just 60 seconds of film.
Films can be no longer than 60 seconds and must be titled ‘Avoiding the Unexpected’. Other than this there are very few rules. Films will be judged on content and impact.
Prix en espèces: 12,500€
We will award £7,000 for the best film submitted. The second and third runners-up will get £2,000 and £1,000, respectively.
Films must be no longer than 60 seconds long.
Films must be suitable for anyone. Avoid naughty things like violence, bad language and nudity.
Entrants must be 18+ and UK residents.
Pas de Frais
Date limite d’inscriptions
11 nov. 16