Trujillo International Independent Film Festival (3)

Dates limites

12 janv. 2018
Appel à Inscriptions

29 janv. 2018
Date limite précoce

29 mars 2018
Date limite standard

29 mai 2018
Date limite retardée

10 sept. 2018
Festival fermé

30 sept. 2018
Date de notification

27 sept. 2018
30 sept. 2018


Jirón Diego de Almagro 149,  13008, Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 45'<
Festival de long métrage >45'

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  45'<
 Long-métrage  >45'
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Trujillo International Independent Film Festival
Photo of Trujillo International Independent Film Festival
Photo of Trujillo International Independent Film Festival
Photo of Trujillo International Independent Film Festival


Début du Festival: 27 septembre 2018      Fin du Festival: 30 septembre 2018

The World Cinema will be present in the third edition of the Trujillo International Independent Film Festival, with short and feature film productions; In an event that will last four days in the important Peruvian city of Trujillo, from September 27 to 30, 2018.

Award for Best Feature Film COMEDY
Award for Best Feature Film DRAMA
Award for Best Feature Film ACTION / THRILLER
Award for Best Feature Film HORROR
Award for Best Feature Film SCI-FI
Award for Best Feature Film ANIMATION
Award for Best Feature Film EXPERIMENTAL
Award for Best Feature Film DOCUMENTARY
Award for Best Short Film COMEDY
Award for Best Short Film DRAMA
Award for Best Short Film ACTION / THRILLER
Award for Best Short Film HORROR
Award for Best Short Film SCI-FI
Award for Best Short Film ANIMATION
Award for Best Short Film EXPERIMENTAL
Award for Best Short Film DOCUMENTARY

1.- Duration:
The feature films presented should last more than 45 minutes, with a maximum of 280 minutes. Short films should be under 45 minutes, with a minimum of 1 minute.
2.- Nationality.
The festival has an international character, so works of any nationality will be accepted.
3.- Number of works.
Each producer, director or distributor may submit as many works as he or she wishes.
4.- Language:
All films that are not spoken in Spanish must have subtitles in English or Spanish.
5. Decisions of judges:
The adjudication decisions and the official results of the judges are final; They have no appeal. The jury will be composed of five members related to the national and Latin American film industry.
6.- Sending the films:
All payments and shipments must be received through allied platforms; With previous inscription in some of them. The festival accepts presentations only through the Screener online platform system.
7.- Categories in competition:
7.1.- Feature film
Feature film COMEDY
Feature film DRAMA
Feature film HORROR
Feature film SCI-FI
Feature film ANIMATION
Feature film DOCUMENTARY
7.2.- Short film
Short film COMEDY
Short Film DRAMA
Short Film HORROR
Short Film SCI-FI
8.- Notification:
The organization notifies submissions of acceptance as well as submissions not accepted. This notification is made by the festival website, the registration platform and by social networks. The date is September 22, 2018.
9.- Copies of projection.
The selected short films will require a projection copy, which they can send through either the short film registration platforms or digital download links (Wetransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive, Mega, etc).
10.- Disqualification of the entry:
Entries received, delayed or incomplete may be disqualified. Film whose vimeo link is defective will not be evaluated; Without right to claim entry fee.
11.- Entry Fees:
The entrance fees are payable through the payment systems of the platforms and are not refundable.
12.- Registration dates.
The deadline for the receipt of short films will be opened on January 11st, 2018 and will be closed on September 10, 2018. The fees will be as follows:
1st closing: January 29th: FEATURE: $ 11; SHORT: $ 8
2nd closing: March 29: FEATURE: $ 14; SHORT: $ 11
3rd closing: May 29th: FEATURE: $ 17; SHORT: $ 14
4th closing: July 29th: FEATURE: $ 20; SHORT: $ 17
5th closing: September 10th: FEATURE: $ 23; SHORT: $ 20

13.- Awards:
The following prizes will be awarded:
Feature film
Award for Best Feature Film COMEDY
Award for Best Feature Film DRAMA
Award for Best Feature Film ACTION / THRILLER
Award for Best Feature Film HORROR
Award for Best Feature Film SCI-FI
Award for Best Feature Film ANIMATION
Award for Best Feature Film EXPERIMENTAL
Award for Best Feature Film DOCUMENTARY
Short film
Award for Best Short Film COMEDY
Award for Best Short Film DRAMA
Award for Best Short Film ACTION / THRILLER
Award for Best Short Film HORROR
Award for Best Short Film SCI-FI
Award for Best Short Film ANIMATION
Award for Best Short Film EXPERIMENTAL
Award for Best Short Film DOCUMENTARY

14.- Copyright:
Participants are responsible for obtaining the necessary licenses to present their work. The Festival Organization is not responsible for any claims involving copyright, trademark, credit or copyright infringement related to the work.
15.- Final conditions:
- Upon registration the participant accepts all the Rules, Terms, Conditions, Guidelines and Exemption of Guarantees related to the Festival.
- No promotional material and / or promotional material will be returned to the filmmaker.
- Accepted film projections are subject to delays or changes at any time with or without notice.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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