Hacer Encima (0)

Dates limites

15 mai 2018
Appel à Inscriptions

13 juil. 2018
Festival fermé

14 juil. 2018
Date de notification

22 juil. 2018
30 sept. 2018


Pasaje Lafargue E4-50 y 9 de Octubre,  70519, Quito, Pichincha, Spain

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique et en ligne
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Toutes langues
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima


Début du Festival: 22 juillet 2018      Fin du Festival: 30 septembre 2018

Chulpicine began its work in 2002 with the first ever Itinerant Children & Youth Film Festival in Quito. The warm welcome that the project received allowed the festival to become an annual event during the months of July to September, bringing an educational and entertaining event at no cost, to sectors with few cultural activities.

Thanks to the positive reaction, Chulpicine became a cultural and educational non-profit foundation in June 2004. After more than 10 years of experience, Chulpicine have reach a stable proposal and working methodology that has spread at national level. The Festival has promoted the creation of coaching staff; cultural managers working in different communities; and a large group of followers.

Chulpicine has designed a set of activities and workshops for institutions, community organizations or outreach workers to educate and train in different areas related to cinema, audiovisual, communication and Internet used as social intervention tools. These activities and workshops have been the beginning of a formation of learning communities by harnessing the capabilities of young people, as well as the setting up of an active and engaged network of social facilitators through the film and audiovisual work.

The Foundation carries out the following program lines: training; intervention; appropriation of public spaces; diffusion and production. This line of work is an alternative to foster community networks to develop communication skills, analysis and reflection in the various stakeholders of the community, thereby strengthening its organizational and self-development skills.

The foundation has a multidisciplinary team currently working on the projects. These people are responsible for different areas: there is a psychologist, a producer, a programmer, a communicator and an accountant. In addition, every year about 12 people are hired to assist in the implementation of activities. This group is made up of people who have worked in the past in the festival and some new young people that wish to join the group. Also, each year we have the support of volunteers from different organizations.

The kids-jury members get together at the end of the festival to deliberate about the best films in each categorie. There are 3 intensive sessions for deliberation. During these sessions, the youngsters discuss and analyze the previous selection made by the audience’s votes. (After every screening the audience receive a voting ballot where one can rate the movies. From here comes out the selection of movies that reaches the jury.) The jury is led by one skilled adult that help produce and evaluate each movie discussion.

The target group of this Festival are children, youth and families from diverse sectors of the Metropolitan District of Quito; 4 corners of the Pichincha province; and the provinces of Napo, Sucumbios, Orellana, Imbabura, Zamora Chinchipe, Chota and Guayas, with priority to areas that have less access to cultural activities and mayor social problems.

The population that benefits from Chulpicine Film Festival is a non-homogeneous child audience that varies depending on their conditions, geographic location and different backgrounds. In the provinces of Napo, Orellana, Sucumbios, Imbabura, Zamora Chinchipe the audience is made up of groups of different nationalities and diverse cultural / ethnic backgrounds. It has been enhanced the work with indigenous communities, which has been considered a growth opportunity.

Places where daily life is pierced by conflicts (typical of border areas), youth have been questioned by this cinema proposal, that besides the approach to arts, entertainment and cultural process has open a breach of curiosity and new interests in the young people.

Since the seventh edition, the festival has expanded its areas, empowering young promoters in east and central regions of Ecuador. These promoters are called 'chiulpimonitores' and are responsible for stimulating encounters about audiovisuals and organize spaces, auditions and workshops.

To the screenings are invited municipal and public schools, and sometimes private schools. Also during the Festival are organized screenings addressed to ‘the whole family’ with special programs and after activities.

Another important group that the festival addresses are handicap children. Special screenings are organized for deaf children or children with general learning disabilities. This year the festival is hosting a special presentation of the work of a Dutch girl with autism.

Estimated number of visitors / persons reached: 8000 children and teenagers.

Is possible to register in the Festival all those original shorts, animation, real image, documentary, fiction, series or television programs to children and youth in the following categories

From 0 to 6 years
From 7 to 14 years
From 15 to 18 years.

- Spanish original language
- Films dubbed into Spanish.
- Films without dialogues (Only few films with Spanish subtitles will be selected to be presented in special screenings designed for schools to groups over 14 years old. Unfortunately, the public in most rural areas are not trained to read subtitles).

- No limit per year of production

- Registration is free.

- Having been presented or awarded at other festivals is not an obstacle to participate in the official competition sections.

Is possible to register in the Festival all those original shorts, animation, real image, documentary, fiction, series or television programs to children and youth in the following categories

From 0 to 6 years
From 7 to 14 years
From 15 to 18 years.

- Spanish original language
- Films dubbed into Spanish.
- Films without dialogues (Only few films with Spanish subtitles will be selected to be presented in special screenings designed for schools to groups over 14 years old. Unfortunately, the public in most rural areas are not trained to read subtitles).

- No limit per year of production

- Registration is free.

- Having been presented or awarded at other festivals is not an obstacle to participate in the official competition sections.



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