GeNerK Fest (0)

Dates limites

28 oct. 2015
Appel à Inscriptions

31 déc. 2015
Date limite précoce

29 févr. 2016
Date limite standard

31 mars 2016
Date limite retardée

30 avril 2016
Festival fermé

30 juin 2016
Date de notification

15 oct. 2016
15 oct. 2016


1271 Avenue of the Americas Suite 4300,  10020, New York, NY, United States

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 20'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  20'<
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux


Début du Festival: 15 octobre 2016      Fin du Festival: 15 octobre 2016

We hope everyone has fun and enjoys themselves at the festival but a few suggestions...

Please submit as soon as possible. The process goes a lot smoother if we are not sent a lot of films at the last minute. THANKS!
This is a short film festival for films 20 minutes or less in length.

This year, we are strongly encouraging entrants to submit a link to private YouTube or Vimeo screener not a hard-copy of the film. If you must submit a hardcopy please use a paper DVD sleeve. When packaging, protect the DVD in a padded envelope, or similar package. Please DO NOT send your dvd in a slim, jewel, or standard DVD case, they almost always break in shipping.

Please note that the ONLY difference in the early submission deadline versus the final submission deadline is the fee discount. The submission process and consideration by the Programming Committee is not affected by the date you submit your film as long as it is postmarked by our final deadline - your chances are equal regardless of the day your film makes it into our offices, as long as it is postmarked by the final deadline!

ALL films submitted to the festival are seen and scored by two or more different programmers. All films that have a higher average, or are a favorite of a programmer, go on to final deliberations. GeNerk selects its films by majority vote and nothing is offered early acceptance.

Film Submissions are non-returnable for any reason.

If a film is accepted, entrants will be solely responsible for delivering their exhibition video materials to and from the festival venue. Complete press kits will be needed as soon after notification as possible. GeNerk cannot be held liable for your exhibition print/video materials which are lost or damaged.
Please note festival dates are subject to change.

Unfortunately, GeNerk does not provide room, board or travel for filmmakers.

For the best of the festival in each category gets a plague.

As a condition of entering the GeNerk Fest, hereafter known as GF, I/we hereby certify that:

1. I/we am/are the sole creators of the film, script, short stories, poems which I/we have submitted to the GF.

2. I/we warrant as sole and exclusive owner(s) of all legal right and title thereto have absolute authority to submit the enclosed material to GF.

3. I/we understand that the GF will not return and is not obligated to return my film or any other materials I/we have submitted to the GF.

4. I/we hereby grant the GF the nonexclusive right to use my name, photograph, and likeness in connection with any and all publicity and promotional activities regarding the GF.

5. For filmmakers: GF may transfer the submitted material to a compilation NTSC DVD for screening, if needed, and if the submitted material is selected for screening the compilation DVD may be used by GF for promotional purposes.

6. I/we will indemnify and hold harmless GF, its judges, sponsors and partners, individually and collectively, from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses including legal expenses arising out of or in connection with any and all claims, or third party claims based on material submitted to GF.

7. I/we shall be solely responsible for taking all necessary steps to establish and protect my/our copyright in the submitted material, and the GF shall have no obligation with respect thereto. The GF shall have the right to reproduce all or part of said material for use in its publicity and any and all related communication directly associated with GF.

8. I/we have read all of the festival rules, regulations and releases, understand them, and have complied with them. I/we understand that the festival rules, regulations and releases may change or be updated, and that it is my responsibility to read, understand and comply with any changes or updates.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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