Hacer Encima ()

Dates limites

01 mai 2024
Appel à Inscriptions

20 juin 2024
Festival fermé

22 nov. 2024
Date de notification

21 nov. 2024
24 nov. 2024


, Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, Colombia

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >25' 30'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >25' 30'<
 Toutes langues
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima


Début du Festival: 21 novembre 2024      Fin du Festival: 24 novembre 2024

Festival Start: November 21,2024 Festival End: November 24,2024

FICEM is an artistic project and international film dissemination carried out from an Afrodiasporic reading in San Basilio de Palenque in Colombia, a corner of Africa in America and declared cultural and intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

The festival takes its name from the first Afro-Colombian film actor Evaristo Márquez, a participant in films such as La Quemada (1969) alongside Marlon Brando and directed by Gillo Pontecorvo among others.

FICEM continues with the conviction of continuing to be one of the most suitable strategies for the conservation of heritage, history, but above all the construction of a more conscious mentality with the capacity for analysis and reflection, both in the youth and adult populations of the Afro communities and the world in general, through cinema and socio-cultural initiatives.

Evaristo Márquez's Golden Plate,digital certificate and scholarships
Shipping costs are the responsibility of the participant.

Fiction, animation and/or documentary short films of national and international origin with a maximum duration of 30 minutes.

Fiction, animation and/or documentary feature films of national and international origin with a maximum duration of 125 minutes

Music videos, advertising spots, pornography and content that violates the audience's sensitivity are not accepted.



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