ANGAELICA Miami Beach (0)

Dates limites

05 sept. 2014
Appel à Inscriptions

31 juil. 2014
Date limite standard

30 sept. 2014
Date limite retardée

30 sept. 2014
Festival fermé

30 oct. 2014
Date de notification

04 déc. 2014
07 déc. 2014


PO BOX 2247,  90294, Venice, California, United States

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 30'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  30'<
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux


Début du Festival: 04 décembre 2014      Fin du Festival: 07 décembre 2014

Angaelica is a non profit organization rooted in the arts and ecology. We are connecting artists and collaborators to help projects both with their execution, completion as well as finding their audience, while maintaining their uniqueness and extraordinary originality. We believe in the power of storytelling. And we believe in supporting one another and cultivating sustainable creative communities.

Angaelica curates a gallery and event during Art Basel Miami Beach, notably the finest contemporary art event in the US. We are proud to be celebrating our community of artists and their work at this unparalleled event. Please join us.

We develop unique community events to support and encourage artists and film makers. Believing in the power of art, film and storytelling. The Festivals desire is to connect artists and their creations to a community locally as well as globally.

Our festivals grow organically through the ideas and suggestions of the artists involved. We allow our filmmakers to express themselves by being a fundamental part of the development and production of our events. We hope to foster extensive connection and collaboration opportunities.

ART FILM - LARGE (more than 30min)

The truth is... We hope we cannot begin to describe your film. Your film is art. We are looking for the most unique, avant garde, and original use of the medium of film. We are completely open. Our event during Art Basel Miami Beach is more than a gallery. We host interactive film, performance based film and compelling visions that challenge our sense of being. We love all forms of animation, underground art film, music performance based film, cinema on ice, projections on an audience and we celebrate the unusual. We love you to be a part of your film. We want to be amazed by what you do. If you have a film that doesn't fit in any box, maybe you have trouble describing it, but you know you have made something special and it is truly out of the ordinary, we want to share it! And we look forward to hearing from you.

ART FILM - MEDIUM (more than10min - less than 30min)

The truth is... We hope we cannot begin to describe your film. Your film is art. We are looking for the most unique, avant garde, and original use of the medium of film. We are completely open. Our event at Art Basel is more than a gallery. We host interactive film, performance based film and compelling visions that challenge our sense of being. We love all forms of animation, underground art film, music performance based film, cinema on ice, projections on an audience and we celebrate the unusual. We love you to be a part of your film. We want to be amazed by what you do. If you have a film that doesn't fit in any box, maybe you have trouble describing it, but you know you have made something special and it is truly out of the ordinary, we want to share it! And we look forward to hearing from you.

ART FILM - SMALL (up to 10min)

The truth is... We hope we cannot begin to describe your film. Your film is art. We are looking for the most unique, avant garde, and original use of the medium of film. We are completely open. Our event at Art Basel is more than a gallery. We host interactive film, performance based film and compelling visions that challenge our sense of being. We love all forms of animation, underground art film, music performance based film, cinema on ice, projections on an audience and we celebrate the unusual. We love you to be a part of your film. We want to be amazed by what you do. If you have a film that doesn't fit in any box, maybe you have trouble describing it, but you know you have made something special and it is truly out of the ordinary, we want to share it! And we look forward to hearing from you.

By submitting you are acknowledging that you have the rights to all submitted materials. And the festival is granted the rights to use your film or excerpts thereof for promotional purposes of the festival herein.

We develop unique community events to support and encourage artists and film makers. Believing in the power of film and storytelling. The Festivals desire to connect artists and their creations to a community both locally as well as globally.

Our festivals grow organically through the ideas and suggestions of the artists involved. We allow our filmmakers to express themselves by being a fundamental part of the development and production of our events. We hope to foster extensive connection and collaboration opportunities.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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