Black Arts Film Festival (0)

Dates limites

12 mars 2015
Appel à Inscriptions

20 avril 2015
Festival fermé

20 avril 2015
Date de notification

30 avril 2015
30 avril 2015


342 East Parker,  70803, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 15'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival Continental
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  15'<
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux


There is no restriction on film content, but the film must be in good taste.
The short film must not exceed 15 minutes, and will have to be reviewed by the Festival Committee before being accepted for the showcase.

We ask that you submit all material with your full name, classification (if applicable), and where you are from. Content needs to be either on flash drive (to be transferred), CD/DVD, or downloadable link.

In the event that we exceed capacity of submissions received. and are not able to showcase your work, filmmakers will receive a refund of the entry fee the week following the festival.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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