14° Festival internacional Signos da Noite Lisboa, Portugal (0)

Dates limites

25 juil. 2016
Appel à Inscriptions

31 août 2016
Festival fermé

15 sept. 2016
Date de notification

01 oct. 2016
09 oct. 2016


-,  -, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 30'<
Festival de long métrage

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2014
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  30'<
English Portuguese
English Portuguese
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux


Début du Festival: 01 octobre 2016      Fin du Festival: 09 octobre 2016

Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris, Berlin, Saarbrücken, Lisbon, and with special screenings world wide. The festival in Paris actually presents around 300 films coming from around 50 countries at different places in Paris. In Berlin the festival will be performed in the legendary cinema Babylon.

The International Festival SIGNES DE NUIT based in Paris is made up of films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.

The minor costs of digital production makes an independant- from comercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independant productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.

This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the International Festival Signes de Nuit, which has realized screenings and interventions in 29 different countries including Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Lebanon, Lithuania, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States beside the screenings in main festival in Paris.

Declaration of awards by International Juries

Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris, Berlin, Saarbrücken, Lisbon and with special screenings world wide. The festival in Paris actually presents around 300 films coming from around 50 countries at different places in Paris.

The Festival internacional Signos da Noite based in Lisbon is made up of films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.

The minor costs of digital production makes an independant- from comercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independant productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.

This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the Festival internacional Signos da Noite, which has realized screenings and interventions in 29 different countries including Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Lebanon, Lithuania, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States beside the screenings in main festival in Paris.

- Allowed genres: fiction, documentary, experimental, video art.

- No animation films.

- 30 minutes max. length for shorts (fiction and experimental) in competition.

- Full length for documentaries and fiction.

- Films must have been completed on January 1st, 2014 or after.

- Films should have English or Portuguese subtitles.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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