Friday Harbor Film Festival ()

Dates limites

11 janv. 2018
Appel à Inscriptions

01 mai 2018
Date limite précoce

01 juin 2018
Date limite standard

01 juil. 2018
Date limite retardée

13 juil. 2018
Festival fermé

21 oct. 2018
Date de notification

26 oct. 2018
28 oct. 2018


10 First St./P. O. Box 2627,  98250, Friday Harbor, Washington, United States

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 40'<
Festival de long métrage >45'

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  40'<
 Long-métrage  >45'
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux


Début du Festival: 26 octobre 2018      Fin du Festival: 28 octobre 2018

Friday Harbor Film Festival features 3 days of award winning documentary films about the diverse cultures and environments of the Pacific Rim. Films will feature fascinating island cultures, revealing marine ecology, heroic adventures, sustainable agriculture, social justice, current environmental issues and stirring human interest stories. Filmmakers will be on hand throughout the event to introduce their films and participate in a forum on documentary filmmaking, mingle with filmgoers and answer questions.

-Features: Documentary and Documentary style Bio Dramas

-Shorts: Documentary, All

Prix ​​en espèces: 500$

AWARDS: Chosen by Audience voting.
Audience Choice Overall
Best Feature Film
Best Short Film
Best of theme: "Tales from the Heart"
"Explorers & Adventures"
"Things To Consider"

Winners receive large metal "Salmon" award.


Documentary films about the diverse cultures and environments of the Pacific Rim and beyond. Films will feature fascinating island cultures, revealing marine ecology, heroic adventures, sustainable agriculture, social justice, current environmental issues and stirring human- interest stories.


Film submission deadline is July 1st, 2018

-Features: Documentary and Documentary style Bio Dramas

-Shorts: All

Friday Harbor Film Festival features 3 days of award winning documentary films about the diverse cultures and environments of the Pacific Rim. Films will feature fascinating island cultures, revealing marine ecology, heroic adventures, sustainable agriculture, social justice, current environmental issues and stirring human- interest stories. Filmmakers will be on hand throughout the event to introduce their films and participate in a forum on documentary filmmaking, mingle with filmgoers and answer questions. Go to for films from past festivals.

Copyright Agreement: By entering this contest, all entrants agree that their submissions are original pieces of work, and do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others and is in compliance with all copyright laws. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to secure authorization and permission from the copyright owner(s) of any and all copyrighted content or materials included within the submitted film.

The Friday Harbor Film Festival disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any unauthorized inclusion of any copyrighted content or materials within or relating to the submitted film, including any content or materials that are or may become the basis for any third party claims for copyright infringement. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to secure authorization and permission from the owner(s) of any and all trademarked content or materials included within the submitted film. The Friday Harbor Film Festival disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any unauthorized inclusion of any trademarked content or materials within or relating to the submitted film, including any content or materials that are or may become the basis for any third party claims for trademark infringement, trademark dilution or unfair competition.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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