Grecanica International Film Festival ()

Grecanica International Film Festival

Dates limites

01 juin 2019
Appel à Inscriptions

30 sept. 2019
Date limite précoce

31 déc. 2019
Date limite standard

31 mars 2020
Date limite retardée

30 avril 2020
Festival fermé

10 mai 2020
Date de notification

15 mai 2020
17 mai 2020


Via Prunella Superiore, 168,  89063, Melito di Porto Salvo, RC, Italy

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >1' 30'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >1' 30'<
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Grecanica International Film Festival
Photo of Grecanica International Film Festival
Photo of Grecanica International Film Festival
Photo of Grecanica International Film Festival


Début du Festival: 15 mai 2020      Fin du Festival: 17 mai 2020

The Grecanica International Film Festival aims to host Documentaries, Animations, Music films produced anywhere in the world aimed at enhancing and promoting human rights, dignity, equality, lands, peoples, cultures, linguistic or historical minorities, popular and ethnic music from international productions.
The videos admitted to the competition must be in Italian or, if in other languages, they must have italian subtitles.
Subscriptions will only be made online through the site that will be advertised on newspapers and on the web.
The festival will include a series of excursions to promote the Calabrian Greek territory and enhance the language, minority culture, musical and gastronomic traditions of the entire Graekanic Area.
Stage and thematic meetings with language, culture, traditions and local gastronomy will be provided.

Best Documentary - GIFF 2020 Award
Best Animation - GIFF 2020 Award
Best Music Film - GIFF 2020 Award

In order to submit your documentary at Grecanica International Film Festival you must fully comply with these Entry Rules & Regulations, including all deadlines, film length, entry material and other requirements.

1. All non-Italian speaking films must be presented in their original version with Italian subtitles.

2. Films Entries should not exceed 30 minutes in duration excluding titles provided the titles don’t last for more than 1 extra minute.

3. Films previously entered into and screened at our festival are not eligible for re-entry in subsequent years.

4. All submissions are screened and evaluated by the GIFF Preview and Selection Committees, appointed by the festival steering committee. Their reports are final and confidential. All films received, which meet our criteria, and only winning films from the following categories - BEST DOCUMENTARY will be screened at the festival.

5. In the event of a film being withdrawn, GIFF will not be liable to refund the fee or return the materials entered.

6. GIFF will attempt to resolve any technical matter related to submission. For more information and queries, contact.

7. One entry fee per category. The same film can be entered into one or more categories, but each category requires an entry fee. If the filmmaker chooses to enter more than one category with the same film, please add an incremental numerical addendum in brackets after the title; i.e. “Film Title” (1), “Film Title” (2) etc as the system requires this differentiation in the case of multiple entries with the same title.

8. Student Filmmakers are encouraged to apply with their student identity in order to prevail occasional discounts.

9. Filmmakers are responsible for acquiring copyrights, licenses and releases for media used in their films.

10. Filmmakers retain the rights to their films.

11. Judges' decisions are final.

If your film is chosen connecting filmmakers with the audience and the filmmakers of the local community is really important to us, so we would love to have you in Roghudi during the screening of your film.
Unfortunately we cannot cover any travel or living costs.

By submitting their film, filmmakers gives GIFF the right to post their posters, trailers, website and social media links on our website.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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