Santa Cruz Film Festival ()

Dates limites

24 févr. 2020
Appel à Inscriptions

15 mars 2020
Date limite précoce

15 avril 2020
Date limite standard

15 mai 2020
Date limite retardée

15 juin 2020
Festival fermé

30 juil. 2020
Date de notification

13 oct. 2020
18 oct. 2020


1050 River St., Studio 118,  95062, Santa Cruz, California, United States

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 49'<
Festival de long métrage >50'

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2018
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  49'<
 Long-métrage  >50'
 Toutes langues
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Santa Cruz Film Festival
Photo of Santa Cruz Film Festival

Photo of Santa Cruz Film Festival
Photo of Santa Cruz Film Festival


Début du Festival: 13 octobre 2020      Fin du Festival: 18 octobre 2020

The Santa Cruz Film Festival supports and promotes film arts for the local community and for filmmakers and their audiences world-wide. Through the production of an annual film festival and year round events and educational activities, the Santa Cruz Film Festival engages the entire community in the appreciation of the film arts, and is becoming a national leader in the film festival industry for communities of our size.

Now in its 18th year, the Santa Cruz Film Festival celebrates innovative and original filmmaking in and for the Greater Monterey Bay community. Since 2002, SCFF has screened over 1600 independent films and videos including scores of quality, locally produced works to tens of thousands of enthusiastic and dedicated film lovers.

The Santa Cruz Film Festival celebrates the diverse art of talented filmmakers. SCFF presents artists who create films and videos in all genres from around the world in one of the most thought-provoking, entertaining, fun-filled regional film festivals in the country.

The Festival has been proud to not only showcase new creative talents, but also to provide an interactive experience where filmmakers, musicians, performers, artists and the community can come together to share their art and ideas and to have an enlightening and fun time.

Audience Award
Best Animated Work
Best Documentary Feature
Best Experimental Feature
Best Experimental Short
Best Locally-Produced Work
Best Narrative Feature
Best Narrative Short
Best Short Documentary
Best Student-Produced Work
Director’s Award for Artistic Merit
EarthVision Environmental Feature Award
EarthVision Environmental Short Award
Evan Kuhn Youth Film Award
Visionary Women in Film Award
Spirit of Action Prize (Feature)
Spirit of Action Prize (Short)

Films may be screened more than once during the Festival.

The Festival may use images and clips from accepted films for promotional purposes.

The Festival covers one-way shipping of exhibition materials. The Festival is not responsible for materials lost or damaged in transit.

In case of loss or damage while in possession by the Festival, the responsibility of the Festival is limited to the costs of repair or replacement of the print or video tape materials only.

Student produced work please include either proof of enrollment - copy of student ID, etc.

Santa Cruz/Monterey local produced work please include proof of residency in Santa Cruz/Monterey County - driver's license copy, etc.

Youth works please include proof of age.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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