Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+ ()

Dates limites

08 oct. 2022
Appel à Inscriptions

25 oct. 2022
Festival fermé

05 nov. 2022
Date de notification

04 nov. 2022
05 nov. 2022


Calle Esperanza Elena Caro, 2. 1º A4,  41002, SEVILLA, SEVILLA, Spain

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 60'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival National
 Lieu physique et en ligne
 janvier 2017
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  60'<
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+
Photo of Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+

Photo of Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+
Photo of Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+


Début du Festival: 04 novembre 2022      Fin du Festival: 05 novembre 2022

This Series Festival, called Queer Season, seeks to become a place where to expose the importance of making the LGTB + collective visible in a natural and real way through the series that are broadcast in our country and its great influence on the millennial generation as well as on the rest of society.

In this edition we want to open the call to new and young creators who have projects of series with an LGTB + theme and can present their works to the contest where a committee will be in charge of evaluating and selecting the best works that will be broadcast during the festival under certain criteria.

Prix ​​en espèces: 1,100€

Queer de Oro (first prize): € 750

Queer de Plata (second prize): € 350 that will be awarded by the public attending the awards ceremony. This audience will be chosen by lottery, where those interested will register on our website.

Prizes are subject to withholdings stipulated by law. They cannot be deserted, nor can they be accumulated


The main or secondary plot of the series presented must revolve around affective-sexual and gender diversity: homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, intersex, etc.


- Individuals or legal entities of any nationality or residence, over 16 years of age, both amateurs and professionals, may participate.
-The number of works that each participant can present is unlimited.


-A minimum of one episode will be presented with a maximum duration of 60 minutes, including credits. It will not be necessary for the series to have a minimum number of episodes.

-They may have been previously screened, selected or awarded in other Festivals or Competitions.

-The production of the work must be after January 1, 2017.

- The language used will be Spanish, or if it is in another language, incorporate the subtitles in that language.

- It is recommended that the video format be UltraHD 3840x2160. Other formats can be submitted (after consulting the Organization of the Contest)


The works may be submitted from the publication of this base until October 25, 2022, inclusive. Registration in the Contest is free.


The Festival Selection Committee will verify that the series submitted to the competition meet the requirements and thematic of the Contest and may reject those that it considers of poor quality.

From among the selected works, the Contest Jury, made up of audiovisual professionals and LGBT + activists, will be in charge of designating those works, up to a maximum of 6 that, in their opinion, present a higher quality.

The list of the finalist series will be published on the website www.temporadaqueer.com and in any other medium that it deems appropriate.

The people participating in the contest whose works have been selected by the jury must provide a quality copy to the Organization, at least 7 days before the screening.


The finalist series will be screened during the Gala that will take place in 5th November 2022 in the city of Seville (Spain). During it the awards ceremony will be held.

In the event that no person representing the winning shorts is present at the event, the Togayther Association will be in charge of delivering the award as soon as possible.


- The works presented may not have the broadcasting rights compromised, nor will they have been presented to any Contest that could compromise said rights.

- The contestants are responsible for the fact that the submitted works are not subject to any legal claim.

- Participation in this Contest implies acceptance and knowledge of these rules by the participants.

- The decisions of the Selection Committee, the Jury and the public will be unappealable, without any recourse against them.

- Any doubts regarding the interpretation of these bases will be resolved by the Organization of the Contest.



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