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The Short Film Project Laboratory will take place in person on April 18, 19 and 24. With the main objective of promoting the production of short films, the Laboratory has the experience of professionals who work in the audiovisual area.
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Laboratorio de Proyectos de Cortometraje - CURTACINEMA
The scripts in development category aims to encourage and support fiction feature film projects in development and give new projects the opportunity to emerge. Promote the development and production of feature films that are made within the independent framework.
Fiction projects from Latin America and other regions, such as Europe, in development that have a treatment or the first version of the script may participate. The projects must be accompanied by a dossier that contains all the project information.
Requirements: Send the script of your feature film or the treatment of your project. Along with the dossier that must include: Logline, Technical sheet, Synopsis, Director photo, Director biofilmography, Director motivation, Producer photo, Producer biofilmography, Producer motivation, Stills of the project, Personal data.
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Festival de Cine MDM - Guion en desarrollo
The main objective is to promote direct contact between Latin American series projects and those from the rest of the world in the development stage with professionals from the audiovisual industry, producers and platforms and other people responsible for the creation of episodic content from all over the world.
A maximum of 10 projects will be selected. Projects must have the bible of their project developed and the pilot chapter of their series. Projects that have the teaser of their project can also participate. The maximum duration of the pilot chapters must be 50 minutes.
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MDM Film Festival - Pilot Chapter
The International “Cinema Povero” Film Festival is open to everybody: rich film-makers, poor film-makers of any gender or religion all welcome provided they have developed a beautiful, original idea on a limited budget
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Short film script competition of up to 30 pages. Scripts that exceed that number of pages will not be accepted. All genders are welcome. The official selections will be limited to the 5 best finalists, whose scripts will be read at a table at the festival itself, performed by professional actors. A complete block of live readings for the top 5 scripts! 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (of the 5 live table reads) will be announced at the awards ceremony. TBA / TBD: Awards beyond 1st, 2nd and 3rd certificates.
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WMMINTL - Script Competition